2,586 research outputs found


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    This article provides an overview of web services used for creating interactive tests, quizzes and surveys. It reveals the relevance of using mobile technologies and web services. After analyzing popular services, the article explores their differencies and similarities and highlights the advantages of their usage for both students and teachers. В статье представлен обзор веб-сервисов для создания интерактивных тестов, викторин, опросов. Выявлена актуальность использования мобильных технологий и веб-сервисов. Проанализированы популярные сервисы, выявлены их отличия и сходства, выделены преимущества использования для учащихся и педагогов.

    Determination of Total Antioxidant Content in Various Drinks by Amperometry

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    In the present work the total content of phenolic antioxidants in juice of some fruit and vegetables, in wines, water extracts of tea and herb were measured by amperometry. Efficiency of the method allowed determining the total antioxidant content in their binary and multimixes, including processes of frosting-defrosting and juice diluting as well. The deviation of experimentally received values of the total antioxidant content in some drink mixes from the values calculated proceeding from the additivity principle of the antioxidant content in separate drinks has been revealed

    Digital Technologies in Youth Career Guidance Management for Professions of the Agricultural and Industrial Complex of the Sverdlovsk Region

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    The research is aimed at finding ways to effectively integrate traditional career guidance approaches and the capabilities of digital platforms working in the field of youth policy management in the Sverdlovsk region. The ways of intersection of interests of universities and youth policy management bodies in the emerging unified Internet space are outlined. The analysis of digital transformation process in the field of career guidance is carried out. The possibilities of the main federal information platforms in the field of youth work and their effectiveness in terms of indicators are presented: the number of events, the coverage of participants and, what is important for us- the project activities of young people with a career-oriented component. The article provides examples of social projects that already have a digital footprint and a sufficiently large involvement of schoolchildren and students of the Sverdlovsk region. The educational component containing elements of career guidance, which can be further strengthened, is of particular interest. The ways of creating a territorial multilevel digital model of youth career guidance of the Sverdlovsk region are outlined. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.A major social project involving schoolchildren was carried out by the Ural SAU in partnership with the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the All-Russian Public Youth Organization "All-Russian Student Rescue Corps", with the support of the Autonomous Non-profit Organization "Resource Center for the Support of Volunteering in the Field of Safety Culture and Disaster Response Sverdlovsk region", and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region. The form of career guidance work through the joint participation of schoolchildren and students in such projects shows the social significance of joint actions, creates a community of like-minded people and helps to attract schoolchildren to the university


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    Human health potential and regular lifestyle are the things that are fostered during childhood. Family and educational ambience make a significant contribution into the general state of wealth and welfare of our children, the ambience is considered as the main resource of the health and healthy lifestyle creation. A survey was conducted; the goal of the survey was to study the incidence of behavioral risk factors and the role of domestic and school factors in forming of the general education school students' lifestyle. Group of interest: 57 general education schools, 5960 7-11® grade pupils, 912 parents and 240 teachers from Yekaterinburg. Amongst the students the high incidence of behavioral risk factors takes place: disturbed daily regimen (16,6-40,4 % considering certain aspects), low physical activity (70,1 %), alcohol (43,4 %) and tobacco (21,5 %) consumption, insufficient preventive activity. With equally high level of self-assessment of the hygienic knowledge amongst the students of a different age, a lower lifestyle self-assessment and a higher risk factors frequency in regard to the 11th grade pupils' lifestyle were registered. Teenage familiarization with the alcohol and tobacco is associated with a complex of factors characterizing students' personality traits, their school and home life organization. These factors are: low school progress; low motivationfor studying, social life and artistic activity; early labor activity; alcohol and tobacco-friendly family; lack of trust relationship, organization of child's life and behavioral and leisure activities control inside the family. More than half of the schools have certain defects in their health-improving activities, which are often connected with the insufficient level of preventive care-related education of teachers, poor physical training organization of students, lacking clear health promotion assistance policy for students at school, lacking external relations in the area of preventive care. The incidence of behavioral risk factors is associated with such school activity parts as teachers' preventive activity, interaction between school and parents, availability of a school health education system

    Stimulating of entrepreneurs’ innovative activity in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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    The article views some aspects of promoting innovative activity in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The measures stimulating innovative activity have been grouped into blocks.1. Creating favorable conditions for innovative activity. 2. Increasing the population’s innovative activity. 3. Development of the system of scientific and production cooperation and innovation commercialization. 4. Investment support of innovative projects. 5. Development of innovative infrastructure. 6. Development of innovative small businesses. 7. Information provision of innovative activity. The main directions of implementing the above-mentioned conditions are: - lawmaking activity in the Republic, taking into consideration the federal legislation, international standards and traditions; - financial and tax inducement of scientific-technical and innovative activity; - international technological integration; - private-state partnership in the sphere of innovative activity. Recommendations are suggested, relating to the innovative policy activation for more efficient fulfillment of the key functions of the Republic’s scientific and research sector. The authors conclude that the Republic has all necessary preconditions for small entrepreneurship functioning: the natural conditions favorable for many kinds of economic activity, the forming local market infrastructure for small business servicing, and the availability of large enterprises and centers of economic activity.Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, innovation, innovative activity, region, infrastructure, investments, stimulation, monitoring