5 research outputs found

    Prediction of survival in non-Hodgkin lymphoma based on markers of systemic inflammation, anemia, hypercoagulability, dyslipidemia, and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status

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    BackgroundThe International Prognostic Index and its modifications are used to estimate prognosis in non-Hodgkin lymphoma. However, the outcome is often different in patients with similar index scores. AimThe aim of this study was to elaborate a prognostic model for patients with mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma using a combination of predictive markers. Material and methodsThe study included 45 patients with mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Before the administration of treatment, clinical and laboratory parameters were measured. After the 35-month follow-up period, overall survival was studied in relation to the data obtained at initial examination. ResultsWe revealed nine adverse predictive markers for overall survival of enrolled patients: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status >1; erythrocyte sedimentation rate >30 mm/h; levels of hemoglobin 4 mg/dL, high-density lipoprotein cholestero

    Physical Rehabilitation Program for Students of the Special Medical Group

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    Most of the current programs of physical rehabilitation of students of a special medical group (hereinafter - SMG) are aimed only at a separate contingent depending on the type of nosology, which complicates the work of the teacher and reduces the effectiveness of classes for other students. In fact, no physical rehabilitation programs have been developed for female students who have the highest reproductive potential. Therefore, the creation of a rehabilitation program that will not only be able to cover students with various diseases, but will also be useful for the prevention of risk factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases (CHD) as the most acute demographic problem is relevant. The purpose of the study is to develop, scientifically substantiate and test the program of physical rehabilitation of students of a special medical group, taking into account motor disorders. The developed program of physical rehabilitation of SMG students taking into account motor impairments had a complex character and included the following elements: lifestyle modification, kinesitherapy (with stoppage of fitness yoga, functional training, aerobic training) (swimming, fitness, jogging, health) self-massage with the Lyapko applicator. The control group included 24 individuals, the experimental group consisted of two groups of 24 individuals. The following methods were used to solve the research tasks: analysis of scientific and special literature, surveys and questionnaires, pedagogical testing, methods of determining indicators of physical development, physical fitness and functional state of the organism, methods of mathematical statistics. After the implementation of the developed program of physical rehabilitation for female students, a decrease in the number and intensity of modified risk factors for CHD due to increased physical activity, reduction of bad habits was determined; reducing the number of complaints. Studies on the effectiveness of the program of physical rehabilitation of female students, taking into account motor impairments, tested on a sufficient number of female students of the special medical group, have confirmed data and can serve as a basis for practical implementation of this program.</em

    Критерії адекватності фізичних навантажень та їх використання у спорті, фізичному вихованні і фізичній реабілітації

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    The research relevance. It is known that physical loadings (FL) positively affect the organism of a person engaged in motor activity or a patient in the process of rehabilitation only when they are adequate to the functional capabilities. Today, the actual issue is the FL dosage and monitoring of the process of their impact on organism to improve the health level of people in the process of physical education, sports classes, and rehabilitation of patients. The need for finding FL adequacy criteria arises, by which would be possible to track their size and effectiveness. The research aim: to determine the FL adequacy criteria by the cardiovascular system (CVS) indicators using the model with limited FL. The research methods. The reaction to the limited FL of athletes of high qualification (HQ) and low qualification (LQ) is examined to find out the markers of CVS, according to which HQ and LQ athletes differ. Central hemodynamics (CHD) and heart rate variability indicators were studied, statistical processing of the results was performed, and correlations were revealed. The research results. It was determined that by the change of CHD parameters: heart rate (HR), cardiac index (CI), cardiac output (CO), left ventricular performance (LVP) and left ventricular power (W), blood expulsion rate (Ve), circulatory efficiency (CEC) ), Robinson's index (RI) and endurance coefficient (EC) can diagnose the adequacy of the body's response to FL, to assess the adaptive capabilities, functional reserves of the CVS, use to select and monitor the adequate FL values because these indicators are lower in HQ athletes at rest and recovery period. The most accurate markers of the adequacy of the organism's reaction to the effects of extreme loadings appeared indicators of stroke volume (SV), shock index (SI) and myocardial stress index (MSI), because they changed differently in HQ and LQ athletes both at FL and during recovery period.Актуальность. Известно, что физические нагрузки (ФН) положительно влияют на организм человека, занимающегося двигательной активностью, или пациента в процессе реабилита- ции только тогда, когда они адекватные их функциональным возможностям. На сегодня актуальной проблемой остается дозирование ФН и мониторинг процесса их воздействия на организм для повышения уровня здоровья людей в процессе физического воспитания, спортивных занятий и во время реабилитации больных. Возникла необходимость поиска критериев адекватности ФН, по которым можно было бы отслеживать их дозирование и эффективность. Цель статьи – выяснить критерии адекватности ФН по показателям сердечно-сосудистой системы (ССС) на модели с предельными ФН. Методы исследований. Исследуется реакция на предельные ФН спортсменов высокой (ВК) и низкой квалификации (НК) для выяснения маркерных показателей ССС, по ко- торым спортсмены ВК и НК отличаются. Изучаются показатели центральной гемодинамики и вариабельности сердечного ритма, проводится статистическая обработка результатов, выявляются корреляционные связи. Результаты работы. Установлено, что за изменением показателей ЦГД: ЧСС, сердечного индекса (СИ), минутного объема крови (МОК), показателями работы (РЛЖ) и мощности левого желудочка (W), скорости изгнания&nbsp;крови (Ve), коэффициента экономичности кровообращения (КЭК), индекса Робинсона (ИР) и коэффициента выносливости (КВ) можно диагностировать адекватность реакции организма на ФН, оценить адаптационные возможности, функциональные резервы ССС, использовать для подбора и мониторирования величины адекватных ФН, поскольку эти показатели у спортсменов ВК ниже в состоянии покоя и в период восстановления. Наиболее точными маркерами адекватности реакции организма на воздействие экстремальных нагрузок оказались показатели: ударного объема (УО), ударного индекса (УИ) и индекса напряжения миокарда (ИНМ), поскольку они по-разному изменялись у спортсменов ВК и НК и при ФН, и в период восстановления.Актуальність. Відомо, що фізичні навантаження (ФН) позитивно впливають на організм людини, яка за- ймається руховою активністю, чи пацієнта в процесі реабілітації лише тоді, коли вони є адекватні до функціональних можливостей. На сьогодні актуальною проблемою залишається дозування ФН і моніторинг процесу їх впливу на організм для підвищення рівня здоров’я людей у процесі фізичного виховання, спортивних занять та під час реабілітації хворих. Постала необхідність пошуку критеріїв адекватності ФН, за якими можна було б відслідковувати їх величину й ефективність. Мета статті – з’ясувати критерії адекватності ФН за показниками серцево-судинної системи (ССС) на моделі з граничними ФН. Методи досліджень. Досліджено реакцію на граничні ФН спортсменів високої (ВК) і низької кваліфікації (НК) для з’ясування маркерних показників ССС,&nbsp; за якими спортсмени ВК та НК відрізняються. Вивчено показники центральної гемодинаміки й варіабельності серцевого ритму, проведено статистичну обробку результатів, виявлено кореляційні зв’язки. Результати роботи. Установлено, що за зміною показників ЦГД: ЧСС, серцевого індексу (СІ), хвилинного об’єму крові (ХОК), показниками роботи (РЛШ) і потужності лівого шлуночка (W), швидкості вигнання крові (Ve), коефіцієнта економічності кровообігу (КЕК), індексу Робінсона (ІР) та коефіцієнта витривалості (КВ) можемо діагностувати адекватність реакції організму на ФН, оцінити адаптаційні можливості, функціональні резерви ССС, використовувати для підбору й моніторення величини адекватних ФН, оскільки ці показники в спортсменів ВК нижчі в стані спокою та в період відновлення. Найбільш точними маркерами адекватності реакції організму на впливи екстремальних навантажень виявилися показники ударного об’єму (УО), ударного індексу (УІ) й індексу на- пруження міокарда (ІНМ), оскільки вони по-різному змінювалися в спортсменів ВК та НК і при ФН, і в період відновлення

    New Physical and Neurophysiological Rehabilitation Programmes for Women of Childbearing Age

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    The article describes physical and neurophysiological rehabilitation of women of childbearing age with extragenital pathology, the most common oncologic pathologies of female genitalia. The article aims to develop a programme of physical and neurophysiological rehabilitation for women of childbearing age with extragenital pathology who underwent ovariectomy and evaluate its effectiveness. The authors observed 100 women aged between 18 and 45: the control group (CG) - 50 women and the experimental group (EG) - 50 women; each group was also divided into two age sub-groups - 18-29 years old and 30-45 years old. The exercise therapy included physical and neurostimulation rehabilitation measures: calisthenic routine, static and dynamic breathing exercises, shallow breathing, some elements of muscle relaxation and autogenic training, dosed walking inside the ward, going up the stairs, as well as dosed walking using treadmills, pelvic floor exercises. Methods of studying rehabilitation effectiveness are the following: instrumental methods (heart rate monitoring; arterial tonometry; respiratory rate measuring; spirometry); functional tests (hypoxic Stange and Genchi tests; orthostatic tests; clinostatic tests); laboratory research methods (clinical blood tests). The article proves that the employed methods of physical rehabilitation helped to increase indicators of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in EG patients aged between 18 and 29 3-5 days earlier and EG patients aged between 30 and 45 - 3-4 days earlier than that in CG. It proves the effectiveness of the developed programme of physical rehabilitation for women of childbearing age with extragenital pathology who underwent ovariectomy.</p

    Differentiated approach to physical education of adolescents with different speed of biological development

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    Aim: to justify and experimentally verify themethodology of differentiated approach to developing motor skills of seventh-graders depending on paces of their biological development. Material: 304 schoolchildren (148 boys and 156 girls), seventh-graders from the general education school No 20 in Lutsk, participated in the formative pedagogical experiment. The control group consisted of 99 boys and 105 girls and the experimental group – 49 boys and 51 girls, who were classified into the main medical group for health reasons and were not involved in sports sections. Results: It was found that schoolchildren with different levels of biological development within one age-sex group differ significantly in terms of the cardiorespiratory system capacity, physical performance and physical fitness. Therefore, the authors designed the methodology for allocating educational time to develop motor skills of seventh-graders during physical education lessons depending on paces of their biological development under the conditions of three physical education lessons per week. Conclusions: this methodology of differentiated approach to allocating educational time to develop motor skills of seventh-graders is an effective means for differentiated physical education of adolescents, which is reflected in the increase in the level of physical fitness and performance in seventh-graders during the pedagogical experiment