60 research outputs found

    Neuraminidase Inhibitor Susceptibility of Influenza Viruses Circulating in Bulgaria during the Last Four Consecutive Epidemic Seasons (2011/12 to 2014/15)

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    Emergence of resistant influenza virus progeny to currently approved antiviral drugs determines the need for antiviral susceptibility monitoring. The aim of the present study is to analyze neuraminidase inhibitor susceptibility of influenza viruses circulating in Bulgaria during the 2011/2012, 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 flu seasons. A phenotypic fluorescence-based assay with MUNANA substrate was conducted with 93 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and type B isolates. Screening of 352 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses was carried out using a Real Time RT-PCR discrimination assay for detection of the H275Y oseltamivir resistance point mutation. Phenotypic (IC50) evidence for resistance or reduced susceptibility to neuraminidase inhibitors was not found for any of the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and type B viruses screened. Only one (0,3%) influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus carrying the H275Y substitution was detected. Real Time RT-PCR assay could be applied to screen large numbers of clinical A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus positive samples for oseltamivir resistance. The present study highlights the importance of continued influenza antiviral susceptibility monitoring in clinical specimens

    An accelerator facility for intermediate energy proton irradiation and testing of nuclear materials

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    The bulk irradiation of materials with 10-30 MeV protons promises to advance the study of radiation damage for fission and fusion power plants. Intermediate energy proton beams can now be dedicated to materials irradiation within university-scale laboratories. This paper describes the first such facility, with an Ionetix ION-12SC cyclotron producing 12 MeV proton beams. Samples are mm-scale tensile specimens with thicknesses up to 300 um, mounted to a cooled beam target with control over temperature. A specialized tensile tester for radioactive specimens at high temperature (500+ {\deg}C) and/or vacuum represents the conditions in fission and fusion systems, while a digital image correlation system remotely measures strain. Overall, the facility provides university-scale irradiation and testing capability with intermediate energy protons to complement traditional in-core fission reactor and micro-scale ion irradiation. This facility demonstrates that bulk proton irradiation is a scalable and effective approach for nuclear materials research, down-selection, and qualification.Comment: Submitted to NIM B journa

    Структура, непроницаемость и долговечность цементного бетона

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    The paper presents the main hypotheses of frost destruction of cement concrete. The influence of cyclic temperature changes and the effect of static and dynamic (shock) loads on concrete on changes in the structure and strength of concreteis considered. The paper provides results of comparative tests of frost resistance of concrete containing a porous additive and a plasticizer, which contribute to an increase in the density and impermeability of its structure. It has been shown experimentally that the introduction of air-entraining additives with an additional effect of hydrophobization is productive from the standpoint of ensuring frost resistance of concrete of relatively low classes (up to C30/37), compressive strength up to 50 MPa and water absorption by mass more than 4.0 %. It is advisable to increase the frost resistance of concrete with greater impermeability and strength by increasing these indicators, in particular, due to the maximum decrease in the initial water content and high-quality compaction. This conclusion is experimentally confirmed by the data presented in the paper, since the “mechanism” of frost destruction of cement concrete is multifactorial, and the growth of its density (impermeability) and strength provide a higher ability to resist “force” effects associated with repeated alternating deformations of concrete, as well as the action of external loads, accumulation of fatigue phenomena, hydrodynamics of liquid filtration under the influence of changing temperature fields, etc. A comparative assessment of concrete frost resistance has been carried out using standardized and patented techniques containing a porous (air-entraining) additive, as well as plasticizing and mineral additives of amorphous micro-silica, introduced into concrete in order to increase its density, impermeability and strength and on this basis – increasing frost resistance. Experimental data are presented, reflecting the relationship and patterns of decrease in frost resistance of concrete subjected to the simultaneous action of static (for compression – different levels from the corresponding indicator of concrete strength) and shock, concentratedly applied dynamic loads. The regularity of the relationship between the accelerated frost destruction of concrete and the action of mechanical loads that cause cracking in its structure has been confirmed.. В статье представлены основные гипотезы морозной деструкции цементного бетона. Рассмотрено влияние циклических изменений температуры и воздействия на бетон статической и динамической (ударной) нагрузок на изменения в структуре и прочности бетона. Приведены результаты сравнительных испытаний морозостойкости бетона, содержащего поризующую добавку и пластификатор, способствующий повышению плотности и непроницаемости его структуры. Экспериментально показано, что введение воздухововлекающих добавок, обладающих дополнительным эффектом гидрофобизации, продуктивно с позиций обеспечения морозостойкости бетонов относительно низких классов (до С30/37), прочностью на сжатие до 50 МПа и водопоглощением по массе более 4,0 %. Морозостойкость бетона большей непроницаемости и прочности целесообразно повышать, наращивая эти показатели, в частности, за счет максимального уменьшения начального водосодержания и качественного уплотнения. Этот вывод экспериментально подтверждают приведенные в статье данные, так как «механизм» морозной деструкции цементного бетона многофакторный, а рост его плотности (непроницаемости) и прочности обеспечивает более высокую способность сопротивляться силовым воздействиям, связанным с многократно повторяющимися знакопеременными деформациями бетона, а также с действием внешних нагрузок, накоплением усталостных явлений, гидродинамики фильтрации жидкости под влиянием изменяющихся температурных полей и проч. С использованием стандартизированных и авторских методик проведена сравнительная оценка морозостойкости бетона, содержащего поризующую (воздухововлекающую) добавку, а также пластифицирующие и минеральную добавки аморфного микрокремнезема, вводимые в бетон с целью увеличения его плотности, непроницаемости и прочности, а на этой основе – повышения морозостойкости. Приведены экспериментальные данные, отражающие взаимосвязь и закономерности снижения морозостойкости бетона, подверженного одновременному воздействию статической (на сжатие – разного уровня от соответствующего показателя прочности бетона) и ударной, сосредоточенно приложенной динамической нагрузок. Подтверждена закономерность взаимосвязи ускоренной морозной деструкции бетона с действием механических нагрузок, вызывающих трещинообразование в его структуре

    Taxing the Informal Economy: The Current State of Knowledge and Agendas for Future Research

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    This paper reviews the literature on taxation of the informal economy, taking stock of key debates and drawing attention to recent innovations. Conventionally, the debate on whether to tax has frequently focused on the limited revenue potential, high cost of collection, and potentially adverse impact on small firms. Recent arguments have increasingly emphasised the more indirect benefits of informal taxation in relation to economic growth, broader tax compliance, and governance. More research is needed, we argue, into the relevant costs and benefits for all, including quasi-voluntary compliance, political and administrative incentives for reform, and citizen-state bargaining over taxation

    Results of screening for metabolic syndrome amongst college participants in Rostov-on-Don, diagnostic criteria

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    Purpose: to confirm the prevalence, identify early markers of metabolic Syndrome (MS) amongst college participants between the ages 16-18 years. Materials and methods: 240 young men and 452 young women were observed, Body Mass Index (BMI), percentage fat composition in the organism of (OMRONBF-306 и BF-400), level of Arterial Blood Pressure (BP) (OMRONM3 Expert). We selected 30 young women with hereditary predisposition to metabolic syndrome. MS and normal body mass index BMI. For the purposes of identification of early markers of metabolic syndrome, further investigations on the blood glucose level, C-Peptide, lipidogram and volume of visceral fats using Computer Tomography (CT) was done. Results: overwheight and obesity was found in 20.3% of participants, they all had an elevated level of fat composition. It was noted that 45.8% of the participants had an elevated level of fat composition but normal body mass index. Among this group with elevated fat composition, 98% was found to have visceral fat content 2-3 times higher than the control figures,72% had disorder of the lipid spectre. Summary: the increasement of volume of BMI, found by CT of abdominal ares is the first objective sign of formation of MS in young people

    The potential risks and impact of the start of the 2015–2016 influenza season in the WHO European Region: a rapid risk assessment

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    Background: Countries in the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region are reporting more severe influenza activity in the 2015–2016 season compared to previous seasons. Objectives: To conduct a rapid risk assessment to provide interim information on the severity of the current influenza season. Methods: Using the WHO manual for rapid risk assessment of acute public health events and surveillance data available from Flu News Europe, an assessment of the current influenza season from 28 September 2015 (week 40/2015) up to 31 January 2016 (week 04/2016) was made compared with the four previous seasons. Results: The current influenza season started around week 51/2015 with higher influenza activity reported in Eastern Europe compared to Western Europe. There is a strong predominance of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 compared to previous seasons, but the virus is antigenically similar to the strain included in the seasonal influenza vaccine. Compared to the 2014/2015 season, there was a rapid increase in the number of severe cases in Eastern European countries with the majority of such cases occurring among adults aged < 65 years. Conclusions: The current influenza season is characterized by an early start in Eastern European countries, with indications of a more severe season. Currently circulating influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses are antigenically similar to those included in the seasonal influenza vaccine, and the vaccine is expected to be effective. Authorities should provide information to the public and health providers about the current influenza season, recommendations for the treatment of severe disease and effective public health measures to prevent influenza transmission

    The SPARC Toroidal Field Model Coil Program

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    Relativistic two-particle Sturm-Liouville problem in the momentum representation: exact and numerical solutions

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    Релятивистские связанные состояния двухчастичных систем исследуются в специальном случае взаимодействия между частицами, которое допускает представление интегральных уравнений в форме задачи Штурма-Лиувилля непосредственно в импульсном представлении. Явный вид условий квантования и волновых функций найден численно. Численные решения сравниваются с точными аналитическими решениями в предельном случае нулевой массы связанной системы.Relativistic bound states of two-particle systems are investigated in a special case of interaction between particles, which allows representing integral equations in the form of a Sturm-Liouville problem in the momentum representation. The explicit form of the quantization conditions and wave functions of the two particle systems are found numerically. The numerical solutions are compared with exact analytical solutions in the limiting case of zero mass systems

    Analysis of international experience in creating reference standards databases

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    The article analyses international experience in creating analytical databases with information on reference standards. The authors examined and compared publicly available databases, i.e. reference standards catalogues posted on the official websites of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare, the United States Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmacopoeia, the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control. The article summarises features of each of the databases and compares the number of reference standard characteristics that are reflected in the databases. Based on the results of the analysis the authors assessed the existing international approaches to the creation of reference standards databases and determined the main information units to be taken into account while creating a reference standards database. The development of such a database will help improve and coordinate the collection and systematization of data on reference standards and promote the effectiveness of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation