24 research outputs found

    Quality of herbage at different latitudes.

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    In a cooperative experiment, yield and herbage quality of timothy was measured during the uninterrupted growth of the 1st cut at 6 lat. (51-69 deg N). Rate of production was greatest at Tromso (69 deg N), apparently because of the long day and rapid reproductive development. Digestibility of OM declined faster at higher lat. because stem development proceeded faster and less leaf DM was produced. At the same morphological stage, digestibility of the whole crop was better at higher lat. because of the better digestibility of the cell walls from the stems. It was concluded that rate of lignification could not keep pace with the rapid rate of stem development. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission

    How Strong Do Global Commodity Prices Influence Domestic Food Prices in Developing Countries? A Global Price Transmission and Vulnerability Mapping Analysis

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    This paper analyzes the transmission from global commodity to domestic food prices for a large set of countries. First, a theoretical model is developed to explain price transmission for different trade regimes. Drawing from the competitive storage model under rational expectations, it is shown that domestic prices can respond instantaneously to global prices even if no trade takes place but future trade is expected. Using a global database on food prices, we construct national and international grain price indices. With an autoregressive distributed lag model, we empirically detect countries in which food prices are influenced by global commodity prices, including futures prices. Mapping transmission elasticities with the size of the population below the poverty line which spends typically a large share of its income on food, we are able to estimate the size of vulnerable population. Our empirical analysis reveals that 90 percent of the global poor (income below 1.25$/day) live in countries where domestic food prices respond to international prices - but the extent of transmission varies substantially. For 360 million poor people, international prices transmit to their country at rates of 30 percent or higher within three months

    Yield Progress of Perennial Ryegrass and Silage Maize - Genetic Gain or Climate Change?

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    Gains in annual dry matter yield (DMY) from breeding achieved during the last decades are reported to range between 2.5 and 6% per decade for perennial ryegrass (Wilkins & Humphreys, 2003). In contrast, accelerated progress in improving DMY has been achieved for silage maize, varying between 8 and 13% per decade (Lauer et al., 2001). These gains are mainly attributed to (i) genetic yield potential increase, (ii) improved crop management and (iii) increased stress tolerance. The potential impact of climate change on yield progress, however, is disregarded in most studies. The objective of this study therefore was to quantify the contributions of climate change and breeding on yield progress of perennial ryegrass and silage maize by comparing results of long-term simulation studies with data from official variety tests