47 research outputs found

    Histone deacetylase activity is necessary for left-right patterning during vertebrate development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Consistent asymmetry of the left-right (LR) axis is a crucial aspect of vertebrate embryogenesis. Asymmetric gene expression of the TGFβ superfamily member <it>Nodal related 1 </it>(<it>Nr1) </it>in the left lateral mesoderm plate is a highly conserved step regulating the <it>situs </it>of the heart and viscera. In <it>Xenopus</it>, movement of maternal serotonin (5HT) through gap-junctional paths at cleavage stages dictates asymmetry upstream of <it>Nr1</it>. However, the mechanisms linking earlier biophysical asymmetries with this transcriptional control point are not known.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To understand how an early physiological gradient is transduced into a late, stable pattern of <it>Nr1 </it>expression we investigated epigenetic regulation during LR patterning. Embryos injected with mRNA encoding a dominant-negative of Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) lacked <it>Nr1 </it>expression and exhibited randomized sidedness of the heart and viscera (heterotaxia) at stage 45. Timing analysis using pharmacological blockade of HDACs implicated cleavage stages as the active period. Inhibition during these early stages was correlated with an absence of <it>Nr1 </it>expression at stage 21, high levels of heterotaxia at stage 45, and the deposition of the epigenetic marker H3K4me2 on the <it>Nr1 </it>gene. To link the epigenetic machinery to the 5HT signaling pathway, we performed a high-throughput proteomic screen for novel cytoplasmic 5HT partners associated with the epigenetic machinery. The data identified the known HDAC partner protein Mad3 as a 5HT-binding regulator. While Mad3 overexpression led to an absence of <it>Nr1 </it>transcription and randomized the LR axis, a mutant form of Mad3 lacking 5HT binding sites was not able to induce heterotaxia, showing that Mad3's biological activity is dependent on 5HT binding.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HDAC activity is a new LR determinant controlling the epigenetic state of <it>Nr1 </it>from early developmental stages. The HDAC binding partner Mad3 may be a new serotonin-dependent regulator of asymmetry linking early physiological asymmetries to stable changes in gene expression during organogenesis.</p

    Acetylation of lysine 109 modulates pregnane X receptor DNA binding and transcriptional activity

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    Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is a major transcriptional regulator of xenobiotic metabolism and transport pathways in the liver and intestines, which are critical for protecting organisms against potentially harmful xenobiotic and endobiotic compounds. Inadvertent activation of drug metabolism pathways through PXR is known to contribute to drug resistance, adverse drug–drug interactions, and drug toxicity in humans. In both humans and rodents, PXR has been implicated in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer. Because of PXR's important functions, it has been a therapeutic target of interest for a long time. More recent mechanistic studies have shown that PXR is modulated by multiple PTMs. Herein we provide the first investigation of the role of acetylation in modulating PXR activity. Through LC–MS/MS analysis, we identified lysine 109 (K109) in the hinge as PXR's major acetylation site. Using various biochemical and cell-based assays, we show that PXR's acetylation status and transcriptional activity are modulated by E1A binding protein (p300) and sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). Based on analysis of acetylation site mutants, we found that acetylation at K109 represses PXR transcriptional activity. The mechanism involves loss of RXRα dimerization and reduced binding to cognate DNA response elements. This mechanism may represent a promising therapeutic target using modulators of PXR acetylation levels

    Novel EAAT2 activators improve motor and cognitive impairment in a transgenic model of Huntington’s disease

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    IntroductionGlutamate excitotoxicity is causal in striatal neurodegeneration underlying motor dysfunction and cognitive deficits in Huntington’s disease (HD). Excitatory amino acid transporter 2 (EAAT2), the predominant glutamate transporter accounting for &gt;90% of glutamate transport, plays a key role in preventing excitotoxicity by clearing excess glutamate from the intrasynaptic cleft. Accordingly, EAAT2 has emerged as a promising therapeutic target for prevention of neuronal excitotoxicity underlying HD and other neurodegenerative diseases.MethodsWe have previously designed novel EAAT2 positive allosteric modulator GT951, GTS467, and GTS551, with low nanomolar efficacy in glutamate uptake and favorable pharmacokinetic properties. In this study, we test the neuroprotective abilities of these novel EAAT2 activators in vivo using the robust Drosophila HD transgenic model expressing human huntingtin gene with expanded repeats (Htt128Q).ResultsAll three compounds significantly restored motor function impaired under HD pathology over a wide dose range. Additionally, treatment with all three compounds significantly improved HD-associated olfactory associative learning and short-term memory defects, while GT951 and GTS551 also improved middle-term memory in low-performing group. Similarly, treatment with GT951 and GTS551 partially protected against early mortality observed in our HD model. Further, treatment with all three EAAT2 activators induced epigenetic expression of EAAT2 Drosophila homolog and several cognition-associated genes.ConclusionTogether, these results highlight the efficacy of GT951, GTS467 and GTS551 in treating motor and cognitive impairments under HD pathology and support their development for treatment of HD

    Bacterial Indole as a Multifunctional Regulator of Klebsiella oxytoca Complex Enterotoxicity.

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    Gastrointestinal microbes respond to biochemical metabolites that coordinate their behaviors. Here, we demonstrate that bacterial indole functions as a multifactorial mitigator of Klebsiella grimontii and Klebsiella oxytoca pathogenicity. These closely related microbes produce the enterotoxins tilimycin and tilivalline; cytotoxin-producing strains are the causative agent of antibiotic-associated hemorrhagic colitis and have been associated with necrotizing enterocolitis of premature infants. We demonstrate that carbohydrates induce cytotoxin synthesis while concurrently repressing indole biosynthesis. Conversely, indole represses cytotoxin production. In both cases, the alterations stemmed from differ- ential transcription of npsA and npsB, key genes involved in tilimycin biosynthesis. Indole also enhances conversion of tilimycin to tilivalline, an indole analog with reduced cytotox- icity. In this context, we established that tilivalline, but not tilimycin, is a strong agonist of pregnane X receptor (PXR), a master regulator of xenobiotic detoxification and intestinal inflammation. Tilivalline binding upregulated PXR-responsive detoxifying genes and inhib- ited tubulin-directed toxicity. Bacterial indole, therefore, acts in a multifunctional manner to mitigate cytotoxicity by Klebsiella spp.: suppression of toxin production, enhanced con- version of tilimycin to tilivalline, and activation of PXR

    Challenges Predicting Ligand-Receptor Interactions of Promiscuous Proteins: The Nuclear Receptor PXR

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    Transcriptional regulation of some genes involved in xenobiotic detoxification and apoptosis is performed via the human pregnane X receptor (PXR) which in turn is activated by structurally diverse agonists including steroid hormones. Activation of PXR has the potential to initiate adverse effects, altering drug pharmacokinetics or perturbing physiological processes. Reliable computational prediction of PXR agonists would be valuable for pharmaceutical and toxicological research. There has been limited success with structure-based modeling approaches to predict human PXR activators. Slightly better success has been achieved with ligand-based modeling methods including quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis, pharmacophore modeling and machine learning. In this study, we present a comprehensive analysis focused on prediction of 115 steroids for ligand binding activity towards human PXR. Six crystal structures were used as templates for docking and ligand-based modeling approaches (two-, three-, four- and five-dimensional analyses). The best success at external prediction was achieved with 5D-QSAR. Bayesian models with FCFP_6 descriptors were validated after leaving a large percentage of the dataset out and using an external test set. Docking of ligands to the PXR structure co-crystallized with hyperforin had the best statistics for this method. Sulfated steroids (which are activators) were consistently predicted as non-activators while, poorly predicted steroids were docked in a reverse mode compared to 5α-androstan-3β-ol. Modeling of human PXR represents a complex challenge by virtue of the large, flexible ligand-binding cavity. This study emphasizes this aspect, illustrating modest success using the largest quantitative data set to date and multiple modeling approaches

    Novel Molecules To Treat Chronic Central Nervous System Toxoplasmosis

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