36 research outputs found

    Relativistic theory of inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron in strong magnetic field

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    The relativistic theory of the inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron, νe+np+e\nu _{e} + n \to p + e ^{-}, in strong magnetic field is developed. For the proton wave function we use the exact solution of the Dirac equation in the magnetic filed that enables us to account exactly for effects of the proton momentum quantization in the magnetic field and also for the proton recoil motion. The effect of nucleons anomalous magnetic moments in strong magnetic fields is also discussed. We examine the cross section for different energies and directions of propagation of the initial neutrino accounting for neutrons polarization. It is shown that in the super-strong magnetic field the totally polarized neutron matter is transparent for neutrinos propagating antiparallel to the direction of polarization. The developed relativistic approach can be used for calculations of cross sections of the other URCA processes in strong magnetic fields.Comment: 41 pages in LaTex including 11 figures in PostScript, discussion on nucleons AMM interaction with magnetic field is adde

    Specific features of Bazhenov suite sediments in south-eastern Nurolsk sedimentary basin (Tomsk Oblast)

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    The specific sediment features in Georgiev (J[3]kmgr), Bazhenov (J3vbg) and Kulomzin (K1bkl) suites, exposed by drilling in the S-E Nurolsk depression (Tomsk Oblast), were defined and described via petrographic, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence-microscopy analysis methods. The classification of agrillites was identified, the structure-texture features, composition, voids and bitumen types and their distribution were determined. It was defined that Bazhenov suite argillites are characteristic of fine-dispersion, high biogenic silica content and scattered organic matter, enriched multi-composite syngenetic bitumen (from light to resin-asphaltine), as well as fractured surface where the migration of light bitumen occurs

    Black-hole concept of a point-like nucleus with supercritical charge

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    The Dirac equation for an electron in the central Coulomb field of a point-like nucleus with the charge greater than 137 is considered. This singular problem, to which the fall-down onto the centre is inherent, is addressed using a new approach, based on a black-hole concept of the singular centre and capable of producing cut-off-free results. To this end the Dirac equation is presented as a generalized eigenvalue boundary problem of a self-adjoint operator. The eigenfunctions make complete sets, orthogonal with a singular measure, and describe particles, asymptotically free and delta-function-normalizable both at infinity and near the singular centre r=0r=0. The barrier transmission coefficient for these particles responsible for the effects of electron absorption and spontaneous electron-positron pair production is found analytically as a function of electron energy and charge of the nucleus. The singular threshold behaviour of the corresponding amplitudes substitutes for the resonance behaviour, typical of the conventional theory, which appeals to a finite-size nucleus.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, LATEX requires IOPAR

    Возможности применения полисахаридов при лечении ран

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    The article contains information about applying bio-engineering potential of the natural origin polymer systems, based on biodegradable polysaccharides, for the wound treatment. The unique biological and physicochemical properties of polysaccharides is a promising direction for atraumatic, controlled restoration of the damaged tissues with extensive acquired defects.В статье представлены материалы, отражающие биоинженерный потенциал полимерных систем природного происхождения на основе биодеградируемых полисахаридов, которые могут применяться в создании современных средств для местного лечения ран. Использование уникальных биологических и физико-химических свойств полисахаридов – перспективное направление для атравматичного управляемого восстановления целостности поврежденных тканей при обширных приобретенных дефектах

    Комбинированное лечение больных раком прямой кишки с использованием программы полирадиомодификации в сочетании с короткими курсами неоадъювантной лучевой терапии

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    Objective: to improve the outcomes of combination treatment of patients with rectal cancer using polyradiomodification and short courses of neoadjuvant radiotheragy.Materials and methods. A total of 905patients were included into this retrospective study based on the data retrieved from a prospective database. Of them, 241 patients underwent combination treatment with polyradiomodification (CT + PRM); 271 patients underwent combination treatment with preoperative radiotherapy alone (CT); 393patients underwent surgical treatment only (ST). Combination treatment with polyradiomodification included a course of radiotherapy with a total dose of 25 Gy delivered in 5 fractions (5 Gy each), rectal administration of biopolymer composition containing metronidazole at a dose of 10 g/m2 (5-h exposure in the rectum on days 3 and 5), and chemotherapy with capecitabine at a dose of 2 g/m2 on days 1—14 followed by surgery within the next 4—6 weeks. We analyzed the incidence of postoperative complications, 5-year relapse-free survival, and frequency of relapses.Results. The incidence of grade IIIB postoperative complications was significantly lower in patients who underwent combination treatment with polyradiomodification than in those who had surgery only (p = 0.0023) and those who had combination therapy without polyradiomodification (p = 0.0003). The 5-year relapse-free survival rate was 80.5 % in the group of CT + PRM compared to 64.9 % in the group of CT (p = 0.00315) and 60.1 % in the group of ST (p = 0.000001). The frequency of relapses was 0.4 %, 8.5 % (p = 0.00001), and 13.7 % (p = 0.00001) in the groups CT + PRM, CT, and ST respectively. There were no significant differences in the incidence of distant metastasis between the groups.Conclusions. The developed variant of combination treatment with polyradiomodification did not increase the number of complications and ensured better relapse-free survival due to improved locoregional control.Цель исследования — улучшить результаты комбинированного метода лечения больных раком прямой кишки с использованием программы полирадиомодификации в сочетании с короткими курсами неоадъювантной лучевой терапии.Материалы и методы. В ретроспективное исследование, основанное на данных проспективно заполняемой базы данных, включено 905 больных, из которых у 241 проведено комбинированное лечение с применением программы полирадиомодификации, у 271 пациента ранее проведено комбинированное лечение с использованием только предоперационной лучевой терапии в монорежиме, и у 393 — только хирургическое лечение. Комбинированное лечение с применением программы полирадиомодификации включало проведение курса лучевой терапии в разовой очаговой дозе 5 Гр в течение 5 дней до суммарной очаговой дозы 25 Гр, внутриректальной сверхвысокочастотной гипертермии в дни 3 и 5, введение биополимерной композиции, содержащей метронидазол в дозе 10 г/м2, с экспозицией ее в прямой кишке в течение 5 ч в дни 3 и 5, а также проведение химиотерапии капецитабином в дозе 2 г/м2 в дни 1—14 с последующим оперативным вмешательством в сроки от 4 до 6 нед. Анализировали частоту послеоперационных осложнений, 5-летнюю безрецидивную выживаемость, частоту рецидивов.Результаты. Частота послеоперационных осложнений IIIB степени тяжести в группе комбинированного лечения с применением программы полирадиомодификации была ниже по сравнению с группой хирургического лечения (р = 0,0023) и группой комбинированного лечения без применения программы полирадиомодификации (р = 0,0003). Пятилетняя безрецидивная выживаемость в группе комбинированного лечения с применением программы полирадиомодификации составила 80,5 % по сравнению с 64,9 % в группе комбинированного лечения без использования полирадиомодификации (р = 0,00315) и 60,1 % в группе хирургического лечения (р = 0,000001). Частота рецидивов составила 0,4 %, 8,5 % (р = 0,00001) и 13,7 % (р = 0,00001) соответственно. Частота отдаленного метастазирования достоверно не различалась между группами.Выводы. Созданный вариант комбинированного лечения с применением программы полирадиомодификации не приводит к увеличению общего количества осложнений и в рамках проведенного ретроспективного исследования обеспечивает более высокие показатели безрецидивной выживаемости за счет усиления локорегионарного контроля

    Clinical, laboratory and instrumental characteristics of children with sydenham’s chorea

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    Sydenham's chorea (SC) is a major clinical criterion in acute rheumatic fever (RF). SC is a late neurological manifestation of acute rheumatic fever which occurs 1 to 6 months after pharyngeal infection with group A betahemolytic streptococci. SC is characterized by clinical symptoms: involuntary hyperkinetic movements, muscular hypotonia, hyperreflexia, gait disturbance, emotional lability. Objective: The aim of the study was to identify frequency, clinical manifestations and the treatment of SC. The study included 56 children 4-17 years old, who were hospitalized in the Morozovskaya children’s clinical city hospital in 2001-2015 with RF. Clinical history, laboratory and instrumental methods (electrocardiography, transthoracic echocardiogram, cranial computed tomography scan and/or magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, electroneuromyography). The study revealed frequent errors (66%) in RF diagnosis before hospitalization. Besides chorea, the clinical manifestations of RF were: carditis (89,3%), arthritis (46,4%), erythema marginatum (10,7%), subcutaneous nodule (1,8%). The peculiarity of our study washighfrequency of chorea (42,9%). Isolated chorea wasseen in 12,5%, mixed chorea - in 30,4% of SC. The clinical manifestations of chorea were typical. The nervous system lesion most often occured in children with a neurological history (p < 0,05). The clinical or laboratory evidence of streptococcal infection were seldom found (p = 0,02) in patients withchorea (45,8%) compared with patients without chorea symptoms (69%). RF issue requires attention from the medical community. SC, especially isolated chorea (29%), is the most challenging manifestation of RF for the differential diagnosis.Chronic rheumatic heart disease can be developed even in patients with isolated chorea (12,5%). In the treatment of SC in addition antibiotics and drugs which affect domamine and GABA metabolism, glucocorticoids (Prednisolone) are needed

    Combination treatment of rectal cancer using polyradiomodification and short courses of neoadjuvant radiotherapy

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    Objective: to improve the outcomes of combination treatment of patients with rectal cancer using polyradiomodification and short courses of neoadjuvant radiotheragy.Materials and methods. A total of 905patients were included into this retrospective study based on the data retrieved from a prospective database. Of them, 241 patients underwent combination treatment with polyradiomodification (CT + PRM); 271 patients underwent combination treatment with preoperative radiotherapy alone (CT); 393patients underwent surgical treatment only (ST). Combination treatment with polyradiomodification included a course of radiotherapy with a total dose of 25 Gy delivered in 5 fractions (5 Gy each), rectal administration of biopolymer composition containing metronidazole at a dose of 10 g/m2 (5-h exposure in the rectum on days 3 and 5), and chemotherapy with capecitabine at a dose of 2 g/m2 on days 1—14 followed by surgery within the next 4—6 weeks. We analyzed the incidence of postoperative complications, 5-year relapse-free survival, and frequency of relapses.Results. The incidence of grade IIIB postoperative complications was significantly lower in patients who underwent combination treatment with polyradiomodification than in those who had surgery only (p = 0.0023) and those who had combination therapy without polyradiomodification (p = 0.0003). The 5-year relapse-free survival rate was 80.5 % in the group of CT + PRM compared to 64.9 % in the group of CT (p = 0.00315) and 60.1 % in the group of ST (p = 0.000001). The frequency of relapses was 0.4 %, 8.5 % (p = 0.00001), and 13.7 % (p = 0.00001) in the groups CT + PRM, CT, and ST respectively. There were no significant differences in the incidence of distant metastasis between the groups.Conclusions. The developed variant of combination treatment with polyradiomodification did not increase the number of complications and ensured better relapse-free survival due to improved locoregional control