26 research outputs found

    The Apollo 17 regolith

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    Among Apollo landing sites, Apollo 17 provides the best opportunity to study the efficiency of formation and evolution of regolith by impacts, both large and small. The mare-highlands interface is crucial to this endeavor, but the Light Mantle avalanche and presence of fine-grained pyroclastics offer additional constraints. Compositional variation among soils from different locations and depths provides a means to quantify the extent of mixing by larger impacts. Because of their variety and complex history, Apollo 17 soils have been important in establishing agglutinate abundance, mean grain size, and abundance of fine-grained iron metal (as measured by (I(sub s)/FeO)) as simple index of maturity (relative extent of reworking by micrometeorite impact at the surface). The following topics are discussed: (1) surface soils; (2) cores taken on the mission; (3) gray soil from station 4; (4) components with unknown sources; (5) important points; and (6) future work

    Compositional Variation in Apollo 16 Impact-Melt Breccias and Inferences for the Geology and Bombardment History of the Central Highlands of the Moon

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    High-precision data for the concentrations of a number of lithophile and siderophile elements were obtained on multiple subsamples from 109 impact-melt rocks and breccias (mostly crystalline) from the Apollo 16 site. Compositions of nearly all Apollo 16 melt rocks fall on one of two trends of increasing Sm concentration with increasing Sc concentration. The Eastern trend (lower Sm/Sc, Mg/Fe, and Sm/Yb ratios) consists of compositional groups 3 and 4 of previous classification schemes. These melt rocks are feldspathic, poor in incompatible and siderophile elements, and appear to have provenance in the Descartes formation to the east of the site. The Western trend (higher Sm/Sc. Mg/Fe, and Sm/ Yb ratios) consists of compositional groups 1 and 2. These relatively mafic, KREEP-bearing breccias are a major component (approx.35%) of the Cayley plains west of the site and are unusual, compared to otherwise similar melt breccias from other sites, in having high concentrations of Fe-Ni metal ( 1-2 %). The metal is the carrier of the low-Ir/Au (approx. 0.3 x chondritic) siderophile-element signature that is characteristic of the Apollo 16 site. Four compositionally distinct groups (1M, 1F, 2DB, and 2NR) of Western-trend melt breccias occur that are each represented by at least six samples. Compositional group 1 or previous classification schemes (the 'poikilitic' or 'LKFM' melt breccias) can be subdivided into two groups. Group 1M (represented by six samples, including 60315) is characterized by lower Al2O3 concentrations, higher MgO and alkali concentrations, and higher Mg/Fe and Cr/Sc ratios than group 1F (represented by fifteen samples, including 65015). Group 1M also has siderophile-element concentrations averaging about twice those of group lF and Ir/Au and Ir/Ni ratios that are even lower than those of other Western-trend melt rocks (Ir/Au = 0.24 +/- 0.03. CI-normalized). At the mafic extreme of group 2 ('VHA' melt breccias), the melt lithology occurring as clasts in feldspathic fragmental breccias from North Ray crater (group 2NR) is compositionally distinct from the melt lithology ofdimict breccias from the Cayley plains (group 2DB) in having higher concentrations of Sc, Cr, and heavy rare earth elements and lower concentrations of siderophile elements. The distinct siderophile-element signature (high absolute abundances, low Ir/Au ratio) suggest that the four groups ofmafic melt breccia are all somehow related. Ratios ofsome lithophile elements also suggest that they are more closely related to each other than then, are to melt breccias from other Apoll sites. However, none of the breccia compositions can be related to any of the others by any simple process of igneous fractionation or mixing involving common lunar materials. Thus, the origin of the four groups of mafic melt breccia is enigmatic. If they were produced in only one or two impacts, then a mechanism exists for generating regimes of impact-melt breccia in a single impact that are substantially different from each other in composition. For various reasons, including the problem of delivering large volumes of four different types of melt to the Apollo 16 site, it is unlikely that any of these breccias were produced in basin-forming impacts. If they were produced in as many as four crater-forming impacts, then the unusual siderophile-element signature is difficult to explain. Possible explanations are (1) the four groups of melt breccia all contain metal from a single, earlier impact, (2) they were each formed by related metal-rich meteoroids, or (3) some common postimpact process has resulted in metal of similar composition in each of four melt pools. Within a compositional group, most intrasample and intersample variation in lithophile element concentrations is caused by differences among samples in the proportion of a component of normative anorthosite or noritic anorthosite. In most cases, this compositional variation probably reflects variation in clast abundance. For group 2DB (and probably 2NR), differences in abundance of a component of ferroan anorthosite (estimated Al2O3 approx. 32%) accounts for the compositional variation. For groups 1M and 1F, the anorthositic component is more mafic (estimated Al203 approx. 26%). Some group-2 samples may be related by a troctolitic component of varying abundance

    Composition of Apollo 17 core 76001

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    Core 76001 is a single drive tube containing a column of regolith taken at the base of the North Massif, station 6, Apollo 17. The core material is believed to have accumulated through slow downslope mass wasting from the massif. As a consequence, the core soil is mature throughout its length. Results of INAA for samples taken every half centimeter along the length of the core indicate that there is only minor systematic compositional variation with depth. Concentrations of elements primarily associated with mare basalt (Sc, Fe) and noritic impact melt breccia (Sm) decrease slightly with depth, particularly between 20 cm and the bottom of the core at 32 cm depth. This is consistent with petrographic studies that indicate a greater proportion of basalt and melt breccia in the top part of the core. However, Sm/Sc and La/Sm ratios are remarkably constant with depth, indicating no variation in the ratio of mare material to Sm-rich highlands material with depth. Other than these subtle changes, there is no compositional evidence for the two stratigraphic units (0-20 cm and 20-32 cm) defined on the basis of modal petrography, although all samples with anomalously high Ni concentrations (Fe-Ni metal nuggets) occur above 20 cm depth

    North Massif lithologies and chemical compositions viewed from 2-4 mm particles of soil sample 76503

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    We identify the lithologic and compositional components of soil 76503 based on INAA of 243 2-4-mm particles and 72 thin sections from these and associated 1-2-mm particles (76502). We present a statistical distribution of the major compositional types as the first step of a detailed comparative study of the North and South Massifs. The soil sample was collected well away from any boulder and is more representative of typical North Massif material than any single large rock or boulder sample. So far, our examination of the 76503 particles has provided a better definition of precursor igneous lithologies and their petrogenetic relationships. It has enabled us to refine the nature of mixing components for the North Massif less than 1-mm fines. It has confirmed the differences in lithologies and their proportions between materials of the North and South Massifs; e.g., the North Massif is distinguished by the absence of a 72275-type KREEP component, the abundance of a highly magnesian igneous component, and the absence of certain types of melt compositions found in the South Massif samples

    Lunar Meteorite Queen Alexandra Range 93069 and the Iron Concentration of the Lunar Highlands Surface

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    Lunar meteorite Queen Alexandra Range 93069 is a clast-rich, glassy-matrix regolith breccia of ferroan, highly aluminous bulk composition. It is similar in composition to other feldspathic lunar meteorites but differs in having higher concentrations of siderophile elements and incompatible trace elements. Based on electron microprobe analyses of the fusion crust, glassy matrix, and clasts, and instrumental neutron activation analysis of breccia fragments, QUE 93069 is dominated by nonmare components of ferroan, noritic- anorthosite bulk composition. Thin section QUE 93069,31 also contains a large, impact-melted, partially devitrified clast of magnesian, anorthositic-norite composition. The enrichment in Fe, Sc, and Cr and lower Mg/Fe ratio of lunar meteorites Yamato 791197 and Yamato 82192/3 compared to other feldspathic lunar meteorites can be attributed to a small proportion (5-10%) of low-Ti mare basalt. It is likely that the non- mare components of Yamato 82192/3 are similar to and occur in similar abundance to those of Yamato 86032, with which it is paired. There is a significant difference between the average FeO concentration of the lunar highlands surface as inferred from the feldspathic lunar meteorites (mean: approx. 5.0%; range: 4.3-6.1 %) and a recent estimate based on data from the Clementine mission (3.6%)

    An iridium-rich iron micrometeorite with silicate inclusions from the Moon

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    We have found a 0.1 mg iron micrometeorite containing meteoritic silicate inclusions in an agglutinate from 2-2.5 cm deep in regolith core 60014. The metal is 93 percent iron, 6.5 percent nickel, 0.5 percent cobalt, approximately 150 ppm iridium, and less than 2 ppm gold. Although the Ir concentration is higher than that reported previously for any iron meteorite group, it lies on the extrapolation to low Ni and high Ir concentrations of several meteorite groups on Ni,Ir plots (groups 2C,D,E, and 3AB,E,F). Tiny, subrounded silicate inclusions comprise low-Ca pyroxene (En83), olivine (FO80), and albitic and potassic feldspars, as mixtures of minerals or glasses. Minor phases include oldhamite (CaS) and, tentatively, hercynite (FeAl2O4). The inclusions have pyroxene FeO/MnO of approximately 25 and olivine FeO/MnO of 40-60. In comparison with known iron meteorites, the inclusions are most similar to those in type 2E, e.g., Weekeroo Station, Colomera, and Kodaikanal. As far as we know, this is the first observation of an iron meteorite with silicate inclusions from a lunar sample. No metal fragments with meteoritic, nonmetallic inclusions were reported in several previous, exhaustive studies of soil particles

    A Simulated Geochemical Rover Mission to the Taurus-Littrow Valley of the Moon

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    We test the effectiveness of using an alpha backscatter, alpha-proton, X ray spectrometer on a remotely operated rover to analyze soils and provide geologically useful information about the Moon during a simulated mission to a hypothetical site resembling the Apollo 17 landing site. On the mission, 100 soil samples are "analyzed" for major elements at moderate analytical precision (e.g., typical relative sample standard deviation from counting statistics: Si[11%], Al[18%], Fe[6%], Mg[20%], Ca[5%]). Simulated compositions of soils are generated by combining compositions of components representing the major lithologies occurring at the site in known proportions. Simulated analyses are generated by degrading the simulated compositions according to the expected analytical precision of the analyzer. Compositions obtained from the simulated analyses are modeled by least squares mass balance as mixtures of the components, and the relative proportions of those components as predicted by the model are compared with the actual proportions used to generate the simulated composition. Boundary conditions of the modeling exercise are that all important lithologic components of the regolith are known and are represented by model components, and that the compositions of these components are well known. The effect of having the capability of determining one incompatible element at moderate precision (25%) is compared with the effect of the lack of this capability. We discuss likely limitations and ambiguities that would be encountered, but conclude that much of our knowledge about the Apollo 17 site (based on the return samples) regarding the distribution and relative abundances of lithologies in the regolith could be obtained. This success requires, however, that at least one incompatible element be determined

    Lithological Variation with Depth and Decoupling of Maturity Parameters in Apollo 16 Regolith Core 68001/2

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    Using FerroMagnetic Resonance (FMR) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), we have determined the maturity (surface exposure) parameter I(sub s)/FeO and concentrations of twenty- five chemical elements on samples taken every half centimeter down the 61-cm length of the 68001/2 regolith core (double drive tube) collected at station 8 on the Apollo 16 mission to the Moon. Contrary to premission expectations, no ejecta or other influence from South Ray crater is evident in the core, although a small inflection in the I(sub s)/FeO profile at 3 cm depth may be related the South Ray crater impact. Regolith maturity generally decreases with depth, as in several previously studied cores. We recognize five compositionally distinct units in the core, which we designate A through E, although all are similar in composition to each other and to other soils from the Cayley plains at the Apollo 16 site. Unit A (0-33 cm) is mature to submature throughout (I(sub s)/FeO: 89-34 units) and is indistinguishable in composition from surface soils collected at station 8. Unit B (33-37 cm) is enriched slightly in a component of anorthositic norite composition. Unit D (42-53 cm) is compositionally equivalent to 80 wt% Unit-A soil plus 20 wt% Apollo-16-type dimict breccia consisting of subequal parts anorthosite and impact-melt breccia. Compared to Unit A, Unit E (53-61 cm) contains a small proportion (up to 4%) of some component compositionally similar to Apollo 14 sample 14321. Unit C (37-42 cm) is unusual. For lithophile and siderophile elements, it is similar to Units A and D. However, I(sub s)/FeO is low throughout the unit (less than 30 units) and in a bluish-gray zone at 41 cm depth I(sub s)/FeO drops to 1.6 units, the lowest value that we have observed in several hundred Apollo 16 soil samples. Samples from the bluish-gray zone also have low Zn concentrations, less than 10 micro g/g, compared to 20-30 micro g/g for the rest of the core. Although both values are consistent with fragmented rock material that has received virtually no surface exposure, the abundance of agglutinates in the bluish-gray soil of Unit C is moderately high, typical of a submature soil that would ordinarily have I(sub s)/FeO - 30. We believe that the anomalously low values of I(sub s)/FeO and Zn concentration result because the soil was heated to -800-1000 'C, probably during an impact. This temperature range is sufficient to volatize the surface-correlated Zn and agglomerate the nanophase metal giving rise to the FMR signal but is not great enough to sinter the soil. Alternatively, the unusual soil interval may represent a disaggregated or incipient regolith breccia, although there is no significant difference in the texture or clast-matrix relationships between Unit C and adjacent units

    Compositional constraints on the launch pairing of three brecciated lunar meteorites of basaltic composition

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    Lunar meteorite EET 87/96 (paired stones Elephant Moraine 87521 and 96008) is a breccia consisting of fragments of a solidified, differentiated magma of basaltic composition. Small splits of the meteorite vary considerably in composition because they are heterogeneous mixtures of (1) a low-FeO differentiate with high Mg/Fe, high Cr/Sc, high Ca/Na, and low concentrations of incompatible elements and (2) a high-FeO differentiate with complimentary geochemical characteristics. Y79/98 (paired stones 793274 and 981031) and QUE (Queen Alexandra Range) 94281 are regolith breccias consisting of subequal proportions of material from the feldspathic highlands and fragments of mafic volcanic rock of mare-basalt-like composition. Previous studies have shown that (1) QUE 94281 and Y79/98 are very similar to each other and likely derive from the same source crater, (2) the texture and mineralogy of the volcanic components of all three meteorites are similar to each other yet distinct from mare basalts of the Apollo collection, and (3) all three meteorites were launched from the Moon at about the same time. We show that the volcanic component of Y79/98 and QUE 94281 are compositionally indistinguishable from a point on the EET 87/96 mixing line. Thus, there is no compositional impediment to the hypothesis that all three meteorites originate from the same place on the Moon and were launched by a single impact