684 research outputs found

    Djelovanje frankapanskog vikara Senja viteza Nikole de Barnisa u Rijeci sredinom 15. stoljeća

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    Ličnosti i djelovanje nosilaca visokih funkcija u službi krčkih knezova Frankapana nisu dovoljno istražene. Jedan od razloga tome je i relativno mala količina sačuvanih izvora s njihovih posjeda u Vinodolu, Senju i Krku, a uz pomoć kojih se mogu provoditi takva istraživanja. Na obližnjem “Kvarnerskom imanju” grofova Walsee, a ondje osobito gradu Rijeci, djelovao je velik broj pojedinaca s frankapanskih posjeda. Prema zapisima riječkog notara i kancelara Antuna de Renna iz Modene frankapanski vikar Senja Nikola de Barnis doselio se u Rijeku sredinom 15. stoljeća. U ovom se radu prikazuje njegova poslovna aktivnost te se uspoređuje s djelovanjem istaknutih trgovaca u Dalmaciji

    A geometric approach to the embedding calculus knot invariants

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    In this thesis we consider two homotopy theoretic approaches to the study of spaces of knots: the theory of finite type invariants of Vassiliev and the embedding calculus of Goodwillie and Weiss, and address connections between them. Our results confirm that the knot invariants evn produced by the embedding calculus for (long) knots in a 3-manifold M are surjective for all n ≥ 1. On one hand, this solves certain remaining open cases of the connectivity estimates of Goodwillie and Klein, and on the other hand, confirms a part of the conjecture by Budney, Conant, Scannell and Sinha that for the case of classical knots evn are universal additive Vassiliev invariants over Z. There are two crucial ingredients for this result. Firstly, we study the so-called Taylor tower of the embedding calculus more generally for long knots in any manifold with dim(M) ≥ 3 and develop a geometric understanding of its layers (fibres between two consecutive spaces in the tower). In particular, we describe their first non-vanishing homotopy groups in terms of groups of decorated trees. Secondly, we give an explicit interpretation of evn when dim(M)=3 using capped grope cobordisms. These objects were introduced by Conant and Teichner in a geometric approach to the finite type theory, but turn out to exactly describe certain points in the layers. Our main theorem then states that the first possibly non-vanishing embedding calculus invariant of a knot which is grope cobordant to the unknot is precisely the equivalence class of the underlying decorated tree of the grope in the homotopy group of the layer. The surjectvity of evn onto the components of the Taylor tower follows from this immediately. As another corollary we obtain a sufficient condition for the mentioned conjecture to hold over a certain coefficient group A. Namely, it is enough that the spectral sequence for the homotopy groups of the Taylor tower, tensored with A, collapses along the diagonal. In particular, such a collapse result is known for A = Q, confirming that the embedding calculus invariants are universal rational additive Vassiliev invariants, and that they factor configuration space integrals through the Taylor tower. It also follows that they are universal over the p-adic integers in a range depending on the prime p, using recent results of Boavida de Brito and Horel. Moreover, the surjectivity of evn implies that any two group structures on the path components of the tower, which are compatible with the connected sum of knots, must agree. Finally, we also discuss the geometric approach to the finite type theory in terms of the Gusarov–Habiro filtration of the set of isotopy classes of knots in a 3-manifold. We extend some known techniques to prove that the associated graded quotients of this filtration are abelian groups, and study the map which relates these groups to certain graph complexes


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    This article contains reviewing of the amended Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Croatia. The Law was published in „ Official Gazette“ no. 152/08 and 76/09. The article shows some of the procedural institutes. For that purpose, were chosen some of the new legal provisions, as well as those that indicate the differences in national procedural laws. The paper is dealing with issues relating to: the victims of crime, measures of securing the presence of the defendant in the proceedings, the prosecutor, the procedure, evidentiary actions and temporary measures, examination of witnesses and statement of the public prosecutor about prosecution, plea bargaing and the procedure before the prosecut Special attention was paid to the new concept of the investigation and the plea bargain, on Chamber, judgments, extraordinary remedies, transitional and final provisions.Tekst sadrži prikaz noveliranog Zakona o kaznenom postupku Republike Hrvatske. Zakon je objavljen u ''Narodnim novinama'' broj 152/08 i 76/09. Prikazani su neki od procenih instituta. Za rad su odabrane nove zakonske odredbe, kao i one koje ukazuju na razlike u u domaćem procesnom zakonodavstvu. Obrađena su pitanja koja se odnose na: žrtvu krivičnog dela,mere za obezbeđenje prisustva okrivljenog u postupku,tužioca,istražni postupak, dokazne radnje i privremene mere, ispitivanje svedoka i izjavu javnog tužioca o krivivičnog gonjenju, sprorazum o priznanju krivice i postupak pred optužnim većem, presude, vanredne pravne lekove i prelazne i završne odredbe. Posebna pažnja posvećena je novom konceptu istrage i sporazum o priznanju krivice

    Mechanochemical and Thermal Transformations of Amorphous and Crystalline Aluminosilicates

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    Preparation of amorphous aluminosilicates precursors with defined properties is very important factor for further studies of nucleation and crystal growth of zeolites during their thermal and hydrothermal transformation to zeolites and special ceramics. In this study is presented the effect of an intensive mechanical force (ball milling) on the properties of zeolite A and zeolite A with partial exchanged of sodium ions in with other cations (Li+, K+, Cs+). It is studied the influence of different cations on the mechanical and thermal stability of the zeolite framework and the formation of amorphous phases as well their transformation to nonzeolitic crystal phases after thermal treatment

    A space level light bulb theorem in all dimensions

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    Given a dd-dimensional manifold MM and a knotted sphere s ⁣:Sk1Ms\colon\mathbb{S}^{k-1}\hookrightarrow\partial M with 1kd1\leq k\leq d, for which there exists a framed dual sphere G ⁣:SdkMG\colon\mathbb{S}^{d-k}\hookrightarrow\partial M, we show that the space of neat embeddings DkM\mathbb{D}^k\hookrightarrow M with boundary ss can be delooped by the space of neatly embedded (k1)(k-1)-disks, with a normal vector field, in the dd-manifold obtained from MM by attaching a handle to GG. This increase in codimension significantly simplifies the homotopy type of such embedding spaces, and is of interest also in low-dimensional topology. In particular, we apply the work of Dax to describe the first interesting homotopy group of these embedding spaces, in degree d2kd-2k. In a separate paper we use this to give a complete isotopy classification of 2-disks in a 4-manifold with such a boundary dual.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figures. v2. The initial version has now been split into two parts. This version contains results concerning all dimensions and space level arguments, while a separately submitted paper is about the setting of surfaces in 4-manifolds and involves arguments specific for that case. v3. Version accepted for publication in Comment. Math. Hel

    Results of hydrothermal treatment of the amorphous phases obtained by ball milling of zeolites A, X and synthetic mordenite

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    High-energy ball milling of zeolites A, X and synthetic mordenite for an appropriate time results in the formation of true amorphous aluminosilicate phases having the same chemical composition as the starting (unmilled) crystalline materials (zeolites). Since the solubility of thus prepared amorphous solids in hot alkaline solutions is considerably higher than the solubility of the starting zeolites under the same conditions, it can be expected that hydrothermal treatment of the amorphous solids would result in their transformation to more stable phases by solution-mediated processes. To evaluate this thesis, the X-ray amorphous solid phases obtained by high-energy ball milling of zeolites A, X and synthetic mordenite were hydrothermally treated at 80 degreesC by 2 M and 4 M NaOH solution, respectively, for 4 h. The products obtained (zeolites A, P and hydroxysodalite) were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and particle size distribution measurements. It was concluded that the nuclei for zeolite crystallization originate from the residual nano-sized quasicrystalline particles (short-range ordering of Si and Al atoms inside amorphous regions that have not been completely destroyed during milling). Type(s) of the zeolite(s) (zeolite A, zeolite Pa) crystallized by the growth of the nuclei under the given conditions are determined by the chemical composition of the liquid phase (concentrations of Si and Al), and by the chemical composition of the precursor (determined by the type of mechanochemically amorphized zeolite) and the alkalinity of the system (NaOH concentration in the liquid phase), respectively. The results obtained are in agreement with the thermodynamic stabilities of the zeolite types that may be crystallized under the given conditions and at relative rates of crystallization

    Serbian Citation Index: The sustainability of a business model based on partnership between a non-profit web publisher and journal owners

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    The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the innovative business model underlying the SerbianCitation Index (SCIndeks), as a local Open Access publishing platform in Serbia. It explains therole of the platform in the local publishing ecosystem and its international relevance in terms ofinteroperability, multilingualism, promotion of local research, development of good publishingpractice and evaluation indicators, demonstrating that the only way to ensure a sustainablefuture of local journals is devising publishing models adjusted to the local context and needs relying on extensive research and receptiveness for global trends. The paper focuses on theperiod after 2015, when the business model was changed from a publicly funded project to aplatform maintained in a partnership between a web publisher and journal owners, marked byextensive guidance and strict quality control. The results of the comparisons between the old andthe new model and between SCIndeks and similar platforms indicate that such a model may besustainable and even superior to the publicly funded model of journal publishing, at least in somesocio-political and academic environments.Conference presentation: [https://twitter.com/ELPUB_Conf/status/1252545663595958273