248 research outputs found

    Cracking of an Aircraft Wheel Rim Made From Al-Alloy 2014-T6

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    Generally failures of different aircraft components and parts are revealed and examined by the use of non-destructive examination methods. In further detailed explanation and interpretation of failures optical and scanning electron microscopy are used. This paper deals with a problem of a crack on aircraft wheel rim made from aluminium alloy 2014-T6.The crack was observed during regular control by the maintenance unit for non-destructive examination of the Slovenian air carrier Adria Airways. The crack on the rim of an aircraft wheel investigated was a typical fatigue crack. At same time a numerous pits were found which served as stress concentrations on the rim surface

    Pucanje naplatka avionskog kotača izrađenog od Al-slitine 2014-T6

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    Generally failures of different aircraft components and parts are revealed and examined by the use of non-destructive examination methods. In further detailed explanation and interpretation of failures optical and scanning electron microscopy are used. This paper deals with a problem of a crack on aircraft wheel rim made from aluminium alloy 2014-T6.The crack was observed during regular control by the maintenance unit for non-destructive examination of the Slovenian air carrier Adria Airways. The crack on the rim of an aircraft wheel investigated was a typical fatigue crack. At same time a numerous pits were found which served as stress concentrations on the rim surface.Oštećenja različitih dijelova i komponenti aviona otkrivena su i ispitivana primjenom nedestruktivnih metoda ispitivanja. Za detaljna objašnjavanja i interpretaciju oštećenja korištene su metode optičke i pretražne elektronske mikroskopije. Ovaj se članak bavi problemom pukotine na naplatku avionskog kotača izrađenog od aluminijeve slitine 2014-T6. Pukotina je zapažena za vrijeme redovite kontrole od strane slovenskog zračnog prijevoznika Adria Airways. Ispitivanja su pokazala, da je zapažena pukotina na naplatku avionskog kotača bila tipična umorna pukotina. Također je utvrđeno, da brojna oštećenja u obliku rupica pronađena na površini naplatka djeluju kao koncentratori naprezanja

    Nastajanje niobij karbonitridnog eutektika u konstrukcijskom čeliku

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    The reduction of area in the through thickness direction is an essential mechanical property of thick steel heavy plates. By a routine control, a very small through thickness reduction of area was found for tensile specimen of a 90 mm plate. Careful investigations of the fracture and section of specimens cut from the as solidified continuously cast 250mmthick slab showed that the cause was the presence of coarse particles of niobium carbonitride as constituent of the quasi eutectic Fe-Nb(C, N) that form because of the centerline segregation of niobium.Kontrakcija u smjeru debljine je vrlo važno mehaničko svojstvo debelih limova od konstrukcijskih čelika. Pri rutinskoj kontroli svojstava čelika utvrđena je ispitivanjem na razvlačenje na uzorku lima debljine 90 mm, vrlo mala kontrakcija u smjeru debljine lima. Ispitivanja prijelomne površine i presjeka uzoraka izrezanih iz kontinuirano odlivenog 250 mm debelog slaba pokazala su da je uzrok tome prisutnost grubih čestica niobijevih karbonitrida u kvazieutektiku Fe-Nb(C, N) koji je nastao zbog središnjih segregacija niobija

    Nastajanje niobij karbonitridnog eutektika u konstrukcijskom čeliku

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    The reduction of area in the through thickness direction is an essential mechanical property of thick steel heavy plates. By a routine control, a very small through thickness reduction of area was found for tensile specimen of a 90 mm plate. Careful investigations of the fracture and section of specimens cut from the as solidified continuously cast 250mmthick slab showed that the cause was the presence of coarse particles of niobium carbonitride as constituent of the quasi eutectic Fe-Nb(C, N) that form because of the centerline segregation of niobium.Kontrakcija u smjeru debljine je vrlo važno mehaničko svojstvo debelih limova od konstrukcijskih čelika. Pri rutinskoj kontroli svojstava čelika utvrđena je ispitivanjem na razvlačenje na uzorku lima debljine 90 mm, vrlo mala kontrakcija u smjeru debljine lima. Ispitivanja prijelomne površine i presjeka uzoraka izrezanih iz kontinuirano odlivenog 250 mm debelog slaba pokazala su da je uzrok tome prisutnost grubih čestica niobijevih karbonitrida u kvazieutektiku Fe-Nb(C, N) koji je nastao zbog središnjih segregacija niobija

    Nanošenje električnom iskrom za popravak alata

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    The electrospark deposition is a process for surfacing of hard metal alloys, e.g. carbides and stellites, on the surfaces of new or old machine elements. In this process, a high current is conducted through an oscillating electrode and a substrate for a very short period of time. In the paper, the process is described and the thickness of deposited layer, chemical composition, dilution rate and the layer roughness are determined.Nanošenje električnom iskrom postupak je za navarivanje tvrdih metalnih slitina, npr. karbida i stelita, na površinu novih ili starih elemenata strojeva. U tom postupku visoka struja provodi se kroz oscilirajuću elektrodu i supstrat na vrlo kratko vrijeme. U članku opisan je postupak i određeni su debljina nanesenog sloja, kemijski sastav, stupanj miješanja i hrapavost sloja

    Unutarnja oksidacija Cu-Se legura

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    The purpose of our investigation was to perform the thermodynamic calculation of all possible reactions in the Cu-Se-O system and to explain the oxidation mechanism in various conditions. For such study, a model of copper with one single inclusion and alloy with 1.65 wt. % Se were made. Depending on time, the oxidation has been taking place at two different temperatures and two oxygen partial pressures. The oxidized samples have been investigated by DTA, optical and electron microscopy (SEM).Namjena istraživanja je izraditi termodinamički proračun svih mogućih reakcija u sustavu Cu-Se-O i obrazložiti mehanizme oksidacije u različitim uvjetima. Za takovo izučavanje izrađen je model bakra sa samo jednim uključkom i legura sa 1,65 mas. % Se. U ovisnosti od vremena, oksidacija se odvijala kod različitih temperatura i kod dviju različitih djelomičnih tlakova kisika. Oksidirani uzorci su bili ispitivani metodom DTA, optičkom i elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM)

    Mechanochemical synthesis of NaNbO3, KNbO3 and K0.5Na0.5NbO3

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    Mechanochemical synthesis of the K0.5Na0.5NbO3 solid solution (KNN) is studied. In order to explore the mechanochemical interactions between the constituents in the Na2CO3 - K2CO3 - Nb2O5 system, NaNbO3 and KNbO3 as the boundary compositions of the KNN solid solution are also studied. It has been shown that NaNbO3 can be prepared by a single-step mechanochemical synthesis, while in the case of K2CO3 and Nb2O5, and Na2CO3, K2CO3 and Nb2O5 mixtures, only amorphisation occurs even after prolonged milling

    Obrazovanje faze AlFeSi u slitini AlSi12 s dodatkom cera

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    The influence of cerium addition on the solidification sequence and microstructure constituents of the Al-Si alloys with 12,6 mass % Si was examined. The solidification was analyzed by a simple thermal analysis. The microstructures were examined with conventional light and scanning electron microscopy. Ternary AlSiCe phase was formed in the Al-Si alloys with added cerium during the solidification process. AlSiCe and β-AlFeSi phases solidified together in the region that solidified the last. Cerium addition influenced on the morphology of the α-AlFeSi phase solidification.Ispitan je utjecaj dodatka cera na tijek skrućivanja i oblikovanje mikrostrukture u Al-Si slitini s 12,6 mas. % Si. Skrućivanje je praćeno s jednostavnom toplinskom analizom. Mikrostrukture su kvantificirane pomoću svjetlosnog i elektronskog mikroskopa. Pri skrućivanju Al-Si slitine s dodatkom Ce, obrazuju se faze Al-SiCe, AlSiCe te β-AlFeSi, koje se skrućivaju zajedno u završnom području skrućivanja. Dodatak Ce utječe na morfologiju skrućivanja faze α-AlFeSi

    Electrospark deposition for die repair

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    The electrospark deposition is a process for surfacing of hard metal alloys, e.g. carbides and stellites, on the surfaces of new or old machine elements. In this process, a high current is conducted through an oscillating electrode and a substrate for a very short period of time. In the paper, the process is described and the thickness of deposited layer, chemical composition, dilution rate and the layer roughness are determined