21 research outputs found

    Passage through phenophases by milkvetches introduced into the environments of the Kulunda Steppe

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    Background. Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the study of plant phenology in the context of the global climate change. By now, the question of how climate factors affect the phenophases of plants has not yet been fully investigated. Accurate forecasts for biological responses of plant species to climate change require profound understanding of the impact produced by meteorological factors on plant phenology.Materials and methods. The research was targeted at Astragalus L. spp. introduced into the dry steppe areas of the Kulunda Plain. Meteorological indicators were selected for agrometeorological description of the plant introduction site to assess its hydrothermal conditions. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to identify the level of correlations between the studied parameters.Results. High air temperature shortened the growing season of Astragalus cicer L., but lengthened its flowering and fruiting phases. An increase in relative air humidity shortened the flowering in A. cicer. Meteorological indicators did not significantly affect the duration of the phenophases in A. sulcatus L. For A. onobrychis L., an increase in the average relative humidity reduced the budding phase, while an increase in the average and maximum air temperature and an increase in the amount of precipitation increased the flowering period. A decrease in air temperature and average relative humidity, and an increase in the total precipitation lengthened the duration of fruiting in A. onobrychis. Increased average temperature and humidity reduced its fruiting phase.Conclusion. A. sulcatus is tolerant to the dry steppe environments. The phenophases of A. cicer and A. onobrychis are more responsive to changes in meteorological indicators. In A. onobrychis, the fruiting phase is susceptible to the combined impact of climate factors. The limiting factors for A. cicer are relative humidity, total precipitation and mean temperature during the growing season

    The effect of temperature regimes on laboratory germination rates and germination energy of <i>Astragalus</i> L.

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    Background. The temperature regime has a significant effect on the enzymatic activity of seeds. Optimum temperatures trigger physical and chemical reactions in the seed and initiate its germination. The optimum temperature depends on the environmental and geographical conditions in the area of a taxon’s origin and is determined experimentally.Materials and methods. The target material of the study were seeds of three Astragalus L. species (A. cicer L., A. onobrychis L., and A. sulcatus L.) collected from young generative plants introduced in the dry-steppe zone of Kulunda. The effect of temperature conditions (+4…+8°C, +10…+20°C, +20…+32°C) and species-specific attribution of Astragalus plants on laboratory seed germination percentage and energy was studied using the two-factor analysis of variance. The assessment of laboratory seed germination was carried out according to the guidelines by M. M. Ishmuratova and K. G. Tkachenko.Results. The analysis of variance showed a significant effect of the temperature regime (51–54%) and species specificity (23–24%) on the germination percentage rate and germination energy of Astragalus seeds. The seeds of A. onobrychis germinated under a wide range of positive temperatures (from +4…+8°C to +20…+32°C). The temperature range of +10…+20°C was optimal for A. onobrychis and A. sulcatus, with 100% germination. The optimum temperature that determined the maximum laboratory germination of A. cicer seeds was in the range of +20…+32°C. Low positive temperatures (+4…+8°C) were not effective for germination of A. cicer seeds.Conclusion. The optimum temperature conditions for germination of Astragalus seeds were identified: +10…+20°C for A. onobrychis and A. sulcatus, and +20…+32°C for A. cicer


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    The article deals with the first results of reclamation of degraded pasture lands in dry steppe environments. Field experiments have been developed and carried out to improve degraded pastures using an assortment of forage grasses of the legume family in Mikhailovsky District of the Altai Territory. Optimal sowing time for legumes has been determined. Species most adapted to drought have been identified

    Chemistry for Sustainable Development 16 (2008) 313-321 Application of the Methods of Spin Chemistry to Establishment of the Nature of the Effect of Ordered Media on the Reactivity of Included Biologically Significant Compounds

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    Abstract An approach to the investigation of the effect of supramolecular structures on photoinduced radical processes is proposed. The possibilities of the new approach are demonstrated with the example describing the investigation of the effect of host-guest complexation of biologically significant photoactive molecules with b-cyclodextrin, both using the methods of spin chemistry and by means of laser flash photolysis. It was demonstrated that the effect of complexation affects the geminal processes and the processes taking place in volume with the participation of free radical species. Investigation of spin and molecular dynamics in these processes will allow one to establish the mechanisms of molecular recognition and the nature of selectivity in biological processes

    Chromatography-mass spectroscopy of larvae of large wax moths

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    Tincture of larvae of large wax moth, as a folk remedy, is known since the middle of the 17th century and was used to treat tuberculosis, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases (including pediatrics), when conventional treatment (antibiotics or other chemotherapeutic methods) does not give a positive result, in obstetrics and gynecology in the treatment of climacteric disorders, infertility, miscarriage and many other diseases, as well as means of delaying aging. The purpose of the work is to determine the component composition of the tincture made of larvae of large wax moth harvested raw materials using gas chromatography (Tomakivka, Dnipro region). Materials and methods. Raw materials (wax moth larvae) were harvested in September 2017 (Tomakivka, Dnipro region). The tincture was prepared from wax moth larvae according to the method of making tinctures. The tincture was tested on an Agilent 7890B gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometer detector 5977B. To identify the components, the NIST14 mass spectrometer library was used. Results. Using chromatography-mass-spectrometric identificationin the tincture of moth wax larvae identified 48 components of the main components are: glycerin – 100 %; 1-butanol, 3-methyl – 77.79 %; ethyl oleate – 49.01 %.; еthyl ester of hexadecanoic acid –47.07 %; 1,3-вenzothiazole-6-amino, 2-methyl-7-nitro-18.69 %; feniletyl alcohol – 11.41 %;N, N-dimethylaminoethanol 10.54 %; silane, trimethyl (1-phenyliletil) – 10.50 %; ethyl ester of linolenic acid – 9.26 %; benzenecetaldehyde – 8.99 %. Conclusions. Using GLC (gas-liquid chromatography), 48 components were established in the wax moth tincture, of which the main 10 components, further in-depth preclinical research is needed to use wax moth tincture in medical practice

    Drought resistance of Astragalus cicer and A. sulcatus at the initial stages of plants development

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    The article considers laboratory evaluation methods of water stress influence on the initial stages of Astragalus cicer and A. sulcatus development by seeds ability to germinate in osmotic sucrose solutions, characteristics of radicles and depression of shoots growth processes induced by the solution osmotic pressure. Osmoregulatory characteristics of seeds are estimated. It was ascertained that the rise in solution osmotic pressure up to 2 atm leads to a twofold and fivefold decrease in seeds germinating capacity in A. cicer and A. sulcatus respectively. At the sucrose concentration level of 4 atm, seeds do not germinate at all. Strong concentrations of osmotic solutions cause the depression of shoots growth processes and the reduction of astragaluses dry biomass

    Organization of independent work of students in the study of pharmaceutical botany

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    The basis principles of the implementation of different forms of the student’s individual work were discussed in the process of studying parmaceutical botany


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    В статье приведены основные итоги трехлетних наблюдений за интродуцируемыми растениями астрагала нутового в условиях сухостепной зоны Кулунды (юг Западной Сибири). Подсчитаны элементы семенной продуктивности разновозрастных генеративных побегов. Оценена лабораторная всхожесть и жизнеспособность семян A. cicer

    Microbial structure of nitrogen utilizers in Populus nigra L. compost and vermicompost

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    Eisenia fetida worms affecting the amount of bacteria from four trophic groups i

    Хромато-мас-спектроскопія настоянки личинок великої воскової молі

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    Tincture of larvae of large wax moth, as a folk remedy, is known since the middle of the 17th century and was used to treat tuberculosis, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases (including pediatrics), when conventional treatment (antibiotics or other chemotherapeutic methods) does not give a positive result, in obstetrics and gynecology in the treatment of climacteric disorders, infertility, miscarriage and many other diseases, as well as means of delaying aging.The purpose of the work is to determine the component composition of the tincture made of larvae of large wax moth harvested raw materials using gas chromatography (Tomakivka, Dnipro region).Materials and methods. Raw materials (wax moth larvae) were harvested in September 2017 (Tomakivka, Dnipro region). The tincture was prepared from wax moth larvae according to the method of making tinctures. The tincture was tested on an Agilent 7890B gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometer detector 5977B. To identify the components, the NIST14 mass spectrometer library was used.Results. Using chromatography-mass-spectrometric identificationin the tincture of moth wax larvae identified 48 components of the main components are: glycerin – 100 %; 1-butanol, 3-methyl – 77.79 %; ethyl oleate – 49.01 %.; еthyl ester of hexadecanoic acid –47.07 %; 1,3-вenzothiazole-6-amino, 2-methyl-7-nitro-18.69 %; feniletyl alcohol – 11.41 %;N, N-dimethylaminoethanol 10.54 %; silane, trimethyl (1-phenyliletil) – 10.50 %; ethyl ester of linolenic acid – 9.26 %; benzenecetaldehyde – 8.99 %.Conclusions. Using GLC (gas-liquid chromatography), 48 components were established in the wax moth tincture, of which the main 10 components, further in-depth preclinical research is needed to use wax moth tincture in medical practice. Настойка личинок большой восковой моли – народное средство, известное с середины XVII века. Ее применяли для лечения туберкулеза, атеросклероза, кардиосклероза, стенокардии, хронических бронхолегочных заболеваний (в том числе в педиатрии), когда применение антибиотиков или других химиотерапевтических методов не дает положительного результата. В акушерстве и гинекологии используют при лечении климактерических расстройств, бесплодия, недоношенной беременности и многих других заболеваний. Известно использование в качестве средства, задерживающего старение.Цель работы – с помощью газожидкостной хроматографии определить компонентный состав настойки, изготовленной из личинок большой восковой моли.Материалы и методы. Сырье (личинки восковой моли) заготовлено в сентябре 2017 г. (пгт Томаковка Днепропетровской области). Настойку готовили из личинок восковой моли согласно методике изготовления настоек. Настойку исследовали на газовом хроматографе Agilent 7890B с масс-спектрометрическим детектором 5977B. Для идентификации компонентов использована библиотека масс-спектров NIST14.Результаты. С помощью хромато-масс-спектрометрической идентификации в настойке личинок восковой моли определены 48 компонентов. Основные: глицерин – 100 %.; 1-бутанол,3-метил – 77,79 %; этилолеат – 49,01 %; этиловый эфир гексадекановой кислоты – 47,07 %; 1,3-бензотиазол-6-амино,2-метил-7-нитро – 18,69 %; фенилэтиловый спирт – 11,41 %; N,N-диметиламиноэтанол – 10,54 %; силан, триметил (1-фенилетил) – 10,50 %; этиловый эфир линоленовой кислоты – 9,26 %; бензенацетальдегид – 8,99 %.Выводы. С помощью газожидкостной хроматографии в настойке восковой моли определены 48 компонентов, 10 из которых основные. Необходимы углубленные доклинические исследования для использования настойки восковой моли в медицинской практике.  Настоянка личинок великої воскової молі – народний засіб, відомий з середини XVII століття. Її застосовували для лікування туберкульозу, атеросклерозу, кардіосклерозу, стенокардії та вікових змін, хронічних бронхолегеневих захворювань (зокрема в педіатрії), коли використання антибіотиків або інших хіміотерапевтичних методів не дає позитивного результату. В акушерстві та гінекології застосовують для лікування клімактеричних розладів, безпліддя, невиношування вагітності та багатьох інших захворювань. Відоме використання як засобу, що затримує старіння.Мета роботи – за допомогою газової хроматографії визначити компонентний склад настоянки, виготовленої з личинок великої воскової молі. Матеріали та методи. Сировина (личинки воскової молі) заготовлена у вересні 2017 р. (смт Томаківка Дніпропетровської області). Настоянку готували з личинок воскової молі згідно з методикою виготовлення настоянок. Досліджували на газовому хроматографі Agilent 7890B із мас-спектрометричним детектором 5977B. Для ідентифікації компонентів використали бібліотеку мас-спектрів NIST14.Результати. За допомогою хромато-мас-спектрометричної ідентифікації в настоянці личинок воскової молі визначили 48 компонентів. Основні: гліцерин – 100 %; 1-бутанол,3-метил – 77,79 %; етилолеат – 49,01 %; етиловий етергексадеканової кислоти – 47,07 %; 1,3-бензотіазол-6-аміно, 2-метил-7-нітро – 18,69 %; фенілетиловий спирт – 11,41 %; N,N-диметиламіноетанол – 10,54 %; сілан, триметил (1-фенілетил) – 10,50 %; етиловий естер ліноленової кислоти – 9,26 %; бензенацетальдегід – 8,99 %.Висновки. За допомогою газорідинної хроматографії встановили в настоянці воскової молі 48 компонентів, 10 із них – основні. Необхідні поглиблені доклінічні дослідження для впровадження настоянки воскової молі в медичну практику.