4 research outputs found

    Optimization methods of the pavement management system of Budapest

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    A modern Pavement Management System (PMS) should be essential for maintenance a metropolitan urban road network. Municipality of Budapest has developed own management system for their road pavement operation. To an efficient outcome the newest methods are used for the data collecting with the most innovated geo-informatics solutions, which are help us in our multi criteria decision making process. We present a degradation model which useful for the prediction of the roughness, yielding surface condition of the pavement in the future. After the whole data evaluation we give accurate information about the general characterization of the permanent road network conditions. Our paper shows that in all modern asset management system based on multi criteria decision making processes, which contain single or multi objective optimization methods. The PMS based on the available-technical and financial data and its optimization process provides a pavement renovation offer for each road in Budapest transportation network and finally the paper presents how can we ranking the invention list from our optimization process


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    Different pavement structure design procedures have been carried out since 1960s in Hungary. The main principles of the most recent procedure were laid down in 1992 by Ervin Nemesdy, which was an empirical design guide. Unfortunately only corrections of the original procedure were implemented since then, no fundational improvement was made. In some European countries, in the USA, in Australia etc. Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) Design Procedures were carried out and were put in practice. These procedures merge the mechanistic principles and the empirical experience of pavement behaviour. The Mechanistic-Empirical approach gives the opportunity to take into account some of the material properties, weather conditions, traffic datas and layer thickness. The technically suitable and cost-efficient pavement structure is calculated by an iteration process. Although with the Mechanistic-Empirical approach we can approximate the real behaviour of the pavement better, mechanistic tests of asphalt mixture can show different results as we expected. This paper lightens these differences, demonstrates what factor should be taken into account in a design procedure and it identifies research fields related to pavement design. Različite procedure projektovanja kolovozne konstrukcije su sprovođene od 1960-ih u Mađarskoj. Glavne principe najnovije procedure postavio je 1992. Ervin Nemesdi, a to su bili empirijska uputstva za projektovanje. Nažalost, od tada su sprovedene samo ispravke prvobitne procedure, nije bilo suštinskih poboljšanja. U nekim evropskim zemljama, u SAD, u Australiji itd. Mehanističko-empirijski (M-E) projektni postupci su obavljeni i sprovedeni u praksi. Ovi postupci spajaju mehaničke principe i empirijsko iskustvo ponašanja kolovoza. Mehanističko-empirijski pristup daje mogućnost da se uzmu u obzir neka svojstva materijala, vremenski uslovi, podaci o saobraćaju i debljina sloja. Tehnički pogodna i isplativa kolovozna konstrukcija se izračunava iteracijskim procesom. Iako mehaničko-empirijskim pristupom možemo bolje aproksimirati stvarno ponašanje kolovoza, mehanička ispitivanja asfaltne mešavine mogu pokazati drugačije rezultate kao što smo očekivali. Ovaj rad umanjuje ove razlike, pokazuje koji faktor treba uzeti u obzir u postupku projektovanja i identifikuje oblasti istraživanja u vezi sa projektovanjem kolovoza


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    The rubber modified bitumen 45/80-55 (RMB 45/80-55) product has been used in Hungary as bituminous binder for asphalt mix production since 2013. It is a new kind of rubber bitumen manufactured using patented technology. Over the past 8 years, it has been used to construct or renovate more than 100 asphalt road sections. Originally RMB 45/80-55 was used to replace paving grade bitumen 50/70 in some road construction projects.  However, asphalt laboratory results and road construction experience showed that its quality can also achieve or in terms of some parameters exceed that of asphalt mixtures manufactured with polymer modified bitumen 25/55-65 (PMB 25/55-65). Primarily, its excellent resistance to low temperatures and fatigue are outstanding, in this respect; it surpasses the results of asphalts made with polymer-modified bitumen. Its favourable fatigue resistance compensates for its lower stiffness; therefore, favourable results were obtained in the case of track structure design too in comparison with PMB. Considering the road construction benefits of this new type of rubber bitumen, as well as the support of the environmentally friendly recovery of waste tyres and fitting into a circular economy, a wider spread of the RMB product is realistically expected in the future.Bitumen modifikovan gumom 45 / 80-55 (RMB 45 / 80-55) se u Mađarskoj koristi kao bitumensko vezivo za proizvodnju asfaltne mešavine od 2013. To je nova vrsta gumenog bitumena proizvedena po patentiranoj tehnologiji. U proteklih 8 godina korišćen je za izgradnju ili renoviranje više od 100 asfaltnih deonica. Prvobitno je RMB 45 / 80-55 korišćen za zamenu bitumena za asfaltiranje 50/70 u nekim projektima izgradnje puteva. Međutim, laboratorijski rezultati asfalta i iskustvo u izgradnji puteva pokazali su da njegov kvalitet može dostići i po nekim parametrima premašiti kvalitet asfaltnih mešavina proizvedenih s bitumenom modifikovanim polimerom 25/55-65 (PMB 25/55-65). Prvenstveno, njegova odlična otpornost na niske temperature i zamor su izvanredni, u tom pogledu; nadmašuje rezultate asfalta izrađenih s bitumenom modifikovanim polimerom. Njegova zadovoljavajuća otpornost na zamor kompenzuje  manju krutost; stoga su i kod projektovanja gazne konstrukcije postignuti povoljni rezultati u odnosu na PMB. Uzimajući u obzir prednosti kod izgradnju puteva ove nove vrste gumenog bitumena, kao i podršku ekološki prihvatljivom recikliranju otpadnih guma i uklapanju u cirkularnu ekonomiju, realno se očekuje veće širenje RMB proizvoda u budućnosti