
Electron spin relaxation in paramagnetic Ga(Mn)As quantum wells


Electron spin relaxation in paramagnetic Ga(Mn)As quantum wells is studied via the fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equation approach where all the scatterings, such as the electron-impurity, electron-phonon, electron-electron Coulomb, electron-hole Coulomb, electron-hole exchange (the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism) and the ss-dd exchange scatterings, are explicitly included. The Elliot-Yafet mechanism is also incorporated. From this approach, we study the spin relaxation in both nn-type and pp-type Ga(Mn)As quantum wells. For nn-type Ga(Mn)As quantum wells where most Mn ions take the interstitial positions, we find that the spin relaxation is always dominated by the DP mechanism in metallic region. Interestingly, the Mn concentration dependence of the spin relaxation time is nonmonotonic and exhibits a peak. This behavior is because that the momentum scattering and the inhomogeneous broadening have different density dependences in the non-degenerate and degenerate regimes. For pp-type Ga(Mn)As quantum wells, we find that Mn concentration dependence of the spin relaxation time is also nonmonotonic and shows a peak. Differently, this behavior is because that the ss-dd exchange scattering (or the Bir-Aronov-Pikus) mechanism dominates the spin relaxation in the high Mn concentration regime at low (or high) temperature, whereas the DP mechanism determines the spin relaxation in the low Mn concentration regime. The Elliot-Yafet mechanism also contributes the spin relaxation at intermediate temperature. The spin relaxation time due to the DP mechanism increases with Mn concentration due to motional narrowing, whereas those due to the spin-flip mechanisms decrease with Mn concentration, which thus leads to the formation of the peak.... (The remaining is omitted due to the space limit)Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. B 79, 2009, in pres

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