160 research outputs found

    Anomalies of Density, Stresses, and the Gravitational Field in the Interior of Mars

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    We determined the possible compensation depths for relief harmonics of different degrees and orders. The relief is shown to be completely compensated within the depth range of 0 to 1400 km. The lateral distributions of compensation masses are determined at these depths and the maps are constructed. The possible nonisostatic vertical stresses in the crust and mantle of Mars are estimated to be 64 MPa in compression and 20 MPa in tension. The relief anomalies of the Tharsis volcanic plateau and symmetric feature in the eastern hemisphere could have arisen and been maintained dynamically due to two plumes in the mantle substance that are enriched with fluids. The plumes that originate at the core of Mars can arise and be maintained by the anomalies of the inner gravitational field achieving +800 mGal in the region of plume formation, - 1200 mGal above the lower mantle-core transition layer, and -1400 mGal at the crust.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Akademik Ioffe Cruise in the South Pacific Ocean (WOCE Section S4P, February-April 1992)

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    Esta investigación tiene por objetivo demostrar que tan influyente es el Sistema de Detracciones del Impuesto General a las Venta en la liquidez, rentabilidad de la Empresa de Transporte de Carga el Tauro Express E.I.R.L. de la Ciudad de Juliaca. Este estudio se enmarca dentro de una investigación descriptiva. La muestra de esta investigación está conformada por la empresa de transporte de carga pesada “el Tauro Express E.I.R.L.” es una muestra de un análisis documental. Por medio de la observación, análisis bibliográfico se ha establecido la relación de las variable que sostienen esta investigación han sido los Estados Financieros y los Ratios Financieros del periodo 2014. Los resultados demuestran que si hay una relación de causa – efecto entre las variables estudiadas, finalmente concluimos que el Sistema de Detracciones del Impuesto General a la Ventas, sí influye en la Liquidez de la empresa ya que al tener el dinero en la cuenta corriente del Banco de la Nación, y agregar que solo puede ser utilizado para el pago de impuestos, originan que al mismo tiempo la empresa no pueda reinvertir su Capital de Trabajo, originando que la empresa solicite productos financieros, incrementando así los Gastos Financieros, y disminuyendo la rentabilidad de la empresa.TesisJULIACAEscuela Profesional de ContabilidadT02185TCP 2 P43 2016Contabilidad financier

    The boundary integral method for magnetic billiards

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    We introduce a boundary integral method for two-dimensional quantum billiards subjected to a constant magnetic field. It allows to calculate spectra and wave functions, in particular at strong fields and semiclassical values of the magnetic length. The method is presented for interior and exterior problems with general boundary conditions. We explain why the magnetic analogues of the field-free single and double layer equations exhibit an infinity of spurious solutions and how these can be eliminated at the expense of dealing with (hyper-)singular operators. The high efficiency of the method is demonstrated by numerical calculations in the extreme semiclassical regime.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Baroclinic Transport Time Series of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Measured in Drake Passage

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    The first multiyear continuous time series of Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) baroclinic transport through Drake Passage measured by moored observations is presented. From 2007 to 2011, 19 current- and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders and 3 current-meter moorings were deployed in Drake Passage to monitor the transport during the cDrake experiment. Full-depth ACC baroclinic transport relative to the bottom has a mean strength of 127.7 ± 1.0 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) with a standard deviation of 8.1 Sv. Mean annual baroclinic transport is remarkably steady. About 65% of the baroclinic transport variance is associated with time periods shorter than 60 days with peaks at 20 and 55 days. Nearly 28% of apparent energy in the spectrum computed from transport subsampled at the 10-day repeat cycle of the Jason altimeter results from aliasing of high-frequency signals. Approximately 80% of the total baroclinic transport is carried by the Subantarctic Front and the Polar Front. Partitioning the baroclinic transport among neutral density γn layers gives 39.2 Sv for Subantarctic Surface Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water (γn \u3c 27.5 kg m−3), 57.5 Sv for Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (27.5 \u3c γn \u3c 28.0 kg m−3), 27.7 Sv for Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (28.0 \u3c γn \u3c 28.2 kg m−3), and 3.3 Sv for Antarctic Bottom Water (γn \u3e 28.2 kg m−3). The transport standard deviation in these layers decreases with depth (4.0, 3.1, 2.1, and 1.1 Sv, respectively). The transport associated with each of these water masses is statistically steady. The ACC baroclinic transport exhibits considerable variability and is a major contributor to total ACC transport variability


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    The state of stress near the bottom of a mine shaft

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