33 research outputs found

    The Presence of Taxol and Related Compounds in Taxus Baccata Native to the Ukraine (Crimea), Georgia, and Southern Russia

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    Twenty-eight leaf and twig samples and one bark sample of Taxus baccata from the Ukraine (Crimea), Russia, and Georgia were analyzed for taxane compounds. Taxol and the related diterpenoid I 0-deacetylbaccatin III (baccatin III) were present in all samples and 20.7% of those samples exhibited a taxol content nearly equal to or greater than that obtained from the bark of the Pacific Yew, T. brevifolia. Taxus baccata is a potential significant source of taxol, the most promising new drug identified in the last twenty years for the treatment of selected forms of cancer

    Omsk Province: History of Border Formation in 1919-1925

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    The article examines the issue of establishing the borders of the Omsk province with neighboring territories. The main directions of the delimitation processes with Siberian provinces and the Kirghiz (Kazakh) Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic are analyzed: the allocation of certain districts of the Tyumen province under the control of Omsk; the transfer of parts of the Altai and Tomsk provinces to the Omsk province; the transfer of several districts that were part of the Akmolinsk region to the Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR; and the dispute over the territorial affiliation of the Ishim and Pavlodar districts by Omsk. The complexity and ambiguity of territorial demarcation resulting from spontaneous changes in Russia’s administrative-territorial system during the revolutionary events of 1917, the Civil War, and the initial transformations of the Bolsheviks are demonstrated. It is revealed that the main issue was the formation of the southern border of the Omsk province with the Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR, which later became the state border between Russia and Kazakhstan. It is noted that the authorities of the Omsk province systematically defended territorial interests not only of their own province but also of Siberia as a whole, being key players in the region. The conclusion is drawn that thanks to the territorial shifts in southern Western Siberia, a foundation was laid for the formation of stable borders between Siberia and the Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR

    Territorial Delimitation between Altai, Omsk and Semipalatinsk Provinces in 1925

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    A detailed analysis of the process of demarcation of the Altai province from the Omsk province of the RSFSR and the Semipalatinsk province of the Kirghiz (since June 1925 — Kazak) ASSR, which were first involved in scientific circulation is carried out on the basis of the archival documents. It is shown that it consisted in an attempt by the Altai authorities to withdraw the territory of the Narrow Steppe from under their jurisdiction and transfer it to the adjacent provinces in the first half of 1925. The history of this border issue, which arose as a result of the inclusion of the Korostelevskaya steppe in the Kyrgyz ASSR, is investigated. The course of discussion of changes in the border line between the authorities of the three provinces and Moscow is described. Various arguments proposed by the parties, options for resolving the problem that have arisen are considered; and also, it is explained why, in the end, the disputed border territory remained part of Siberia. It is noted that the attempts of the leadership of the Altai province to transfer part of the territory of the Uglovsky district with the “Narrow Steppe” tract under the control of the Omsk and Semipalatinsk provinces are noted. It is concluded that the issue of the status of the Narrow Steppe during the nationalterritorial demarcation between Siberia and Kazakhstan was one of the most difficult and went beyond the traditional ways of solving similar problems

    Territorial Delimitation Between Siberian Territory and Ural Region in 1923—1926

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    Based on a wide range of attracted archival materials, the problems of establishing the border line between the Siberian Territory and the Ural Region in the mid-1920s are examined in the article. The main controversial issues, which consisted in the discussion about the belonging of a part of the Tobolsk North and the Ishim District, which were part of the beginning of zoning in the Ural region are revealed. Attention is paid to the history of the emergence of border disputes that appeared as a result of the attribution of a number of West Siberian territories from the jurisdiction of Sibrevkom to the Urals in the early 1920s. A detailed description of the process of determining the western border of the Siberian Territory is given by the leadership of the Sibrevkom, as well as by the higher authorities of the RSFSR in close cooperation with the Ural and Siberian authorities. Various arguments of the Siberians, the Urals and the central authorities, used in the process of delimiting and resolving disputes between Siberia and the Urals, which make it possible to more objectively determine the legality of the established demarcation line are presented. It is concluded that the territorial claims of the Siberian leadership to the Ural authorities were justified and relied on the undefined status of the disputed sections of the border, which arose as a result of the temporary abandonment of the territory of the former Tyumen province by the central government as part of the Ural region formed in November 1923

    Russian-Kazakhstan Borderland: from Administrative Borders of Kazakhstan in RSFSR to Modern State Borders

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    The problems of the formation of the Russian-Kazakh border line are considered. An analysis of the current territorial claims and risks from neighboring states to the Russian Federation, as well as the current state of affairs in society, science and politics in relation to the Russian-Kazakh border is made. Information, confirmed by archival materials, is analyzed on the demarcation processes carried out in the Soviet period along the entire line of contact between the two states. The main factors that influenced the formation of borders are studied, as well as the complexity of the controversial issues and the existing ways to solve them are shown. It is concluded that the current state border between Russia and Kazakhstan was formed in the 1920s—1930s by leveling the vast majority of controversial issues, on the basis of their comprehensive consideration of various authorities. At the same time, the historically substantiated data presented in the article show the inconsistency of the current claims of the national elites of the Kazakh side, proving the historical legitimacy of the existing Russian-Kazakh border line. It is concluded that the state authorities of Russia and Kazakhstan do not raise the issue of borders, which contributes to maintaining stability in relations between the two states

    Formation of Border Line between Kazakhstan and Siberia in 1920s - Early 1930s (The Case of Cherlaksky District)

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    The process of changing the border line of the Akmola province of the Kazak Autonomous Republic (until 1925 - the Kyrgyz Republic) of the Autonomous Republic with the adjacent territory of the Omsk District of the Siberian Territory (until 1925 - the Omsk Province), consisting in the transition of the Cherlak District (Stepanovskaya, Dobrovolskaya, Cherlakskaya and part of the Bostandyk-Tuska Volost) to the Omsk District in the second half of the 1920s is considered in the article. On the basis of archival documents first involved in the scientific revolution, a detailed analysis of the inclusion of the Cherlaksky district in the Omsk province is carried out. The history of this border issue in 1922-1923, the reason for which was the petition of residents of border villages is discussed in the article. The course and features of the consideration of this issue by local and central authorities, the work of the conciliation commission for the reception and transfer of Cherlak territory are described. It is concluded that the transfer of the Cherlak district to Omsk took place under the conditions of the manifestation of an active civic position of local residents, support for this border issue by the Cossack and Siberian authorities and was carried out only after the general regionalization of Kazakhstan by the end of the 1920s

    A case of long-term tolerance after kidney transplantation

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    We present a case of long-term organ functioning (ca.10 years) after allografting of a cadaveric kidney without usage of immunosuppressing drugs. In 2005, a patient suffering from a hypertensive form of chronic glomerulonephritis, have received an allogeneic graft of cadaveric kidney compatible for AB0 system, HLA antigens (A19, B07, DR04), and negative results of cross-match test. The graft function was immediately restored, with normalization of creatinine levels achieved 4-5 days after surgery. Immunosuppression with cyclosporine, solumedrol, cellсept, metypred and simulect was performed in the hospital. Pulse therapy with solumedrol was performed on the day +20 due to the development of initial rejection signs. The postoperative period proceeded without infectious complications. The patient was discharged being recommended to take cyclosporine, Cell-Sept and Metypred. Within a year after transplantation, the patient claimed for pain in the hip joint, and, therefore, metypred was completely canceled. Subsequently, the Cellcept was replaced with a Mayfortic. In 2007, the signs of coxarthrosis were revealed at computed tomography, followed by aseptic necrosis of the the right femur head. Deforming osteoarthritis of the right hip joint was detected, and the hip replacement surgery was suggested. In 2010, due to risk of side effects from ongoing immunosuppressive therapy, e.g., joint damage, the Mayfortic was canceled. In 2012, being in fear of original Sandimmun Neoral replacement by a generic drug, the patient completely refused cyclosporine therapy. In 2021, the endoprosthetics of the right hip joint was performed, and the surgical wound healed initially. Since 2012, the patient has not completely taken immunosuppressive therapy. Over this time period, the patient has never been admitted to the hospital for impaired functioning of the organ graft. Meanwhile, he monitored his graft function on regular basis undergoing biochemical analyses, clinical examination, ultrasound studies of the graft and made regular visits to the outpatient department. In 2021, a week after hip replacement, there was a slight increase in serum creatinine, followed by further increase to 230 mmol/L in 2021, and to 310 mmol/L in March 2022. In February 2022, the patient suffered mild respiratory infection (confirmed COVID-19). In March 2022, the first clinical signs of increasing nephropathy appeared, i.e., swelling of both lower extremities, with leukocytes in urine upon routine analysis, increased blood flow resistance in the main artery of the transplant shown by ultrasound study. Due to worsening of the patient’s condition, he resumed taking the prescribed immunosuppressants

    HLA system features in patients on waiting list for kidney transplantation in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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    The aim of our study was to specify the features of the HLA system in patients registered on the waiting list for kidney transplantation in the Republic of Bashkortostan. HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-DR phenotypes were assayed by polymerase chain reaction using PROTRANS and OLERUP SSP kits. The frequency of antigen occurence was determined as the percentage of individuals with the given antigen to the total number of examined individuals. To determine the patterns of distinct antigens within various HLA combinations, we determined maximal percentage of the antigen frequency in combination with other HLA. The largest number of patients on the waiting list suffered from chronic glomerulonephritis, followed by diabetes mellitus, chronic interstitial nephritis, chronic pyelonephritis and polycystic kidney disease. The occurrence frequency of various HLA and their combinations was established both among all the patients suffering from stage 5 chronic kidney disease, and among patients with regard to each nosological category, and the patterns of various HLA combinations were established. The data obtained have been compared with the study results of patients from the waiting lists for organ transplantation in other regions. HLA-A02 (similar to Brazil, Great Britain), HLA-DR07, HLA-DR04 (like as in Nepal, European population of Kazakhstan, Southern China), HLA-A24 (as in Nepal, Southern China), and combinations of HLA-A02-A03, HLA-A02-DR04, HLA-A02-DR01, HLA-A02-B07, HLA-A03-DR01, HLA-B35-DR01 were most common in the patients with chronic kidney disease which can be considered as risk factor for severe nephropathy. HLA-B15, HLA-B40, HLA-vA30, HLA-A32, HLA-B56, HLA-B60, HLA-DR10 were found at minimal frequency; as well as the following combinations: HLA-A01-A24-B08-DR17, HLA-A01-A68-DR07, HLAA24-B07-B13, HLA-A01-B08-B13, HLA-A02-B35-B38-DR01, HLA-A02-B50-B61-DR07, HLA-A01-B55-DR04, HLA-A02-B55-DR03, HLA-A24-B55-DR13, HLA-A01-A02-B08-DR03, HLA-A02-DR01-DR13. The following antigens were absent among our patients: HLA-A28 (similar to Kuwait); HLA-A11, HLA-A23, HLA-A28, HLA-A33, HLA-B46, HLA-B62;-DR03, HLA-DR14 (as in Kazakhstan); HLAA19, HLA-A43, HLA-B16, HLA-B21, HLA-B22, HLA-B83 and HLA-DR05 (as in Great Britain); HLAB14 (as in Brazil). The results obtained were either similar, or different from the literature data, both in terms of the most common HLA and their combinations with regard of special nephropathy types. The revealed differences can be explained by presence of population-specifical HLA features in the patients from different ethnic groups and living in different geographical areas. The found stable associative links between the disorders and HLA may contribute to better understanding of pathogenesis of the disorders, their early preclinical detection, evaluating risk for development of pathological conditions, thus allowing timely justification of preventive measures

    Compact low-impedance higt-current accelerator

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    Development of relativistic high-frequency electronics posed a number of problems yet remained unsolved. One of them is creating powerful and comparatively compact generators of electromagnetic radiation. In this way great progress is achieved with the use of small accelerators generating millimeter-band oscillations of power up to 40 MW

    Выделение и изучение биологических свойств рекомбинантного человеческого эндостатина

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    A novel technique has developed to isolate recombinant human endostatin from cultured e. coli cells. endostatin was incorporated into liposomes and such liposomes were tested cytotoxic activity in vitro and for antitumor activity in vivoРазработана оригинальная методика выделения рекомбинантного эндостатина человека из культуры клеток штамма-продуцента E. coli. Получена липосомная форма эндостатина и исследована ее цитотоксическая активность in vitro и противоопухолевая активность in vivo.