707 research outputs found

    Analysis of requests for journals Nature Food and npj Science of Food by the data of the SCI-HUB service for the first half of 2020

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    This paper analyses the history of Sci-Hub service requests for two food industry journals Nature Food and npj Science of Food for the period from 1.01.2020 to 29.06.2020. Trends in the development of the food industry and the most popular papers are discussed. Ten of the most popular papers from the journals Nature and Science according to Sci-Hub are presented to compare the popularity of papers related to the food industry and papers from other fields. Based on the analysis of the obtained data we made a conclusion that the popularity of papers related to the food industry is relatively low compared to other papers, which is a paradoxical situation. The data for this paper were provided by the developer of Sci-Hub

    Distribution of deformations and parameters of stress-strain state in steel Kh18N10T

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    Parameters of the laws of distribution of fields of micro- and submicrodeformations in steel Kh18N10T are determined under uniaxial tension of specimens. The components of the plastic strain tensor and their statistics are determined for grain arrays and in the plane of four individual grains. The intensities of the major micro-and submicrodeformations are computed. The correlation relations between the deformations of individual volumes of metal inside grains are estimated. The parameters of the strain-stress states of structural components (grains) of a polycrystal are determined. Qualitative analysis of the microstructural features of deformation of the steel studied is performed. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Management of food cold chains traceability amid the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The present article considers the functioning of food supply chains and their major component — a continuous cold chain of perishable food products, including meat products, under the conditions of COVID‑19 pandemic. The issues of the impact of the pandemic on production, processing and commercial supply of meat and meat products in Russia and worldwide are being considered. The traceability of temperature fluctuations in meat processing plants is relevant; it becomes an increasingly important factor for efficient logistics to provide the best supply and to keep the food safe in the current conditions. Research data is presented here. The results of the research show that frozen foods serve as carriers and distributors of SARS-CoV‑2 infection without any contact between people. This conclusion highlights additional challenges in controlling the spread of COVID‑19 worldwide, and reveals the mechanism of the disease transmission, taking into account the peculiarities of temperature modes during storage and transportation of perishable meat products. The risks of food cold chains functioning under the conditions of pandemic, the adaptive strategies for their mitigation and logistical systems of tracking are considered, in particular, the application of various data technologies

    Implementation of Digital Education Tools in the Pedagogical Community

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    This article is devoted to solving the problem of accumulation, systematization, and translation of the practices of using digital educational technologies in municipal educational organizations. The solution to this problem was implemented by implementing the project “Organization of a system of digital education practices in the urban district of the City of Yelets” in 2022. The project was aimed at involving at least 350 managing and teaching staff, 4000 students in the active practice of using digital educational technologies in educational organizations of the urban district of Yelets (Lipetsk region, Russian Federation) by the end of 2022. To achieve the goal, the implementation of a system of digital education practices in educational organizations of the urban district of the city of Yelets was determined. Continuity and concession are key features of this system. Consequently, the stakeholders are preschool educational organizations, public educational organizations, organizations of additional education, secondary vocational education, and higher education. This system involved the use of such organizational forms as a resource center, a municipal network platform, a pivotal school, and an author’s school, within which approbation, tuning, and dissemination of the experience of using software products, the LECTA digital educational platform, the digital educational environment “Mobile e-education” and directions 3D modeling, digital video and robotics. The key results of the conducted research were quantitative and qualitative indicators. The main problem that has blocked the adoption of digital education tools among the pedagogical community is the belief that they are ineffective compared to full-time education

    Research of the Effectiveness of Various Strategies for the Formation of Lean Competencies of Students

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    The paper examines the efficiency of various strategies for students’ lean competencies formation in the educational process of the university. The relevance of the issue is justified by the fact that university graduates with developed lean competencies are in high demand in the job market. The paper formally describes lean competencies, requirements for students’ personal, professional, and other skills and qualities, action plans, methods, and algorithms of actions related to lean production in a particular field. The author solves the indicated issue by analyzing the pedagogical experiment results. During the experiment, the author tested the effectiveness of four students’ lean competencies formation strategies – formal education, practical training, hidden curriculum, and mixed strategy. Two hundred and eight 3rd and 4th year students mastering undergraduate programs in “Economics (Accounting, analysis, and audit),” “Economics (Finance and business analytics),” “Management (Production management),” “State and municipal administration (Regional and municipal administration)” were surveyed during the experiment

    Lobbying as a form of political dialogue in Ukrainian society

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    The article considers lobbyism problems in the  Ukraine, defining such notions as lobbyism, an object and a subject of lobbyism, lobbyism process. It explains both positive and negative sides of lobbyism, describes basic forms and methods of lobbyist activities, and also the ways of lobbyism legal regulation. Questions related to the practice of lobbyism in Ukraine are very vital and require answers from the side of concerned specialists of economic and political community.У статті розглянуто проблеми лобізму в Україні. Розкриваються такі поняття як: лобізм, об'єкт і суб'єкт лобізму, процес лобізму. Докладно висвітлені як позитивні, так і негативні сторони лобізму, описані основні форми і методи лобістської діяльності, шляхи вирішення правового регулювання лобізму. Актуальність питань, пов'язаних з практикою лобізму в Україні, вимагає відповіді на них з боку зацікавлених фахівців економічного і політичного співтовариства

    Study of the process of the frozen raw beef defrosting with its simultaneous massaging in industrial conditions

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    Many meat processing enterprises use the frozen raw meat. Its defrosting and thawing is a crucial technological operation that fundamentally affects the quality of food products. The experience and knowledge obtained directly in the workshop in the process of thawing the raw materials and their using to obtain a specific finished product are of great importance. Defrosting and thawing of the frozen beef meat, as one of the stages of raw meat processing, still remains a challenging process in industrial food production. The importance of this process is constantly increasing due to the growing volumes of frozen raw materials processed in food enterprises. Scientific research shows that one of the most efficient methods of defrosting and thawing is the process of meat thawing with saturated water steam under vacuum. When applying the steam the raw materials is heated at its least and minimal losses are observed, while the duration of the process is significantly reduced. This work examines the process of beef meat defrosting and thawing with simultaneous shaking and crumpling the frozen mass, which can be called as massaging of raw materials. As studies have shown, this method of thawing makes it possible to reduce losses down to almost zero and obtain raw materials with good structural characteristics for the production of a finished product with a wide range of consumer properties. The obtained experimental curves of changes in the mass and temperature of raw materials make it possible to analyze the kinetics of heat transfer and mass transfer processes at the macro- and micro levels of the food system, which serve as the basis for modeling and controlling the technological process. This study presents the results of conventional defrosting and thawing of the raw meat but combined with massaging. Studies of the parameters of processing modes have shown that the proposed program makes it possible to use efficiently the design and technological features of the defroster-massager in order to obtain the raw beef for the production of high-quality food products. The results of experimental studies and their analysis allow making conclusion about the prospects of applying this process for the other types of raw meat materials before the main technological processing of raw materials

    An effect of food additives on microbiome

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    The paper presents a review of available data about an effect of food additives on the human microbiome and lists the main physiological functions of the gut microbiome. The process of the human microbiome evolution is examined. The relationship between the emergence of a disease and the microbiome composition, as well as the main factors influencing the gut microbiome composition are described. The main food additives used today are listed, their key features are discussed and their structural formulas are given. The information about their effect on the human body through an influence on the microbiome composition is presented. The data on an effect of polysorbate 80, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium sulfite, nisin, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, essential oils, titanium dioxide and different sweeteners on the microbiome are analyzed. It is explained what microbial communities are suppressed and what communities gain advantages in multiplication when consumers eat food with one or another food additive. The consequences of alterations in the microbiome for the consumer’s body are examined. Conclusions were made about the necessity of additional studies about an effect of food additives on the composition of the human microbiome

    Review of new technologies used for meat identification

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    The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity.The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity


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    The results of the study on changes in the composition and quantity of epiphytic and endophytic microorganisms of plant products during storage and transportation are presented. For the investigation, the authors took apple fruits and leafy spicy green products that had biological peculiarities and allowed investigating processes of the long-term and short-term main stages (cold storage, transportation by refrigerated transport, presales storage) of the continuous cold chain on the way to a consumer. Apple fruits were placed in storage in cold chambers with the temperature regimes of plus (2–3)°C and minus (1–2)°C, where they were stored for 90 days. The vegetative organs of dill and parsley were transported during 8 hours by a refrigerated truck and placed in the commercial refrigeration equipment at two temperature regimes (4–5) C and (0–1) C for 72 hours for presales storage. The results of the microbiological analysis showed that the number of endophytic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and molds) was lower by 1–3 orders of magnitude in apple fruits and by 2–3 times in green vegetables compared to the number of epiphytic microorganisms. It was established that the regime of storage at negative temperatures completely inhibited the development of epiphytic bacteria on fruits, significantly delayed the multiplication of epiphytic yeasts and molds; while at a positive temperature the number of bacteria increased approximately by 10–17 times, yeasts by 180 times and molds by 3 times. The dynamics of changes in the number of endophytic microorganisms during storage showed the same trend that was observed for epiphytic microorganisms. Analysis of the microbial quantity after transportation of green products showed an increase in abundance of the revealed groups of epiphytes and endophytes by 1.5–3 times upon absolute prevalence of bacteria. After short-term storage, a significant growth of the revealed microbial groups was found; with that, their quantity was 1.5–6.5 times higher at (4–5) C than at (0–1) C. The authors experimentally confirmed the conclusion that with respect to reduction of losses due to microbiological spoilage and extension of shelf life, the cold storage regime of the studied plant products at near-zero temperatures is preferable compared to the regimes of storage at higher positive temperatures.The results of the study on changes in the composition and quantity of epiphytic and endophytic microorganisms of plant products during storage and transportation are presented. For the investigation, the authors took apple fruits and leafy spicy green products that had biological peculiarities and allowed investigating processes of the long-term and short-term main stages (cold storage, transportation by refrigerated transport, presales storage) of the continuous cold chain on the way to a consumer. Apple fruits were placed in storage in cold chambers with the temperature regimes of plus (2–3)°C and minus (1–2)°C, where they were stored for 90 days. The vegetative organs of dill and parsley were transported during 8 hours by a refrigerated truck and placed in the commercial refrigeration equipment at two temperature regimes (4–5) C and (0–1) C for 72 hours for presales storage. The results of the microbiological analysis showed that the number of endophytic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and molds) was lower by 1–3 orders of magnitude in apple fruits and by 2–3 times in green vegetables compared to the number of epiphytic microorganisms. It was established that the regime of storage at negative temperatures completely inhibited the development of epiphytic bacteria on fruits, significantly delayed the multiplication of epiphytic yeasts and molds; while at a positive temperature the number of bacteria increased approximately by 10–17 times, yeasts by 180 times and molds by 3 times. The dynamics of changes in the number of endophytic microorganisms during storage showed the same trend that was observed for epiphytic microorganisms. Analysis of the microbial quantity after transportation of green products showed an increase in abundance of the revealed groups of epiphytes and endophytes by 1.5–3 times upon absolute prevalence of bacteria. After short-term storage, a significant growth of the revealed microbial groups was found; with that, their quantity was 1.5–6.5 times higher at (4–5) C than at (0–1) C. The authors experimentally confirmed the conclusion that with respect to reduction of losses due to microbiological spoilage and extension of shelf life, the cold storage regime of the studied plant products at near-zero temperatures is preferable compared to the regimes of storage at higher positive temperatures