88 research outputs found

    «Turbion-technology» as a means of increasing of learning motivation and of intensification of educational process

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    The article describes the potentiality of use of «turbion-technology», a kind of a method of projects, in increasing of the effectiveness of the educational processВ статье рассматриваются возможности использования «турбион-технологии», разновидности метода проектов, в повышении результативности учебного процесс

    New method of surgical correction of lesser toes deformity

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    Background. Patients’ dissatisfaction with the results of surgical correction of lesser toes deformities, the shortcomings of methods aimed at eliminating the lateral deviation of the toe in the metatarsophalangeal joint necessitated the development of a new surgical method.The aim. To evaluate short-term results of the new surgical method for the treatment of patients with lesser toes deformity, accompanied with deviation of the toe.Materials and methods. A method of surgical treatment of deviated deformity of the small toes is proposed. The method includes precise marking of the metatarsal osteotomy line according to the previously calculated parameters of optimal shortening and displacement of the metatarsal bone, performing oblique diaphyseal osteotomy of the metatarsal bone, displacing its distal part along the osteotomy plane. According to the proposed method, nine patients were operated on who had a syndrome of nonrigid hammer-like deformity of the second toe with lateral deviation of the toe in the metatarsophalangeal joint. In all patients, the deformity of the second toe was associated with hallux valgus.Results. As a result of the application of the proposed method, it was possible to achieve deformity correction, eliminate the lateral deviation of the second toe in the metatarsophalangeal joint, restore congruence in the joint, achieve consolidation of bone fragments without loss of correction, and improve the appearance and function of the foot. Three months after the operation, a statistically significant improvement was determined, according to the AOFAS LMIS scale, having reached 94.5 ± 4.64 points, which made it possible to speak about the achievement of a good functional result of treatment. Patients noted the opportunity to wear standard footwear, to carry out their labor activity, to engage in physical culture, were satisfied with the result.Conclusion. The use of the proposed new surgical method for deflected deformity of the lesser toes makes it possible to correct the deformity, eliminate lateral deviation of the toe, relieve pain syndrome, achieve a good cosmetic and functional result, restoring the patients’ ability to wear standard shoes

    Method for Surgical Treatment of Hammer Deformity of the Second Toe

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    The article presents a case of successful surgical treatment of a patient with hammer-like deformity of the second toe associated with deformity of the first toe. During the preoperative examination of the patient, the length of the required shortening of the second metatarsal bone relative to the length of the third metatarsal bone was calculated on the X-ray in frontal projection and the length of the required shortening of the first metatarsal bone was calculated using a known method. To eliminate the deformity of the first toe, the author’s method of surgical treatment was used. To correct the deformation of the second toe, the proposed method was used, which includes the following steps: marking the lines of osteotomies during the operation; performing osteotomies along the outlined lines; removal of a free bone fragment; precise implementation of  the required shortening of the second metatarsal bone; fixation of the osteotomized fragments of the second metatarsal bone with a cannulated screw. As a result of the performed surgical treatment, correction of the hallux valgus and hammer-like deformity of the second toe was achieved.The presented clinical case shows that in the surgical treatment of hammer deformity of the second toe, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s foot condition, namely, the ratio of the length of the second and adjacent third metatarsal bones. Preliminary calculation of the length of the required shortening of the second and first metatarsal bones on the roentgenogram, precise markings of the  osteotomy lines and the implementation of the necessary shortening contribute to achieving a balance in the ratio of the lengths of the metatarsal bones, restoring the optimal load distribution on the heads of the metatarsal bones, more accurate correction of the deformity of the second and first toes, and improving statodynamic function of the foot and reducing the risk of postoperative failures

    Forefoot reconstruction in brachymetatarsia

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    Background. Brachymetatarsia is a rare disease characterized by abnormal shortening of one or more metatarsal bones. The clinical picture is most often dominated by complaints of aesthetic dissatisfaction, as well as pain in the forefoot caused by mechanical dysfunction. A radical way to solve the problem is surgical treatment. The aim. To demonstrate a rare clinical observation of a patient with bilateral brachymetatarsia of both feet. Materials and methods. The article presents a case of stepwise treatment of a patient with bilateral brachymetatarsia with shortening of the III and IV metatarsal bones in combination with hallux valgus. Results and discussion. According to the protocol, the patient underwent stepwise reconstruction of the forefoot of both feet with intervention on all five metatarsal bones. After all the rehabilitation measures, there was a complete restoration of all functions of both lower limbs after the surgery, and the patient was satisfied with the aesthetic result of the surgical treatment. Conclusions. The obtained result of treatment of a patient with bilateral brachymetatarsia allows us to conclude that the use of this group of techniques is acceptable with the obligatory preoperative calculation of the necessary shortening and lengthening of the metatarsal bones, focusing on the parameters of the metatarsal formula of the forefoot, even in combination with other deformities

    A new radiological method for examining patients with forefoot deformities

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    The aim of the study. To establish the possibility of using the X-ray method for determining the position of the metatarsal heads for preoperative planning in the treatment of patients with forefoot deformities.Material and methods. The proposed radiological method for determining the position of the metatarsal heads includes performing radiography on a special platform. On the X-ray image, the relative position of the metatarsal heads is determined. Using the proposed X-ray method, we examined 15 patients with transient metatarsalgia under the 3rd metatarsal head, which developed after surgical treatment of hallux valgus and hammertoe (2nd toe), and 28 patients with similar forefoot deformity without postoperative metatarsalgia.Results. As a result of the proposed X-ray method, we found that in in 86.67 % of patients with transient metatarsalgia, the 3rd metatarsal head was below the adjacent 2nd and 4th metatarsal heads. In 82.14 % of patients without postoperative complications, the 3rd metatarsal head was higher or at the same level as the adjacent 4th metatarsal head. The clinical application of the proposed method made it possible to determine the position of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th metatarsal heads and to establish normal variants and deviations from the norm.Conclusions. The proposed X-ray method makes it possible to effectively determine the relative position of the metatarsal heads and to choose the optimal surgical tactics for the treatment of patients with forefoot deformities. The proposed method for determining the position of the metatarsal heads is advisable to be included in the preoperative examination along with the standard X-ray of the foot bones, due to its reproducibility, as well as the value of the information obtained

    Modern surgical treatment of forefoot deformities

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    В статье представлен анализ собственных результатов лечения 190 пациентов с деформациями переднего отдела стопы. Были использованы различные сочетания хирургических техник. В результате проведённого лечения были нормализованы основные рентгенологические параметры переднего отдела стопы, и было достигнуто улучшение оценки лечения до 93 баллов по шкале АОFAS. Общий процент послеоперационных осложнений составил 13,7 %. Использование комбинаций современных хирургических методик позволяет добиться отличных и хороших результатов лечения пациентов

    Features and Possibilities of Electronic Educational Resource for the Discipline «Psychology of Communication»

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    В статье раскрываются особенности и возможности электронного образовательного ресурса по дисциплине «Психология общения».The article reveals the features and capabilities of an electronic educational resource in the discipline «Psychology of Communication»

    The integrated exploration of Raifa lake sediments and dendrochronological analysis of Raifa forestry pines

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    © 2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.The article presents some results of comprehensive research on the properties of Raifa lake bottom sediments and dendrochronological study of Raifa forestry pines (Russia). A preliminary seismic acoustic investigations have been carried out, which allowed to select the sampling site (E 48 ° 43'40.6" N 55 ° 54'21.7"). The length of core sample was 32 cm. Laboratory studies of the core, including the study of the elemental composition, magneto-mineralogical and carcinologic analysis revealed the features of sedimentation mass formation