28 research outputs found

    Model of high-productive varieties in forage pea

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    A linear equation of regression was used for establishment of the influence of quantitative characteristics on the grain productivity in forage pea and for development of a model for breeding work. The model for pea plant with high productivity was characterized by average height of 60–70 cm, 8–10 formed pods, 30–40 seeds per plant and 160–260 g in regard to 1000-seed weight.The obtained results showed that the greatest effect on grain productivity had the seed number per plant, first pod height and 1000-seed weight. Kristal variety had high ecological plasticity and could be considered as close to an ideal type, suitable for growing under wide range of environments. Pleven 4 and Rezonator were determined as high-productive varieties and with low stability, Kerpo and Pikardi - as low-productive but stable varieties. Druzba was identified as unstable and low-productive variety

    Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of a Collection of Grass Pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) Genotypes

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    The genetic diversity of grass pea genotypes from the collection of the Institute of Forage Crops - Pleven, Bulgaria was studied. The effect of the environment and genotype on the number of leaves per plant, fresh and dry root weight and dry root weight of the plant have been demonstrated. The genotype factor had a greater effect on the number of nodules per plant, the weight of the dry stems and the number of pods per plant, while the environment affected the number of leaves per plant, the fresh weight of the leaves and the number of seeds per plant. The phenotypic variation in number and weight of nodules, fresh weight of leaves and stems, number and weight of plant seeds and fresh weight of plant was found stronger, however the genotypic variation was stronger in the number of leaves, fresh and dry root weight, weight of dry stems and weight of dry root mass. The signs of fresh plant weight, fresh leaf weight, number of branches and weight of seeds per plant had high values of coefficient of inheritance and moderate genetic progress (GA), suggesting that the selection may be successful in improving them

    Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of a Collection of Grass Pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) Genotypes

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    The genetic diversity of grass pea genotypes from the collection of the Institute of Forage Crops - Pleven, Bulgaria was studied. The effect of the environment and genotype on the number of leaves per plant, fresh and dry root weight and dry root weight of the plant have been demonstrated. The genotype factor had a greater effect on the number of nodules per plant, the weight of the dry stems and the number of pods per plant, while the environment affected the number of leaves per plant, the fresh weight of the leaves and the number of seeds per plant. The phenotypic variation in number and weight of nodules, fresh weight of leaves and stems, number and weight of plant seeds and fresh weight of plant was found stronger, however the genotypic variation was stronger in the number of leaves, fresh and dry root weight, weight of dry stems and weight of dry root mass. The signs of fresh plant weight, fresh leaf weight, number of branches and weight of seeds per plant had high values of coefficient of inheritance and moderate genetic progress (GA), suggesting that the selection may be successful in improving them

    Селекционна ценност на сортове бяла лупина

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    The breeding value of white lupin specimens was studied and the effect of the environment and genotype on some characteristics has been demonstrated. The role of the genotype was found the strongest for the nodulating ability of the plants. The genetic variance was within the range of 0.001 (the specific nodulating ability) to 29.16 (the number of leaves per plant), and the phenotypic variance of 0.001 (the specific nodulating ability) to 43.15 (number of leaves per plant). High genetic advance in combination with high inheritability was obtained for the number of leaves per plant (3.56, 67.58%), stem fresh weight (2.81, 68.24%) and aboveground fresh weight (1.25, 88.05%). High inheritability with low genetic advance was established for the specific nodulating ability (80.81%, 0.09) and the stem dry weight (62.60%, 0.31), indicating the involvement of no-additive gene action. The aboveground fresh weight is positively correlated with: the leaf fresh weight (r = 0.897), the leaf dry weight (r = 0.881), the plant height (r = 0.587) and the dry weight of the roots (r = 0.569). The established genetic diversity in the studied varieties allows for a targeted selection of parental forms and their inclusion in crosses on the different breeding directions.Проучена е селекционната ценност на образци бяла лупина и доказано влиянието на средата и генотипа върху проявата на изследваните признаци. Ролята на генотипа е най-силна за грудкообразуващата способност на растенията. Генетичният варианс е в границите от 0.001 (специфичната грудко образуваща способност) до 29.16 (брой листа на растение), а фенотипният варианс от 0.001 (специфичната грудкообразуваща способност) до 43.15 (брой листа на растение). За брой листа на растение (3.56; 67.58%), тегло на свежите стъбла (2.81; 68.24%) и тегло на свежата биомаса (1.25; 88.05%) е получен висок генетичен напредък съчетан с висока наследяемост. Висока наследяемост с нисък генетичен напредък е установена за специфичната грудкообразуваща способност (80.81%; 0.09) и теглото на сухите стъбла (62.60%; 0.31), което е указание за участието на неадитивни генни действия. Теглото на свежата надземна биомаса е в силна положителна корелация със: свежото тегло на листата (r=0.897), сухото тегло на листата (r = 0.881), височината на растението (r=0.587) и сухото тегло на корените (r=0.569). Установеното генетично разнообразие при изследваните сортове дава възможност за целенасочен отбор на родителски форми и включването им в кръстоски по различните селекционни направления

    Productivity and stability of foothill meadow species in the Balkan Mountains conditions

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    Saabunud / Received 14.10.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 13.03.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 13.03.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Natalia Georgieva; [email protected] creation of grasslands with the participation of species of local origin, suitable for the climatic conditions of the region and with increased productivity and stability of yield is an important condition for ensuring sustainable or organic feed production. For ecological assessment of meadow species in the semi-mountainous regions of Balkan Mountains according to indicators and parameters related to productivity and stability, an experiment is carried out in the period 2011–2019 in the following variation: Festuca rubra L., Lolium perenne L., Dactylis glomerata L., Arrhenatherum elatius P.B., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Briza maxima L., Trisetum flavescens L., Agrostis alba L. The experiment is performed by the block method, and the methods of regression, variance and nonparametric analysis are used to assess the stability. According to the values of most of the calculated stability parameters (bi, Si2, λi, σ2i, PP, W2, S⁽³⁾, S⁽⁶⁾, NP⁽¹⁾) Dactilis glomerata shows good ecological stability. Complex evaluation by GGE biplot analysis identifies Festuca rubra L. as a species that favourably combines high productivity with relative stability. Dactilis glomerata and French ryegrass are characte- rized by high stability and yield close to the average for the group. These species are suitable for growing in a wide range of environmental condi- tions

    Analysis of Relationships among Quantitative Traits in Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) Accessions

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    With an aim to establish phenotypic and genotypic correlations among main quantitative traits in broad bean accessions, a field experiment was conducted at the Institute of Forage Crops (Pleven, Bulgaria) during the period 2016-2018. Objects of the study were 17 accessions of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) originating in Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria. Plants were grown under organic farming conditions. The results of the conducted study showed that the phenotypic relationships between the quantitative traits of broad bean were slightly lower than the values of the genetic correlation coefficients. With significant medium to strong dependencies were distinguished the phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients between plant height and 1st pod height (r %253D 0.539, r %253D 0.655, r %253D 0.873, r %253D 0.530, r %253D 0.658, r %253D 0.878), and between 100 seeds mass and pod width (r %253D 0.644, r %253D 0.776, r %253D 0.751, r %253D 0.654, r %253D 0.781, r %253D 0.758). Phenotypic and genotypic manifestations of the studied quantitative traits were differently expressed depending on the environmental conditions. Under unfavorable conditions, some of the correlations changed their direction and value of the coefficient. The traits of 100 seeds mass (0.482) and pods number per plant (0.340) had a maximum positive direct effect on seed productivity. With the highest total effect was characterized the mass of 100 seeds (0.574), pod length (0.568) and plant height (0.411). The traits of pod length, seeds number per plant and 100 seeds mass were in positive regression dependence with seed productivity in broad bean

    Estimation of the environment as background for selection on adaptivity in white lupine breeding

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    A representative evaluation of the breeding value of genotypes in the development of varieties with general and specific adaptability is possible using special features of nature background, which often do not coincide in informativity regarding the different parameters and indicators. The study was conducted in 2014-2016 to determine the reaction of white lupine varieties under different environmental conditions for the needs of adaptability selection. It was made an estimation of the adaptive properties of ten varieties (Astra, Nahrquell, Ascar, BGR 6305, Shienfield Gard, WAT, Kijewskij Mutant, Hetman, Start, Amiga) on basic quantitative traits was conducted. Genotypes with high general and specific adaptive ability, relative stability and selective value in grain productivity direction were determined. For all the investigated traits, the interaction genotype-environment was significant. With high selective value and level of the trait was variety Shienfield Gard regarding number of pods, mass of 1000 seeds and seed weight per plant. Kijewskij Mutant and Shienfield Gard, followed by Ascar, had a high index of homeostasis and stability of the studied traits. Varieties Kijewskij Mutant, Ascar and Shienfield Gard represented a breeding interest in terms of the studied traits and may be included in future hybridization schemes for the development of stable and high-yielding white lupine varieties

    Iodai – nova sorta graška (Lathyrus sativus L.)

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    The biological performance of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) hybrid lines [LHL (BGE027129 × LA5108), LHL-2 (BGE025277 × LA5108) and LHL-3 (LA5108 × BGE027129]) and their parental components (BGE027129, BGE025277 and LA5108 varieties) were studied in a three-year field experiment. Biometric analysis of each variety and line was done for main quantitative traits and phenological stages and periods. The height of the plants at the technological maturity of the grain reached 46 cm. The vegetation period has an average duration of 93 days. New variety Yodai was created, which was obtained by multiple individual selection from the cross BGE027129 × LA5108 (line LHL). The new variety ripens 4-5 days before the varieties BGE027129 and LA5108. On average, 13 well-fed pods per plant were formed with a total of 22 normally developed seeds. The seeds were medium-large with a white seed coat, with a flat oval shape. The seed productivity (4.41 g/plant) exceeds the average of the parental varieties (3.80 g/plant). The weight of 1000 seeds was about 172 g. The crude protein content was 23.85%. In addition, the variety has good resistance to cracking of the pods. It is drought tolerant and weakly attacked by diseases and enemies. In 2022, by the decision of the Expert Commission at the Executive Agency for Variety Testing, Field Inspection and Seed Control, Bulgaria (appointed by order RD-10-1/14.01.2022) and by order No. RD-14-3 of 02.03.2022, the Yodai variety was recognized as new and original.Biološke performanse hibridnih linija stočnog graška (Lathirus sativus L.) [LHL (BGE027129 × LA5108), LHL-2 (BGE025277 × LA5108) i LHL-3 (LA5108 × BGE027129]) i njihovih roditeljskih komponenti (BGE027129 × LA5108) i (12712750) sorte) proučavani su u trogodišnjem poljskom ogledu. Urađena je biometrijska analiza svake sorte i linije za glavne kvantitativne osobine i fenološke faze i periode. Visina biljaka u tehnološkoj zrelosti zrna dostigla je 46 cm. Vegetacijski period u proseku traje 93 dana. Stvorena je nova sorta Iodai, koja je dobijena višestrukom individualnom selekcijom iz ukrštanja BGE027129 × LA5108 (linija LHL). Nova sorta sazreva 4-5 dana pre sorti BGE027129 i LA5108. U proseku je formirano 13 dobro hranjenih mahuna po biljci sa ukupno 22 normalno razvijena semena. Seme je bilo srednje veliko sa belom semenskom omotačem, ravnog ovalnog oblika. Produktivnost semena(4,41 g/biljci) je veća od proseka roditeljskih sorti (3,80 g/biljci). Težina 1000 semena bila je oko 172 g. Sadržaj sirovih proteina bio je 23,85%. Pored toga, sorta ima dobru otpornost na pucanje mahuna. Otporna je na sušu i slabo je napadaju bolesti i štetočine. Godine, 2022. odlukom Stručne komisije pri Izvršnoj agenciji za ispitivanje sorti, terenskih inspekcija i kontrole semena u Bugarskoj (imenovana naredbom RD-10-1/14.01.2022.) i naredbom br. RD-14-3 od 02.03.2022, sorta Iodai je prepoznata kao nova i originalna

    Variation in allelopathic tolerance of vetch cultivars to Sorghum halepense L. (Pers.) extracts

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    Using allelopathic tolerance of crops and cultivars is considered a promising supplement to weed control strategies. In order to evaluate the allelopathic tolerance of vetch cultivars to Sorghum halepense extracts in germination and initial growth of the crop, a multi-factorial lab experiment was carried out based on a completely randomized design with four replications. The experimental factors were nine vetch cultivars ('Liya', 'Lorina', 'Moldovskaya', 'Obrazets 666', 'Asko', 'Violeta', 'Viola', 'Beta WP', and 'Panonskaya'), two aqueous extracts (of shoot and root biomass of S. halepense) and four concentrations of the extracts (1.0%, 5.0%, 10.0% and distilled water as a control). An analysis of variance showed a significant influence of the studied factors. The results revealed variation in responses of the nine cultivars to the allelopathic effect of S. halepense. The extracts applied at different concentrations had a significant inhibitory effect on seed germination (from 2.8 to 27.3% for different cultivars), germ length (from 4.6 to 48.7%) and germ weight (from 3.6 to 34.0%). The lowest concentration (1.0%) also had a stimulating effect on growth parameters, most pronouncedly in two cultivars ('Beta WP' and 'Viola'). Total effects of the weed extracts on seed germination and initial development selected 'Beta WP', 'Violeta' and 'Obrazets 666' as the most tolerant cultivars, as opposed to 'Liya' and 'Panonskaya', which were more sensitive. The cultivars with seeds that have greater biomass per 1000 seeds, higher seedling vigour index and protein content were found to be less sensitive to the suppressing effect of S. halepense extracts. These cultivars can be successfully used in organic fields with high density of S. halepense or in a conventional production system with a reduced use of herbicides

    Evaluation of Winter Vetch Varieties by Quality Indicators

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    Biochemical assessment of the aboveground biomass of 8 winter vetch (Vicia villosa) varieties was performed in two stages of plant development - beginning of flowering and technical maturity of seeds. Field trial was carried out in the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria (2014-2016). The variability in crude protein (CP) content (5.55 - 6.12%25), calcium (8.17 - 9.87) and phosphorus (5.34 - 6.74%25) in both phenological stages was weak. The variation of crude fiber (CF) content (6.02 - 11.08%25) and crude ash (CA) (7.42 - 10.88%25) was found stronger. At the beginning of flowering with a higher crude protein content Asko 1 (21.78%25) and BGE001076 (21.53%25), phosphorus content BGE001076 (0.48%25), BGE004222 and BGE000643 (0.47%25) were distinguished. In the technical maturity stage with a high crude protein content BGE004222 (20.51%25) and BGE001847 (20.07%25) are characterized and with phosphorus BGE004222 (0.38%25). Positive statistically significant relationship was found between the grain yield and crude protein content (r %253D 0.58)