17 research outputs found

    Abell 3627: A Nearby, X-ray Bright, and Massive Galaxy Cluster

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    The cluster A3627 was recently recognized to be a very massive, nearby cluster in a galaxy survey close to the galactic plane. We are reporting on ROSAT PSPC observations of this object which confirm that the cluster is indeed very massive. The X-ray emission detected from the cluster extends over almost 1 degree in radius. The X-ray image is not spherically symmetric and shows indications of an ongoing cluster merger. Due to the strong interstellar absorption the spectral analysis and the gas temperature determination are difficult. The data are consistent with an overall gas temperature in the range 5 to 10 keV. There are signs of temperature variations in the merger region. A mass estimate based on the X-ray data yields values of 0.4−2.2⋅10150.4 - 2.2 \cdot 10^{15} \msu \ if extrapolated to the virial radius of 3h50−13 h_{50}^{-1} Mpc. In the ROSAT energy band (0.1 - 2.4 keV) the cluster emission yields a flux of about 2⋅10−102 \cdot 10^{-10} erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2} which makes A3627 the 6th^{th} brightest cluster in the ROSAT All Sky Survey. The cluster was missed in earlier X-ray surveys because it was confused with a neighbouring X-ray bright, galactic X-ray binary (1H1556-605). The large X-ray flux makes A3627 an important target for future studies.Comment: 14 pages, Latex file, including aaspp.sty, 9 postscript figures and 1 table, accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journa

    Discovery of a supercluster in the Zone of Avoidance in Vela

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    We report the discovery of a potentially major supercluster that extends across the Galactic plane in the constellation of Vela, at a mean recessional velocity of ~18 000 km s-1. Recent multiobject spectroscopic observations of this Vela supercluster (VSCL), using AAOmega+2dF and the Southern African Large Telescope, confirm an extended galaxy overdensity in the Zone of Avoidance (ZOA) located where residual bulk flows predict a considerable mass excess. We present a preliminary analysis of ~4500 new spectroscopic galaxy redshifts obtained in the ZOA centred on the Vela region (l = 272. ° 5 ± 20°, b = 0° ± 10°). The presently sparsely sampled data set traces an overdensity that covers 25° in Galactic longitude on either side of the Galactic plane, suggesting an extent of 25 × 20 deg2, corresponding to ~ 115×90 h70 Mpc at the supercluster redshift. In redshift space, the overdensity appears to consist of two merging wall-like structures, interspersed with clusters and groups. Both the velocity histogram and the morphology of the multibranching wall structure are consistent with a supercluster classification. Ks o galaxy counts show an enhancement of ~1.2 over the survey area for galaxies brighter than MK * at the VSCL distance, and a galaxy overdensity of δ = 0.50-0.77 within a photometric redshift shell around the VSCL, when compared with various Two Micron All-Sky Survey samples. Taking account of selection effects, the VSCL is estimated to contribute vLG ≳ 50 km s-1 to the motion of the Local GroupRCK-K, THJ, and MEC acknowledge research support from the NRF. MB is supported through grants #614.001.451 from the NWO, FP7 #279396 from the ERC, and #UMO-2012/07/D/ST9/02785 from the NC

    How does personal bankruptcy law affect start-ups? *

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    Abstract We exploit state-level changes in the amount of personal wealth individuals can protect under Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy to analyze the causal effect of debtor protection on the financing structure and performance of a representative panel of U.S start-up firms. We show that a higher level of debtor protection reduces the availability of credit, employment, operating efficiency, and survival rate of firms owned by low-wealth entrepreneurs. We find no such negative effects for firms owned by high-wealth entrepreneurs, who still have large amounts of assets unprotected under the new bankruptcy regime. Our evidence actually indicates that these wealthier entrepreneurs expand their businesses by increasing employment. Our results are consistent with theories that predict that debtor-friendly bankruptcy regimes redistribute credit from the less wealthy to the more wealthy individuals. (JEL: G32, G33, K35, M13

    Spread of Infection and Lymphocyte Depletion in Mice Depends on Polymerase of Influenza Virus

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    SC35M is a mouse-adapted variant of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus SC35. We have previously shown that interspecies adaptation is mediated by mutations in the viral polymerase and that it is paralleled by the acquisition of high pathogenicity for mice. In the present study, we have compared virus spread and organ tropism of SC35 and SC35M in mice. We show that SC35 virus causes mild bronchiolitis in these animals, whereas infection with the mouse-adapted SC35M virus leads to severe hemorrhagic pneumonia with dissemination to other organs, including the brain. In SC35M-infected animals, viral RNA and viral antigen were detected in monocytes and macrophages, and SC35M, unlike SC35, replicated in lymphocyte and macrophage cultures in vitro. SC35M did not induce an adequate cytokine response but, unlike SC35, caused severe lymphopenia in mice. These observations suggest that the high efficiency of the SC35M polymerase is responsible for infection and depletion of lymphocytes and other white blood cells, which results in immune suppression and systemic virus spread