16 research outputs found

    Implementation of Active Cybersecurity Education in Ukrainian Higher School

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    Cybersecurity as a part of information technology requires constant professional development for teachers. Therefore it is indicative of the study of the implementation of active learning methods. The experience of higher technical educational institutions in the countries of the European Union (Germany, France, Sweden, etc.) shows that the introduction of active learning elements and Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) methods dramatically increases student engagement and improves their learning outcomes. The article considers the stages of formation of the process of training specialists in cybersecurity. In addition, the experience of introducing active learning methods into the educational process is presented, and its results are analyzed. The technology of implementation of active learning and the results obtained have been presented concerning training professionals of the 2nd (Master’s) degree for the specialty 125 “Cybersecurity” in Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. These actions are confirmed by the study results of the average score of graduate students, which has increased by three points from 76.3 to 79.3


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    The article considers the problems of providing water, necessary for the needs of the population and the national economy on a global scale and for Azerbaijan in particular. One of the means for the accumulation and storage of water are artificial reservoirs formed, as a rule, in the river valley by water-supporting structures for the accumulation and storage of water for the purpose of its use in the national economy. The main parameters of reservoirs are considered in the article, such as: volume, area of the mirror and the amplitude of fluctuations in water levels in the conditions of their operation, as well as modes of their operation, which became the basis for constructing a mathematical model of the cascade reservoir, which reliably describes the hydrological processes that take place in the reservoirs. Monitoring the status of reservoirs will allow to plan activities, simulate the situation that may arise in other reservoirs that make up the cascade, and make forecasts. The article presents a data processing model in the MATLAB application development environment, which is one of the most popular software in the world. The model is based on the method of calculating differential indices based on multispectral data. Having a large number of additions to the main program in the form of toolboxes, or sets of specialized tools, makes it possible to apply MATLAB in a wide variety of areas of programming. The Mapping Toolbox is specifically designed to leverage MATLAB's richest geospatial capabilities. This article shows how to use Mapping Toolbox tools at all stages of working - from receiving and importing into the workspace of the program, processing and further outputting results in the form of files or finished electronic maps. The task of identifying and mapping the hydrological objects that make up the cascade of reservoirs on the largest waterway in Azerbaijan - the Kura River - was chosen as an example.У статті розглянуті проблеми забезпечення водою, необхідною для потреб населення і народного господарства в світовому масштабі і для Азербайджану зокрема. Одним із засобів для накопичення і зберігання запасів води є водосховища - штучні водойми, утворені, як правило, в долині річки водопідпірними спорудами для накопичення і зберігання води з метою її використання в народному господарстві. У статті розглянуті основні параметри водосховищ, такі як: обсяг, площа дзеркала і амплітуда коливання рівнів води в умовах їх експлуатації, а також режими їх роботи, що стали основою для побудови математичної моделі каскадного водосховища, яка достовірно описує гідрологічні процеси, котрі мають місце в водосховищах. Моніторинг стану водосховищ дозволить планувати заходи, моделювати ситуацію, яка може виникнути на інших водосховищах, що складають каскад, формувати прогнози. У статті представлена модель обробки даних в середовищі швидкої розробки додатків MATLAB, яка є одним з найбільш затребуваних програмним забезпеченням в світі. Модель побудована на методі розрахунку диференційних індексів, що спираються на дані мультиспектральних знімків. Наявність великої кількості додавань до основної програми у вигляді тулбоксів, або наборів спеціалізованих інструментів, дозволяє застосовувати MATLAB в найрізноманітніших областях програмування. Набір Mapping Toolbox спеціально розроблений для застосування найбагатших можливостей MATLAB для роботи з геопросторовими даними. У даній статті показується, як використовувати інструменти Mapping Toolbox на всіх стадіях роботи з ними – від отримання та імпорту в робочий простір програми, обробки і подальшого виведення результатів у вигляді файлів або готових електронних мап. В якості прикладу обрана задача виявлення і картографування гідрологічних об'єктів, що складають каскад водосховищ на найбільшій водній артерії Азербайджану – річці Кура

    Methods of the Objects Identification and Recognition Research in the Networks with the IoT Concept Support

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    An emergence of intelligent devices, a large number of sensors, the issue of their identification and interaction becomes relevant in the era of information technologies development. A control object, a structural diagram of an identification system, an algorithm for the correlation method of identification have been considered in the article, and a general idea of managing the process of recognizing an information network object has been given

    Modifications of the Correlation Method of Face Detection in Biometric Identification Systems

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    The accuracy of the functioning of modern neural networks both in the reproduction mode and in the learning mode remains insufficient for many practical tasks, therefore it is expedient to create new methods and algorithms for processing signals and data in neural environments. The purpose of the work is to create a pattern recognition method based on modified differential Hebb learning to increase the accuracy of the functioning of modern neural networks both in the playback mode and in the learning mode. Modifications of the correlation method of face detection were developed, which made it possible to reduce the total classification error by more than two times. A scheme of the parallel process of face recognition based on 2D and 3D images by the appropriate algorithm is proposed

    Analysis of Features and Prospects of Application of Dynamic Iterative Assessment of Information Security Risks

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    The article is devoted to the approach to information security risk analysis. The factors influencing the risk analysis process are defined. In such a task there is always a prior probabilistic information about the implementation of threats, which may be changed after the receipt of new expert assessments or as a result of observation of relevant events. One way of “revision” of the relative acceptability of probabilistic models is Bayesian approach, the essence of which implies that the degrees of trust in possible probabilistic models to obtain data are considered. After the information has been received, the probabilities are re-evaluated. In the analysis of information security risks, probabilistic models of the studied systems are used. Probabilistic space of events in the field of information security is determined and in probabilistic space the probabilistic measure is set by this or that method. To solve this problem an artificial neural network can be used. As an alternative to Bayesian approach, the method of maximum function of likelihood can be considered, which is used in the statistical estimation of distribution parameters. Bayesian approach to solving problems has advantages, as many properties of estimates obtained using the likelihood ratio are not performed in the case of a small sample size. Applying Bayesian approach also helps to solve the question of mathematical methods of assessment of prior values that can take the parameters of information security risk. In the presence of a large amount of statistics, the wrong choice of a prior distribution of probabilities will not significantly affect a posterior one. In the absence of such data it is expedient to choose a distribution that minimally affects a posterior distribution. The estimation of probability of realization of threats to information security exploiting relevant vulnerabilities is obtained by using Bayesian network

    Technology for information and cyber security in higher education institutions of Ukraine

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    With the increasing availability of the Internet and the rapid development of communication tools, the need for the availability of information and telecommunication resources, regardless of where they are received, is constantly growing. One of the cells of such resources is the institution of higher education (IHE). Modern IHE and their corporate networks are a multi-level hierarchical environment in which the interests and data of various user groups collide: students, research workers, administration, etc. As the perimeter of the classic corporate information network of IHE continues to evolve, it is the use of smartphones, tablets and other end devices with web applications or specialized workstations that contributes to the inevitable change in the educational process. This, in turn, provides users with the opportunity to access the training services of IHE while in the educational institution, and beyond. At the same time, when introducing the concept of access to information, a whole series of tasks arises that need to be solved in the process of ensuring information and cyber security of IHE, namely, to ensure: prevention of unauthorized access to IHE premises and its local networks; compliance with the requirements and recommendations of existing information and cybersecurity policies; Monitoring devices connected to the corporate network for compliance with applicable policies; logical division of the corporate network into security zones without changing the existing infrastructure, etc. In addition to protecting information of limited access, it is also necessary to ensure the security of information systems of IHE, in particular, for example, of such a system as “Electronic University”. Accidental or deliberate disabling of these systems can stop the learning process and violate the contractual conditions between the educational institution and the student (in the case of payment for educational services), cause material, moral and other damage to the staff of the educational institution and IHE as a whole due to design and technological and / or information activities. That is why the issues of ensuring information and cybersecurity of IHE are now extremely relevant

    Application of a Convolutional Neural Network with a Module of Elementary Graphic Primitive Classifiers in the Problems of Recognition of Drawing Documentation and Transformation of 2d to 3d Models

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    his paper presents the results of the research related to the design of a convolutional neural network with a module of graphic primitives elementary classifiers (EC) in the tasks of drawing documentation recognition and transformation of the 2D into 3D models. An architecture of a convolutional neural network with an elementary classifiers module of graphic primitives was proposed for solving the drawing recognition and 2 → 3 transformation problem. A graphic image classifier model based on covered classes and elementary primitive classifiers has been developed to increase the effectiveness of CNN training

    ZigBee Network Resistance to Jamming Attacks

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    The growth in the number of wireless devices, particularly in the context of the Internet of Things, has significant implications for their security. While wireless technologies enable connectivity and convenience, they also introduce new challenges and risks that need to be addressed to ensure the security and privacy of these devices and the data they handle. As the number of ZigBee devices grows, ensuring timely and consistent security updates and patches becomes more difficult, leaving devices exposed to known vulnerabilities. The increased number of ZigBee devices can lead to network congestion, which can potentially be exploited by attackers to launch jamming attacks or manipulate network traffic. In this paper, devices from different manufacturers were compared and one of the best was chosen for the experiments. Then a test layout was prepared with three different types of noise generators. According to the results of the experiment, the values of the number of errors were obtained, which show that about 11% is lost during the transmission of packets. With the directed jamming of a ZigBee network, the number of lost packets can reach 95%, which leads to the inability to use the network for its intended purpose. The type of noise generator and its signal level have little effect on the quality of the jamming

    AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Content

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    Digitization of socio-economic relations leads to the evolution of interaction between users and companies, manifested in communications through innovative information technologies. Marketing strategies of companies are focused on the digital environment since a significant number of users actively use the Internet in everyday life. Interaction with users in the digital environment involves the use of different content related to the interests of different groups of potential customers. The dynamic life of the modern population in the world, especially representatives of the Z and Alpha generations, requires companies to post new relevant content on an ongoing basis. The presence of high-level competition between companies in the digital environment allows users to form demand by their own needs and quickly reorient from one brand to another. The main channel for communications with the target audience in the digital environment is social media, which allows interaction with different groups of consumers through relevant marketing strategies. The population’s natural need for social orientation and interaction with other people in conditions of digitalization has led to a significant increase in the popularity of various social media. For each social media, certain distinctive features lead to the use of specialized thematic content and specific communications between subscribers. In the process of interacting with companies and discussing brands, users can use text messages, stylized graphic images (emoticons, emojis, memojis, animojis, etc.), as well as photos and video content. Optimizing the company’s marketing strategy involves comprehensive research of the target audience and identification of user reactions to various actions of brands in the digital environment. Artificial intelligence algorithms make it possible to establish, based on comments, the general level of positive or negative perceptions of companies’ actions. Modern mathematical algorithms make it possible to transform graphic objects and text messages into information that characterizes the relationship of users to brands, their products, and the implementation of marketing strategies. The obtained results are used to optimize the use of digital marketing tools and ensure a high level of the target audience’s loyalty to the company and its products

    Designing Secured Services for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting of Users

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    In this paperwork service for authentication, authorization, and user management has been designed and developed. The purpose of this work is to simplify the configuration of user security in web and mobile applications with a ready-made solution. The service can be implemented as a separate server on the Internet—you will be able to use it right after registering a client this method does not require the use of your resources, but it is less secure, especially for applications that keep vulnerable data. Still, the best and the most secure option is to download the source code and run the service on the local network. In this case, it will be only accessible to other applications or microservices in the case of microservice architectur