2,009 research outputs found

    Characterization of a novel dioxomolybdenum complex by cyclic voltammetry

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    Metalloenzymes that carry a pterin-based molybdenum cofactor in their center catalyze numerous reactions in the human body and play a crucial role in its metabolism. Specifically, these enzymes promote redox reactions and oxygen transport in the body. Their absence may cause many problems leading to disability or even death in early childhood. Therefore, model compounds need to be synthesized and analyzed to investigate the reactivity, redox potential, and geometry of these cofactors. This study focused on electrode processes and determined the redox potentials of the new bis-(4-mercapto-5-(p-tolyl)-3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione)-dioxomolybdenum complex by cyclic voltammetry. The 4-mercapto-5-(p-tolyl)-3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione ligand underwent irreversible oxidation and reduction at thiol and thione functional groups. The new dioxomolybdenum complex showed a quasi-reversible two-stage electrode process


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    The distribution of elements in the oxide dispersive strengthened steel at the outputted proton beam into the atmosphere is study. The experiments were performed on an analytical nuclear-physical complex "Sokol" is study. For the analysis of the samples obtained were used vacuum arc melting of steel industry 08Cr18Ni10Ti into which the hardening particles ZrO2 stabilized Y2O3, with a size of 0.1 – 0.5 microns. Mathematical processing of spectral data obtained by mass composition of basic elements and doping impurities studied oxide dispersive strengthened steel. The uniformity of the distribution of elements was studied on entire surface of the sample

    Anthropometric approach to the diagnosis of mandibular asymmetry

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    The article describes the possibilities of clinical and x-ray diagnostics of mandibular asymmetry. In 61.5% of cases, the asymmetry of the lower jaw is accompanied by complaints from patients about the presence of articular sounds, mild pain when opening the mouth. Asymmetry of the lower jaw is more often determined in female individuals aged 19 to 46 years.В статье описаны возможности клинической и рентгенологической диагностики асимметрии нижней челюсти. В 61,5% случаев асимметрия нижней челюсти сопровождается жалобами пациентов на наличие суставных звуков, несильной боли при открывании рта. Асимметрия нижней челюсти чаще определена у лиц женского пола в возрасте от 19 до 46 ле

    Neuropsychological Tests in Researches of Executive Functions in Adults With Attention — Deficit / Hyperactivity Syndrome

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    Целью данного обзора является анализ методик диагностики СДВГ у взрослых пациентов. Исследования показывают нарушение исполнительных функций у детей с СДВГ, однако не так много работ посвящено изучению исполнительных функций у взрослых. Помимо этого, в оценке и измерении исполнительных функций отсутствуют нейропсихологические маркеры.The aim of this review is to analyze diagnostic tools for ADHD in adult patients. There are large body of literature on executive functions impairment in ADHD children; however a lack of researches is account to the study of executive functions in adults. Furthermore, there are no neuropsychological markers in the assessment and measurement of executive functions

    Study of OH• Radicals in Human Serum Blood of Healthy Individuals and Those with Pathological Schizophrenia

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    The human body is constantly under attack from free radicals that occur as part of normal cell metabolism, and by exposure to environmental factors such as UV light, cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants and gamma radiation. The resulting “Reactive Oxygen Species” (ROS) circulate freely in the body with access to all organs and tissues, which can have serious repercussions throughout the body. The body possesses a number of mechanisms both to control the production of ROS and to cope with free radicals in order to limit or repair damage to tissues. Overproduction of ROS or insufficient defense mechanisms leads to a dangerous disbalance in the organism. Thereby several pathomechanisms implicated in over 100 human diseases, e.g., cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, physiological disease, aging, etc., can be induced. Thus, a detailed investigation on the quantity of oxygen radicals, such as hydroxyl radicals (OH•) in human serum blood, and its possible correlation with antioxidant therapy effects, is highly topical. The subject of this study was the influence of schizophrenia on the amount of OH• in human serum blood. The radicals were detected by fluorimetry, using terephthalic acid as a chemical trap. For all experiments the serum blood of healthy people was used as a control group


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    The method of carbon containing electrode (CCE) modification with tosylated arendiazonium salts (ADT) was proposed for the voltammetric (VA) determination of caffeine in beverages. The comparison of chemical spontaneous and electrochemical modification approaches was carried out for ADT modified CCE for VA caffeine determination for the first time. A new class of ADT is characterized by high solubility and stability for one month that plays significant role in the process of electrode surface modification. Salts with nitro and carboxy substituents were tested. The optimal conditions for the spontaneous chemical modification of the CCE were selected: ADT modifier with NO2 substituent, electrode immersion time in the modifier solution for 10 seconds, modifier concentration of 5 mg / dm3. ADT deposition on the electrode surface was confirmed by the IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with the formation of covalent bonds between the carbon atoms of electrode surface and the benzene rings of the modifier. It was shown that the electroactive surface area increases by two times after the modification. Consequently, the technique sensitivity increasing the detection limit of 51 mg / dm3 and linear range extension from 154 up to 500 mg / dm3 was observed. While applying the modified electrode, the analysis time was reduced to 15 minutes. Furthermore, the suitability of CCE modified with NO2 substituent was tested for the analytical purposes. As a result, the caffeine was determined in some tonic and carbonated drinks. The comparison of the results obtained by the proposed method with ADT modified CCE and the level declared by the manufacturer was carried out. The high compliance was established. In addition, the obtained data was consistent with the results by the independent spectrophotometric method.Keywords: caffeine, diazonium aromatic salts, modifier, carbon-containing electrode, voltammetry, spontaneous modification, SEM, IR spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.1.007E.V. Dorozhko, A.O. Gusar, E.A. Bedareva, G.B. Slepchenko, M.E. Trusova, E.I. Korotkova National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University,Lenina prosp., 30, Tomsk, 634050, Russian FederationПредложен способ модификации углеродсодержащих электродов (УСЭ) тозилатными солями арендиазония (АДТ) с нитро- и карбоксизаместителями для вольтамперометрического (ВА) определения кофеина в напитках. Впервые проведено сравнение спонтанного химического и электрохимического способов модификации УСЭ АДТ для ВА определения кофеина. Новый класс АДТ обладает хорошей растворимостью, стабильностью в течение одного месяца, что играет немаловажную роль в процессе модификации поверхностей электродов. Подобраны оптимальные условия спонтанной химической модификации УСЭ: модификатор АДТ с NO2-заместителем, время погружения электрода в раствор модификатора − 10 с, концентрация модификатора − 5 мг/дм3. Методами инфракрасной спектроскопии (ИК-спектроскопии) и сканирующей электронной микроскопии (СЭМ) подтверждено закрепление АДТ на поверхности УСЭ с образованием ковалентных связей между атомами углерода электродной поверхности и бензольными кольцами модификатора. Показано, что после модификации площадь электроактивной поверхности увеличивается в два раза. В результате этого наблюдается возрастание чувствительности определения кофеина с пределом обнаружения 51 мг/дм3 и расширение диапазона определяемых концентраций: 154-500 мг/дм3. При использовании модифицированного электрода время анализа сократилось до 15 минут. Кроме этого, наблюдалась стабильность поверхности электрода без обновления в течение недели. При апробации пригодности для аналитических целей УСЭ, модифицированного АДТ с NO2-заместителем, проведено определение кофеина в некоторых тонизирующих и газированных напитках. Полученные значения содержания кофеина в напитках разработанным методом с использованием УСЭ, модифицированного спонтанным химическим способом АДТ с NO2-заместителем, наглядно демонстрируют соответствие значениям, заявленным производителем, а также согласуются с результатами независимого спектрофотометрического метода. Ключевые слова: кофеин, ароматические соли диазония, модификатор, углеродсодержащий электрод, вольтамперометрия, спонтанная модификация, СЭМ, ИК-спектроскопия, циклическая вольтамперометрияDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.1.00

    Comparative characteristics of using MSCS in the treatment of burns

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    This review coverages the main properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), including their characteristic, immunogenicity, and function in the context of skin repair and regeneration in severe burns. Comparative characteristics of the use of MSCs in the treatment of burns, as well as positive and negative factors of such therapy, were carried out.В этом обзоре освещаются основные свойства мультипотентных мезенхимальных стволовых клеток (ММСК), включая их характеристику, иммуногенность и функцию в контексте репарации и регенерации кожи при тяжелых ожогах. Проведены сравнительные характеристики использования ММСК при лечении ожогов, а также позитивные и негативные факторы подобной терапии

    Modification of cell wall polysaccharide guides cell division in <i>Streptococcus mutans</i>

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    In ovoid-shaped, Gram-positive bacteria, MapZ guides FtsZ-ring positioning at cell equators. The cell wall of the ovococcus Streptococcus mutans contains peptidoglycan decorated with serotype c carbohydrates (SCCs). In the present study, we identify the major cell separation autolysin AtlA as an SCC-binding protein. AtlA binding to SCC is attenuated by the glycerol phosphate (GroP) modification. Using fluorescently labeled AtlA constructs, we mapped SCC distribution on the streptococcal surface, revealing enrichment of GroP-deficient immature SCCs at the cell poles and equators. The immature SCCs co-localize with MapZ at the equatorial rings throughout the cell cycle. In GroP-deficient mutants, AtlA is mislocalized, resulting in dysregulated cellular autolysis. These mutants display morphological abnormalities associated with MapZ mislocalization, leading to FtsZ-ring misplacement. Altogether, our data support a model in which maturation of a cell wall polysaccharide provides the molecular cues for the recruitment of cell division machinery, ensuring proper daughter cell separation and FtsZ-ring positioning. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Adaptation of diagnostics methods of cognitive disorders in children in the format of online testing

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    The aim of the study - to adapt the existing methods of neuropsychological diagnostics to be carried out in an online format.Цель исследования – адаптация существующих методов нейропсихологической диагностики для проведения


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    Within the framework of this study, issues related to the features of simulation training used in the training of medical specialists are considered. The main problems of using high-tech simulators in the educational process are outlined. The tasks of further study of the psychological characteristics of the transfer of acquired knowledge to work with real patients are formulated.В рамках данного исследования рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с особенностями симуляционного обучения, применяющегося в рамках подготовки специалистов-медиков. Обозначены основные проблемы использования высокотехнологичных тренажеров в образовательном процессе. Сформулированы задачи дальнейшего исследования психологических особенностей переноса полученных знаний на работу с реальными пациентами