78 research outputs found

    Treatment of Patients Suffering from Glossalgia Accompanied by Xerostomia

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    Glossalgia is considered to be a pluricausal disease accompanied by paresthesia and tongue sensitivity disorder by the segmental type, combined with changes in salivation, taste and bulbar phenomena. Patients suffer from burning sensation, pin sensation, dry sore throat, and numbness of the tongue (as if the tongue is “peppered”, “burned”, etc.). Depression of salivary glands function is observed in patients suffering from paraesthesiae in the tongue frequently. These phenomena may be explained by the disorder of nerve and reflex pathways that ensure regulation of the secretory process and neurotransmission from the tongue surface. The treatment of patients suffering from glossalgia accompanied by xerostomia is complex and includes active cooperation of dentist, neurologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. However, despite the variety of suggested methods and ways of this pathology treatment, all of them have an insufficient degree of efficiency. Therefore, the search of more efficient and perspective methods remains up to date.The objective of the research was to increase the efficiency of glossalgia treatment by affecting the secretory apparatus of major and minor salivary glands. 17 female patients at the age of 37-62 having severe xerostomia with glossalgia were examined and treated. The method of glossalgia accompanied by xerostomia treatment approved by the authors consisted of bougienage of parotid and submandibular salivary glands ducts, successive alternating administration of chlorhexidine solution and rose seed oil into glands twice a week during one month, electrophoresis of nivalin for major salivary glands (10 sessions every other day), prescription of “No-Spa” in the first 7 days from the initiation of treatment. It was objectively proved that the immediate results after the termination of treatment were characterized by increasing of general secretion, elimination of the tongue paresthesia in most patients. Thus, we consider the stimulation of secretory activity of salivary glands in patients suffering from glossalgia to be a necessary component of complex treatment of this category of patients

    Deformation of an elastic second gradient spherical body under equatorial line density of dead forces

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    We consider deformations of an elastic body having initially a spherical shape. Assumed deformation energy depends on the first and second gradient of displacements. We apply an equatorial line density of dead loads, that are forces per unit line length directed in radial direction and applied along the equator of the sphere. We restrict ourselves our analysis to the case of linearized second strain gradient isotropic elasticity (for which the more general energy was determined by Mindlin) with only one characteristic length. Differently to what happens in first gradient continua, i.e. in classic linear elasticity, we show that for the particular class second gradient continua considered here these forces do not determine infinite displacements in the direction of applied dead line forces. Instead, using a series method for the solution of the considered boundary-value problem, we demonstrate that the displacements are finite. So in the deformed configuration there is not the formation of an edge at the material points where the forces are applied. Further investigations are therefore needed for establishing if this elastic-regime edge formation is made possible: (I) either in the case of more general linear elastic constitutive equations or (II) only when large deformations are considered or (III) if non-elastic phenomena are involved

    Нозологический и половозрастной профиль смертности населения Вологодской области и обусловленных ей демографических потерь

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    The continuation and deepening of regional studies of the nosological and age and gender structure of mortality and its temporal dynamics is due both to the need for scientific monitoring of the implementation of regional programs and projects of the Vologda Oblast dedicated to the protection and promotion of public health, and the need to update the trends in mortality of the region residents in the context of modern socio-demographic challenges (population aging, depopulation, a complex epidemiological situation against the background of the spread of coronavirus infection).The purpose of the study was the analysis of the nosological and age and gender profile of mortality in the Vologda Oblast and the resulting demographic losses, including their transformation over the period from 2015 to 2019. The choice of the analyzed period is not accidental: if in 2015 the region was characterized by the most positive indicators of natural population movement (the total coefficient of natural loss since the beginning of the 2000s reached a minimum of -1.1 per mille), then by 2019 the situation changed dramatically — the indicator of natural loss increased and amounted to - 4.5 per mille.Materials and methods. The study was based on both general scientific and special statistical and demographic methods of research — structural and dynamic analysis of mortality indicators of the Vologda oblast population; assessment of demographic losses due to premature mortality by calculating lost years of potential life; calculation of mortality rates. The information base was the data of the territorial body of the Federal state statistics service for the Vologda Oblast, in particular, the annual data on the distribution of the deceased by sex, age groups and causes of death for 2015-2019.Results. The conducted study allowed us to establish that, in general, the structure of mortality in the region shows signs of its gradual modernization: the level of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system, external causes of death and their share in the total number of deaths are reduced, while increasing the proportion of neoplasms, symptoms, signs, deviations from the norm detected in clinical and laboratory tests, which is quite natural due to the shift in mortality to older age groups. At the same time, its features “slow down” the evolution of the mortality structure, such as a high proportion of young age groups (under 45 years old), especially categories 30-44 years old, in mortality from external causes, infectious and parasitic diseases, endocrine diseases, nutritional disorders, metabolic disorders and, as a result, the large scale of premature mortality of the region's population; male premature super-mortality, as well as the high contribution of the child population (0-14 years old) to premature mortality from diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs.Conclusion. Against the background of the coronavirus pandemic, the fact of a high contribution of young age groups (up to 45 years) to mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases is of great concern due to the likelihood of a sharp increase in the scale of human losses as a result of the layering of new premature deaths due to the consequences of COVID-19. It is considered necessary to include additional indicators of mortality reflecting its gender, age and nosological profile in the regional comprehensive program “Public health — in the center of attention”.Продолжение и углубление региональных исследований нозологической и половозрастной структуры смертности, её временной динамики обусловлено как необходимостью научного мониторинга реализации региональных программ и проектов Вологодской области, посвященных охране и укреплению здоровья населения, так и потребностью в актуализации трендов смертности жителей региона в условиях современных социально-демографических вызовов (старение населения, депопуляция, сложная эпидемиологическая ситуация на фоне распространения коро-навирусной инфекции).Цель исследования заключалась в анализе нозологического и половозрастного профиля смертности населения Вологодской области и обусловленных ей демографических потерь, в том числе их трансформации за период с 2015 по 2019 гг. Выбор анализируемого периода неслучаен: если в 2015 г. регион характеризовался наиболее позитивными показателями естественного движения населения (общий коэффициент естественной убыли с начала 2000-х гг. Достиг минимума —1,1 промилле), то к 2019 г. ситуация поменялась кардинальным образом — показатель естественной убыли вырос и составил -4,5 промилле.Материалы и методы. Исследование базировалось на как на общенаучных, так и специальных статистико-демографических методах исследования — структурно-динамическом анализе показателей смертности населения Вологодской области; оценке демографических потерь вследствие преждевременной смертности посредством расчета потерянных лет потенциальной жизни; расчете коэффициентов смертности. Информационной базой послужили данные территориального органа Федеральной службы государственной статистики по Вологодской области, в частности годовые данные о распределении умерших по полу, возрастным группам и причинам смерти за 2015—2019 гг.Результаты. Проведенное исследование позволило установить, что в целом в структуре смертности населения региона наблюдаются признаки её постепенной модернизации: сокращается уровень смертности от болезней системы кровообращения, внешних причин смерти и их доля в общем числе умерших при одновременном повышении удельного веса новообразований, симптомов, признаков, отклонений от нормы, выявленных при клинических и лабораторных испытаниях, что вполне закономерно ввиду смещения смертности на старшие возрастные группы. Вместе с тем «тормозят» эволюцию структуры смертности такие её черты, как высокая доля молодых возрастных групп (до 45 лет), особенно категории 30—44 лет, в смертности от внешних причин, инфекционных и паразитарных заболеваний, болезней эндокринной системы, расстройств питания, нарушений обмена веществ и, как следствие, большие масштабы преждевременной смертности населения региона; мужская преждевременная сверхсмертность, а также высокий вклад детского населения (0—14 лет) в преждевременную смертность от болезней нервной системы и органов чувств.Заключение. На фоне пандемии коронавирусной инфекции факт высокого вклада молодых возрастных групп (до 45 лет) в смертность от инфекционных и паразитарных заболеваний вызывает большие опасения из-за вероятности резкого возрастания масштабов людских потерь в результате наслаивания на имеющиеся преждевременные смерти новых, обусловленных последствиями COVID-19. Видится необходимым внесение в региональную комплексную программу «Общественное здоровье — в центре внимания» дополнительных индикаторов смертности, отражающих её половозрастной и нозологический профиль

    Typology of the Population According to the Ratio of Internal and External Factors of Active Longevity

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    The study aims to identify groups (types) of the population according to the ratio of external and internal factors of active longevity. The research analysed data from a sociological survey of the adult population of Vologda Oblast conducted by the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2021. The main methods applied are the index method (calculation of indices of internal and external factors of active longevity) and the typology according to the ratio of index values. The resulting typology indicates the predominance of favourable internal and external conditions for maintaining a long and active life for the majority of Vologda Oblast’s population (61%). 12% of the region’s residents have the most unfavourable situation, in which both external conditions and internal resources do not contribute to maintaining active longevity. In other cases, there was a mismatch in the ratio of external and internal factors of active longevity. Gender and age differences in the selected types of the population were revealed. The obtained typology can be used to develop relevant management mechanisms for the implementation of social policy taking into account existing types of population, and the proposed index methodology can be the basis of a monitoring study of active longevity of the population.Цель исследования заключалась в выделении групп (типов) населения по соотношению внешних и внутренних факторов активного долголетия. Информационную базу составили данные социологического опроса взрослого населения Вологодской области, проведенного Вологодским научным центром РАН в 2021 г. Основные методы — индексный метод (расчет индексов внутренних и внешних факторов активного долголетия) и типология по соотношению величин индексов. Результаты проведенной типологии говорят о преобладании благоприятных внутренних и внешних условий для поддержания долгой и активной жизни у большей части населения Вологодской области (61 %). У 12 % жителей региона наблюдается самая неблагополучная ситуация, при которой и внешние условия, и внутренние ресурсы не способствуют поддержанию активного долголетия. В остальных случаях наблюдалось рассогласование соотношения внешних и внутренних факторов активного долголетия. Выявлены половозрастные различия в выделенных типах населения. Произведенная типология позволяет разработать релевантные управленческие механизмы для реализации социальной политики с учетом существующих типов населения, а предложенная индексная методика может лечь в основу мониторингового исследования активного долголетия населения.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований № 20-511-00036 Бел_а «Внедрение концепции активного долголетия в России и Беларуси в условиях необратимости демографического старения»

    Implementation of International Standards for Determining an Efficient Civil Law Remedy by a National Court

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    The article is devoted to studying the effectiveness of protection of violated, unrecognised or disputed rights, freedoms or interests of individuals, rights and interests of legal entities, the interests of the state in civil proceedings. The purpose of the article is to study how to implement international standards for determining an efficient civil law remedy by the court: (based on the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and national case law). Clarification of the essence of novels of substantive and procedural law in determining the court's effective way to protect private law as the final judicial procedure of the right to judicial protection was by comparative law, methods of analysis, modelling and synthesis with the implementation of related elements of classical methods of protection and reception of the best acquisitions of legal systems of foreign countries, norms of the Convention of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (from now on – ECtHR). The dialectical method of cognition and the qualitative empirical method were also the main ones, by means of which the legal nature of the category "efficiency" and "determination by the court of an effective way of protection of private law and interest" were clarified. Keywords: Litigation, the remedy of private law, international standards, ECtHR, ECHR

    Impaired Choroidal Blood Flow in Adolescents with Essential Arterial Hypertension

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    Arterial hypertension is a problem not only for adults, but also for children, but there are very few data on changes in the organ of vision under the influence of an elevated level of blood pressure in children.The aim of the work is to identify disturbances of the choroidal blood flow in children and adolescents with essential arterial hypertension.Methods. Fifty patients with essential arterial hypertension were examined. The age of patients ranged from 10 to 17 years, the duration of the disease ranged from 2 months to 8 years. All patients underwent color Doppler mapping of the orbital vessels, registration of the oscillatory potentials of the ERG.Results. It was revealed that increased arterial pressure causes retinal and choroidal ischemia, which is accompanied primarily by impaired blood flow in the orbital vessels and is reflected in a decrease in the amplitude and deformation of the peaks of the ERG oscillatory potentials.Conclusion. Hypertension causes and supports retinal and choroidal ischemia, which is accompanied primarily by impaired blood flow in the orbital vessels, functional depression of photoreceptors, ganglion cells and neuroglia of the retina, aggravating the identified changes as the experience of essential hypertension increases. A marker of chorioretinal ischemia is amplitude depression, a change in the shape of the teeth of the oscillatory potentials of the ERG, which indicates a decrease in the functional activity of the retinal ganglion complex.That is, these changes can be considered as a predictor of hypertensive angioretinopathy in children and adolescents with essential arterial hypertension

    The regulatory role of cystatin C in autophagy and neurodegeneration

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    Autophagy is a dynamic cellular process involved in the turnover of proteins, protein complexes, and organelles through lysosomal degradation. It is particularly important in neurons, which do not have a proliferative option for cellular repair. Autophagy has been shown to be suppressed in the striatum of a transgenic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Cystatin C is one of the potent regulators of autophagy. Changes in the expression and secretion of cystatin C in the brain have been shown in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and in some animal models of neurodegeneration, thus proving a protective function of cystatin C. It has been suggested that cystatin C plays the primary role in amyloidogenesis and shows promise as a therapeutic agent for neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases). Cystatin C colocalizes with the amyloid β-protein in the brain during Alzheimer’s disease. Controlled expression of a cystatin C peptide has been proposed as a new approach to therapy for Alzheimer’s disease. In Parkinson’s disease, serum cystatin C levels can predict disease severity and cognitive dysfunction, although the exact involvement of cystatin C remains unclear. The aim: to study the role of cystatin C in neurodegeneration and evaluate the results in relation to the mechanism of autophagy. In our study on humans, a higher concentration of cystatin C was noted in cerebrospinal fluid than in serum; much lower concentrations were observed in other biological fluids (intraocular fluid, bile, and sweat). In elderly persons (61–80 years old compared to practically healthy people at 40–60 years of age), we revealed increased cystatin C levels both in serum and intraocular fluid. In an experiment on C57Bl/6J mice, cystatin C concentration was significantly higher in brain tissue than in the liver and spleen: an indication of an important function of this cysteine protease inhibitor in the brain. Using a transgenic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease (5 months old), we demonstrated a significant increase in osmotic susceptibility of brain lysosomes, depending on autophagy, while in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease, this parameter did not differ from that in the appropriate control

    Cystatin C and lactoferrin concentrations in biological fluids as possible prognostic factors in eye tumor development

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    Objectives. To investigate the possible role of cystatin C in eye biological fluids locally and in serum and lactoferrin revealing anti-tumor activity in eye tumor development. Background. The increased number of eye tumors was registered recently not only in the countries with high insolation, but also in the northern countries including Russia (11 cases per million of population). Search for new biological markers is important for diagnosis and prognosis in eye tumors. Cystatin C, an endogenous inhibitor of cysteine proteases, plays an important protective role in several tumors. Lactoferrin was shown to express anti-tumor and antiviral activities. It was hypothesized that cystatin C and lactoferrin could serve as possible biomarkers in the diagnosis of malignant and benign eye tumors. Study design. A total of 54 patients with choroidal melanoma and benign eye tumors were examined (part of them undergoing surgical treatment). Serum, tear fluid and intraocular fluid samples obtained from the anterior chamber of eyes in patients with choroidal melanoma were studied. Methods. Cystatin C concentration in serum and eye biological fluids was measured by commercial ELISA kits for human (BioVendor, Czechia); lactoferrin concentration – by Lactoferrin-strip D 4106 ELISA test systems (Vector-BEST, Novosibirsk Region, Russia). Results. Cystatin C concentration in serum of healthy persons was significantly higher as compared to tear and intraocular fluids. In patients with choroidal melanoma, increased cystatin C concentration was similar in tear fluid of both the eyes. Lactoferrin level in tear fluid of healthy persons was significantly higher than its serum level. Significantly increased lactoferrin concentration in tear fluid was noted in patients with benign and malignant eye tumors. Conclusion. Increased level of cystatin C in tear fluid seems to be a possible diagnostic factor in the eye tumors studied. However, it does not allow us to differentiate between malignant and benign eye tumors. Similar changes were noted for lactoferrin in tear fluid

    Спосіб лікування ксеростомії, поєднаної з глосодинією

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    Спосіб лікування ксеростомії, поєднаної з глосодинією, виконується шляхом введення у вивідні протоки слинних залоз препарату для відновлення репаративних процесів залозистого епітелію привушних слинних залоз. Як діючий засіб застосовують олію насіння шипшини в кількості 0,30,5 мл в обидві протоки привушних залоз 2 рази на тиждень протягом місяця. ; Способ лечения ксеростомии, соединенной с глосодиниею, выполняется путем введения в выводные протоки слюнных желез препарата для восстановления репаративных процессов железистого эпителия околоушных слюнных желез. Как действенное средство применяют масло семян шиповника в количестве 0,30,5 мл в обе протоки околоушных желез 2 раза в неделю в течение месяца. ; A method of treating xerostomia, combined with glucosidin, is performed by introducing the ducts of the salivary glands of the excretory ducts to restore the reparative processes of the glandular epithelium of the parotid salivary glands. As an active ingredient, the oil of rose hips in the amount of 0,30,5 ml in both ducts of the parotid glands is applied 2 times a week for a month