31 research outputs found

    Dopaminergic Modulation of Sensory Attenuation in Parkinson's Disease: Is There an Underlying Modulation of Beta Power?

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    Background and Aims: Pathological high amplitude of beta oscillations is thought as the underlying mechanism of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD), in particular with regard to bradykinesia. In addition, abnormality in a neurophysiological phenomenon labeled sensory attenuation has been found in patients with PD. The current study explored the hypothesis that the abnormal sensory attenuation has a causal link with the typical abnormality in beta oscillations in PD. Methods: The study tested sixteen right-handed patients with a diagnosis of PD and 22 healthy participants, which were matched by age and gender. Somatosensory evoked potentials were elicited through electrical stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist. Electrical activity was recorded at the scalp using a 128 channels EEG. Somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded in 2 conditions: at rest and at the onset of a voluntary movement, which was a self-paced abduction movement of the right thumb. Results: Healthy participants showed a reduction of the N20-P25 amplitude at the onset of the right thumb abduction compared to the rest condition (P < 0.05). When patients were OFF medication, they showed mild reduction of the N20-P25 component at movement onset (P < 0.05). On the contrary, they did show greater attenuation of the N20-P25 component at the onset of movement compared to the rest condition when ON medication (P < 0.05). There was no significant evidence of a link between the degree of sensory attenuation and the change in beta oscillations in our cohort of patients. Conclusion: These results confirmed a significant link between dopaminergic modulation and sensory attenuation. However, the sensory attenuation and beta oscillations were found as two independent phenomena

    High-frequency peripheral vibration decreases completion time on a number of motor tasks.

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    A recent theoretical account of motor control proposes that modulation of afferent information plays a role in affecting how readily we can move. Increasing the estimate of uncertainty surrounding the afferent input is a necessary step in being able to move. It has been proposed that an inability to modulate the gain of this sensory information underlies the cardinal symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). We aimed to test this theory by modulating the uncertainty of the proprioceptive signal using high-frequency peripheral vibration, to determine the subsequent effect on motor performance. We investigated if this peripheral stimulus might modulate oscillatory activity over the sensorimotor cortex in order to understand the mechanism by which peripheral vibration can change motor performance. We found that 80 Hz peripheral vibration applied to the right wrist of a total of 54 healthy human participants reproducibly improved performance across four separate randomised experiments on a number of motor control tasks (nine-hole peg task, box and block test, reaction time task and finger tapping). Improved performance on all motor tasks (except the amplitude of finger tapping) was also seen for a sample of 18PD patients ON medication. EEG data investigating the effect of vibration on oscillatory activity revealed a significant decrease in beta power (15-30 Hz) over the contralateral sensorimotor cortex at the onset and offset of 80 Hz vibration. This finding is consistent with a novel theoretical account of motor initiation, namely that modulating uncertainty of the proprioceptive afferent signal improves motor performance potentially by gating the incoming sensory signal and allowing for top-down proprioceptive predictions

    Opicapone Efficacy and Tolerability in Parkinson's Disease Patients Reporting Insufficient Benefit/Failure of Entacapone

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    Background: Opicapone, a recently introduced catechol‐o‐methyl transferase (COMT) inhibitor has the advantage of being administered once daily, and has pharmacokinetic data to indicate it offers a greater degree of COMT inhibition than entacapone. Although trial data indicate it is non‐inferior to entacapone, there are no data to indicate whether it offers any clinical advantages. / Methods: In this audit, we present data from 57 individuals prescribed opicapone at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square who had either not tolerated or reported insufficient benefit following previous prescription of entacapone. / Results: A total of 20 of 57 patients switched directly from entacapone to opicapone (“entacapone switchers”) whereas 37 of 57 patients had previously discontinued entacapone because of lack of benefit or adverse events (“entacapone failures”). A total of 21 of 57 (37%) patients stopped opicapone prior to 6 months. A total of 7 of 20 (35%) “entacapone switchers” experienced adverse events with opicapone of which 5 stopped the drug prior to the 6 month evaluation of efficacy. A total of 23 of 37 (62%) “entacapone failures” reported adverse events of which 16 stopped the drug. Among 36 of 57 (63%) patients who continued to use opicapone at 6 months, there was an improvement in OFF time of ~2 hours per day as measured by interview. / Conclusions: We conclude that opicapone can be an effective additional treatment for wearing off in Parkinson's disease (PD) in a subgroup of patients. The use of opicapone in our cohort with prior entacapone exposure, however, was associated with higher rates of adverse effects and treatment discontinuation than reported in published trial data of COMT inhibitor naïve patients

    Normal motor adaptation in cervical dystonia: a fundamental cerebellar computation is intact

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    The potential role of the cerebellum in the pathophysiology of dystonia has become a focus of recent research. However, direct evidence for a cerebellar contribution in humans with dystonia is difficult to obtain. We examined motor adaptation, a test of cerebellar function, in 20 subjects with primary cervical dystonia and an equal number of aged matched controls. Adaptation to both visuomotor (distorting visual feedback by 30°) and forcefield (applying a velocity-dependent force) conditions were tested. Our hypothesis was that cerebellar abnormalities observed in dystonia research would translate into deficits of cerebellar adaptation. We also examined the relationship between adaptation and dystonic head tremor as many primary tremor models implicate the cerebellothalamocortical network which is specifically tested by this motor paradigm. Rates of adaptation (learning) in cervical dystonia were identical to healthy controls in both visuomotor and forcefield tasks. Furthermore, the ability to adapt was not clearly related to clinical features of dystonic head tremor. We have shown that a key motor control function of the cerebellum is intact in the most common form of primary dystonia. These results have important implications for current anatomical models of the pathophysiology of dystonia. It is important to attempt to progress from general statements that implicate the cerebellum to a more specific evidence-based model. The role of the cerebellum in this enigmatic disease perhaps remains to be proven

    The long-term outcome of impulsive compulsive behaviours in Parkinson's disease

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    Introduction: Impulsive compulsive behaviours (ICBs) such as dopamine dysregulation syndrome (DDS), pathological gambling, compulsive sexual behaviour, punding, compulsive shopping and binge eating are recognised complications of dopaminergic treatment that affect at least one in seven patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Only a few studies provide long-term data on ICBs although any firm conclusions are limited by restricted follow-up periods. We present long-term longitudinal data on 46 PD patients with ICBs with follow-up for a mean period of 8.2 years. / Methods: Patients with PD and ICBs who participated in previous research studies from 2007 to 2012 visit 1 (V1) were invited for re-assessment visit 2 (V2). Participants underwent a clinical interview and assessment with questionnaires and scales (detailed in online supplementary materials). The diagnosis of ICBs was based on screening questionnaires and confirmed with a structured interview. The study received ethics approval. Data was analysed in Statistical Package for Social Science 22 (SPSS 22). All variables were tested for normality and statistical tests chosen accordingly. A p value<0.05 was considered significant. Bonferroni correction was applied for comparison between visits and significance was considered to have been reached when p<0.025. / Results: Of the 90 original participants, 46 were included. Eight declined to participate, five were lost to follow-up and 31 had died (see online supplementary figure 1). No cases of suicide or traumatic fatality were reported. Participants were followed up for 8.2 years (±2.6). Three patients had a biallelic parkin mutation. See table 1 for demographic and clinical details at each visit and online supplementary table 1 for results of the scales/questionnaires used at V2

    Towards a multi-arm multi-stage platform trial of disease modifying approaches in Parkinson’s disease

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain.An increase in the efficiency of clinical trial conduct has been successfully demonstrated in the oncology field, by the use of multi-arm, multi-stage trials allowing the evaluation of multiple therapeutic candidates simultaneously, and seamless recruitment to phase 3 for those candidates passing an interim signal of efficacy. Replicating this complex innovative trial design in diseases such as Parkinson’s disease is appealing, but in addition to the challenges associated with any trial assessing a single potentially disease modifying intervention in Parkinson’s disease, a multiarm platform trial must also specifically consider the heterogeneous nature of the disease, alongside the desire to potentially test multiple treatments with different mechanisms of action. In a multi-arm trial, there is a need to appropriately stratify treatment arms to ensure each are comparable with a shared placebo/standard of care arm; however, in Parkinson’s disease there may be a preference to enrich an arm with a subgroup of patients that may be most likely to respond to a specific treatment approach. The solution to this conundrum lies in having clearly defined criteria for inclusion in each treatment arm as well as an analysis plan that takes account of predefined subgroups of interest, alongside evaluating the impact of each treatment on the broader population of Parkinson’s disease patients. Beyond this, there must be robust processes of treatment selection, and consensus derived measures to confirm target engagement and interim assessments of efficacy, as well as consideration of the infrastructure needed to support recruitment, and the long-term funding and sustainability of the platform. This has to incorporate the diverse priorities of clinicians, triallists, regulatory authorities and above all the views of people with Parkinson’s disease

    Roflumilast in moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated with longacting bronchodilators: two randomised clinical trials

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    Background Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have few options for treatment. The efficacy and safety of the phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor roflumilast have been investigated in studies of patients with moderate-to-severe COPD, but not in those concomitantly treated with longacting inhaled bronchodilators. The effect of roflumilast on lung function in patients with COPD that is moderate to severe who are already being treated with salmeterol or tiotropium was investigated. Methods In two double-blind, multicentre studies done in an outpatient setting, after a 4-week run-in, patients older than 40 years with moderate-to-severe COPD were randomly assigned to oral roflumilast 500 mu g or placebo once a day for 24 weeks, in addition to salmeterol (M2-127 study) or tiotropium (M2-128 study). The primary endpoint was change in prebronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV(1)). Analysis was by intention to treat. The studies are registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00313209 for M2-127, and NCT00424268 for M2-128. Findings In the salmeterol plus roflumilast trial, 466 patients were assigned to and treated with roflumilast and 467 with placebo; in the tiotropium plus roflumilast trial, 371 patients were assigned to and treated with roflumilast and 372 with placebo. Compared with placebo, roflumilast consistently improved mean prebronchodilator FEV(1) by 49 mL (p<0.0001) in patients treated with salmeterol, and 80 mL (p<0.0001) in those treated with tiotropium. Similar improvement in postbronchodilator FEV(1) was noted in both groups. Furthermore, roflumilast had beneficial effects on other lung function measurements and on selected patient-reported outcomes in both groups. Nausea, diarrhoea, weight loss, and, to a lesser extent, headache were more frequent in patients in the roflumilast groups. These adverse events were associated with increased patient withdrawal. Interpretation Roflumilast improves lung function in patients with COPD treated with salmeterol or tiotropium, and could become an important treatment for these patients

    Genotype-phenotype correlation in PRKN-associated Parkinson's disease

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    Bi-allelic pathogenic variants in PRKN are the most common cause of autosomal recessive Parkinson's disease (PD). 647 patients with PRKN-PD were included in this international study. The pathogenic variants present were characterised and investigated for their effect on phenotype. Clinical features and progression of PRKN-PD was also assessed. Among 133 variants in index cases (n = 582), there were 58 (43.6%) structural variants, 34 (25.6%) missense, 20 (15%) frameshift, 10 splice site (7.5%%), 9 (6.8%) nonsense and 2 (1.5%) indels. The most frequent variant overall was an exon 3 deletion (n = 145, 12.3%), followed by the p.R275W substitution (n = 117, 10%). Exon3, RING0 protein domain and the ubiquitin-like protein domain were mutational hotspots with 31%, 35.4% and 31.7% of index cases presenting mutations in these regions respectively. The presence of a frameshift or structural variant was associated with a 3.4 ± 1.6 years or a 4.7 ± 1.6 years earlier age at onset of PRKN-PD respectively (p &lt; 0.05). Furthermore, variants located in the N-terminus of the protein, a region enriched with frameshift variants, were associated with an earlier age at onset. The phenotype of PRKN-PD was characterised by slow motor progression, preserved cognition, an excellent motor response to levodopa therapy and later development of motor complications compared to early-onset PD. Non-motor symptoms were however common in PRKN-PD. Our findings on the relationship between the type of variant in PRKN and the phenotype of the disease may have implications for both genetic counselling and the design of precision clinical trials

    Genotype–phenotype correlation in PRKN- associated Parkinson’s disease

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    Bi-allelic pathogenic variants in PRKN are the most common cause of autosomal recessive Parkinson’s disease (PD). 647 patients with PRKN-PD were included in this international study. The pathogenic variants present were characterised and investigated for their effect on phenotype. Clinical features and progression of PRKN-PD was also assessed. Among 133 variants in index cases (n = 582), there were 58 (43.6%) structural variants, 34 (25.6%) missense, 20 (15%) frameshift, 10 splice site (7.5%%), 9 (6.8%) nonsense and 2 (1.5%) indels. The most frequent variant overall was an exon 3 deletion (n = 145, 12.3%), followed by the p.R275W substitution (n = 117, 10%). Exon3, RING0 protein domain and the ubiquitin-like protein domain were mutational hotspots with 31%, 35.4% and 31.7% of index cases presenting mutations in these regions respectively. The presence of a frameshift or structural variant was associated with a 3.4 ± 1.6 years or a 4.7 ± 1.6 years earlier age at onset of PRKN-PD respectively (p < 0.05). Furthermore, variants located in the N-terminus of the protein, a region enriched with frameshift variants, were associated with an earlier age at onset. The phenotype of PRKN-PD was characterised by slow motor progression, preserved cognition, an excellent motor response to levodopa therapy and later development of motor complications compared to early-onset PD. Non-motor symptoms were however common in PRKN-PD. Our findings on the relationship between the type of variant in PRKN and the phenotype of the disease may have implications for both genetic counselling and the design of precision clinical trials