8,237 research outputs found

    EVS: Head-up or Head Down? Evaluation of Crew Procedure and Human Factors for Enhanced Vision Systems

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    Feasibility of an EVS head-down procedure is examined that may provide the same operational benefits under low visibility as the FAA rule on Enhanced Flight Visibility that requires the use of a head-up display (HUD). The main element of the described EVS head-down procedure is the crew procedure within cockpit for flying the approach. The task sharing between Pilot-Flying and Pilot-Not-Flying is arranged such that multiple head-up/head-down transitions can be avoided. The pilot-flying is using the head-down display for acquisition of the necessary visual cues in the EVS image. The pilot-not-flying is monitoring the instruments and looking for the outside visual cues

    Spinning Q-balls in the complex signum-Gordon model

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    Rotational excitations of compact Q-balls in the complex signum-Gordon model in 2+1 dimensions are investigated. We find that almost all such spinning Q-balls have the form of a ring of strictly finite width. In the limit of large angular momentum M_z their energy is proportional to |M_z|^(1/5).Comment: 10 page

    The Case of H2_2C3_3O Isomers, Revisited: Solving the Mystery of the Missing Propadienone

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    To date, two isomers of H2_2C3_3O have been detected, namely, propynal (HCCCHO) and cylclopropenone (c-H2_2C3_3O). A third, propadienone (CH2_2CCO), has thus far eluded observers despite the fact that it is the lowest in energy of the three. This previously noted result is in contradiction of the minimum energy principle, which posits that the abundances of isomers in interstellar environments can be predicted based on their relative stabilities - and suggests, rather, the importance of kinetic over thermodynamic effects in explaining the role of such species. Here, we report results of \textit{ab initio} quantum chemical calculations of the reaction between H and (a) HC3_3O, (b) H2_2C3_3O (both propynal and propadienone), and (c) CH2_2CHCO. We have found that, among all possible reactions between atomic hydrogen and either propadienone or propynal, only the destruction of propadienone is barrierless and exothermic. That this destruction pathway is indeed behind the non-detection of CH2_2CCO is further suggested by our finding that the product of this process, the radical CH2_2CHCO, can subsequently react barrierlessly with H to form propenal (CH2_2CHCHO) which has, in fact, been detected in regions where the other two H2_2C3_3O isomers are observed. Thus, these results not only shed light on a previously unresolved astrochemical mystery, but also further highlight the importance of kinetics in understanding the abundances of interstellar molecules.Comment: ApJ, accepted: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Axion Dark Matter and Cosmological Parameters

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    We observe that photon cooling after big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) but before recombination can remove the conflict between the observed and theoretically predicted value of the primordial abundance of 7^7Li. Such cooling is ordinarily difficult to achieve. However, the recent realization that dark matter axions form a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) provides a possible mechanism, because the much colder axions may reach thermal contact with the photons. This proposal predicts a high effective number of neutrinos as measured by the cosmic microwave anisotropy spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, one figure. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., incorporating useful comments by the referees and emphasizing that photon cooling by axion BEC is a possibility, not a certaint

    Regulation of human lung fibroblast alpha 1(I) procollagen gene expression by tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1 beta, and prostaglandin E2.

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    We investigated the participation of prostaglandin (PG) E2 in the regulation of the alpha 1(I) procollagen gene expression by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha), and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) in normal adult human lung fibroblasts. TNF alpha (100 units/ml) and IL-1 beta (100 units/ml) stimulated the production of PGE2 and caused a dose-dependent inhibition of up to 54 and 66%, respectively, of the production of type I procollagen. Preincubation of cultures with indomethacin partially reversed the inhibition of procollagen production induced by the cytokines. Cytokine-stimulated endogenous fibroblast PG accounted for 35 and 68% of the inhibition induced by TNF alpha and IL-1 beta, respectively. Steady-state mRNA levels for alpha 1(I) procollagen paralleled the changes in collagen production. The transcription rate of the alpha 1(I) procollagen gene was reduced by 58% by TNF alpha and by 43% by IL-1 beta. Cytokine-stimulated endogenous PG production accounted for half of these effects. These results indicate that TNF alpha and IL-1 beta inhibit the expression of the alpha 1(I) procollagen gene in human lung fibroblasts at the transcriptional level by a PGE2-independent effect as well as through the effect of endogenous fibroblast PGE2 released under the stimulus of the cytokines

    Electron spin relaxation in paramagnetic Ga(Mn)As quantum wells

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    Electron spin relaxation in paramagnetic Ga(Mn)As quantum wells is studied via the fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equation approach where all the scatterings, such as the electron-impurity, electron-phonon, electron-electron Coulomb, electron-hole Coulomb, electron-hole exchange (the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism) and the ss-dd exchange scatterings, are explicitly included. The Elliot-Yafet mechanism is also incorporated. From this approach, we study the spin relaxation in both nn-type and pp-type Ga(Mn)As quantum wells. For nn-type Ga(Mn)As quantum wells where most Mn ions take the interstitial positions, we find that the spin relaxation is always dominated by the DP mechanism in metallic region. Interestingly, the Mn concentration dependence of the spin relaxation time is nonmonotonic and exhibits a peak. This behavior is because that the momentum scattering and the inhomogeneous broadening have different density dependences in the non-degenerate and degenerate regimes. For pp-type Ga(Mn)As quantum wells, we find that Mn concentration dependence of the spin relaxation time is also nonmonotonic and shows a peak. Differently, this behavior is because that the ss-dd exchange scattering (or the Bir-Aronov-Pikus) mechanism dominates the spin relaxation in the high Mn concentration regime at low (or high) temperature, whereas the DP mechanism determines the spin relaxation in the low Mn concentration regime. The Elliot-Yafet mechanism also contributes the spin relaxation at intermediate temperature. The spin relaxation time due to the DP mechanism increases with Mn concentration due to motional narrowing, whereas those due to the spin-flip mechanisms decrease with Mn concentration, which thus leads to the formation of the peak.... (The remaining is omitted due to the space limit)Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. B 79, 2009, in pres

    Extreme laser pulses for possible development of boron fusion power reactors for clean and lasting energy

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    Extreme laser pulses driving non-equilibrium processes in high density plasmas permit an increase of the fusion of hydrogen with the boron isotope 11 by nine orders of magnitude of the energy gains above the classical values. This is the result of initiating the reaction by non-thermal ultrahigh acceleration of plasma blocks by the nonlinear (ponderomotive) force of the laser field, in addition to the avalanche reaction that has now been experimentally and theoretically manifested. The design of a very compact fusion power reactor is scheduled to produce then environmentally fully clean and inexhaustible generation of energy at profitably low costs. The reaction within a volume of cubic millimetres during a nanosecond can only be used for controlled power generation.Comment: 10 pages, 5 fugure

    Compact Q-balls and Q-shells in a scalar electrodynamics

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    We investigate spherically symmetric non topological solitons in electrodynamics with a scalar field self interaction U ~|\psi| taken from the complex signum-Gordon model. We find Q-balls for small absolute values of the total electric charge Q, and Q-shells when |Q| is large enough. In both cases the charge density exactly vanishes outside certain compact region in the three dimensional space. The dependence of the total energy E of small Q-balls on the total electric charge has the form E ~ |Q|^(5/6), while in the case of very large Q-shells E ~ |Q|^(7/6).Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure