59 research outputs found

    Investigating Parameter Interactions with the Factorial Design Method: Webster’s Optimal Cycle Length Model

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    Accurate estimation of cycle length is an important factor in the performance of a signalized intersection. Cycle length is determined by employing some parameters such as arrival flow, number of phase, lost time etc., but each parameter has different effects on a cycle length model. If the effects of parameters and their interactions in the cycle length model are known, the performance of the model can be effectively increased. In this study, the sensitivity of optimal cycle length model proposed by Webster and its parameters were analysed with the factorial design method. The reason for selecting this model is that the model has still been used in signal timing practice and has lead many studies of researchers over 50 years. The evaluation of sensitivity analysis shows that while arrival flow as single parameter has a major effect on the optimal cycle length model, the remaining single parameters of the model (i.e., the number of phase in a cycle length, saturation flow and lost time) have secondary importance. Additionally, two parameter interactions of arrival flow-saturation flow have major effect on the model results. For three parameter interactions, the number of phase-arrival flow-saturation flow interaction has a slightly larger effect than the other three-parameter interactions. As a result, the factorial design method is an effective tool to determine the importance of the model parameters for researchers, and it can be employed to other traffic engineering applications

    Investigation of the effect of working capital management on profitability by panel data analysis and multi-criteria decision making techniques

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to reveal and compare the effect of working capital management on return on assets with different analysis methods, based on the annual financial statement data of companies in the tourism sector traded in Borsa Istanbul (BIST) in the period 2012-2020. This study aimed to reveal the drawbacks of including in the model variables that are not an element of working capital management. Methodology: Panel data analysis, the analytical hierarchy process and the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process were used to reveal the effect of working capital management variables on return on assets based on the financial statement data of the companies. Results: As a result of the analysis, a significant relationship was identified between the rankings made by using the realized return on assets ratios and the rankings obtained by AHP and FAHP, while no significant relationship was found between the rankings obtained by panel data analysis. Conclusion: Including some variables in the model as a working capital management variable in panel data analysis may cause misinterpretation of the effects of real working capital variables on return on assets. When the model that emerged according to the AHP and FAHP methods was examined, the asset turnover rate and financial leverage ratio variables were determined as the ratios with the lowest effect on return on assets, as the elements of working capital management in the weighting made according to the opinions of the experts

    Effects of monochromatic light stimuli during embryogenesis on some performance traits, behavior, and fear responses in Japanese quails

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    Lighting is crucial in poultry rearing and the subjects with light intensity, source, and color having been addressed in numerous studies. Numerous studies with monochromatic light from light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs have been reported. In the current study, fertile Japanese quail eggs were exposed to a dark environment (Control) or monochromatic green (560 nm) and blue (480 nm) lighting throughout incubation. There were no significant differences in hatch weight, hatchability, total embryonic mortality, hatch time, growth performance, and slaughter-carcass traits in the study (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the lowest mean in terms of early embryonic mortalities (12.37%) was determined in the group treated with green LED light-ing (P < 0.05), whereas it was discovered that the lowest mean in terms of late embryonic mortalities (13.59%) was in the group treated with blue LED lighting (P < 0.05). During the test time, the green LED group showed higher averages in terms of the number of peeps and first defecation time as response to environmental stimuli (P < 0.05). The highest mean for jumping (7.6 times) was detected in the group treated with blue LED lighting (P < 0.05). In conclusion, it was revealed that the blue and green LED lighting applied to the Japanese quail eggs in incubation had no effects on incubation traits, growth, and slaughter-carcass traits but had positive effects on some behavioral traits.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [2209-A]We thank the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for the financial support of this study with Project No. 2209-A

    Usage Possibilities Of Some Insect Species In Feeds

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    Bu çalışmada, larva dönemindeki un kurdu (Tenebrio molitor), buffalo kurdu (Alphitobius diaperinus) ve morio kurdunun (Zophobas morio) temel besin madde içerikleri ile yağ asidi metil ester kompozisyonunun gaz kromotografik yöntemlerle incelenerek yemlerde kullanılabilme olanakları araştırılmıştır. En yüksek ham protein oranı buffalo kurdunda %63.94 ile saptanmıştır. En yüksek yağ içeriği ise morio kurdunda bulunmuştur (%39.99). Ham selüloz oranları %7.07-7.89 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Araştırmada kullanılan un kurdu, morio ve buffalo kurtlarının palmitik asit değerleri %30.453-40.437 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Oleik asit değerleri ise %36.252-50.545 bulunmuştur. Linoleik asit ise en yüksek değerine %20.349 ile buffalo kurdunda ulaşmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan kurutulmuş böcek larvalarının incelenen besin madde parametrelerine göre hayvansal protein kaynakları yerine kullanılabileceği düşünülmektedir. Ancak olası anti besleme etkilerinin saptanabilmesi ve canlı performans değerlerinin ortaya konabilmesi daha sonraki araştırmalarda ele alınmalıdır.In this study, basic nutrient contents and fatty acid methyl ester composition of larvae period (Tenebrio molitor), buffalo worm (Alphitobius diaperinus) and morio worm (Zophobas morio) were investigated by gas chromatographic methods and their possibilities of using in feeds were investigated. The highest crude protein ratio was found to be (as) 63.94% in the buffalo. The highest fat content was found in morio (39.99%). Crude fiber rates varied between 7.07-7.89%. The flour used in the study was dry, and the palmitic acid values of morio and buffalo worms ranged from 30.453 to 40.437%. Oleic acid values were found to be (as) 36.252-50.545%. Linoleic acid was found to be the highest value with 20.349% of buffalo. It is thought that dried insect larvae of used in the study can be used instead of animal protein sources when evaluated according to the nutrient parameters examined. However, detection of possible anti nutritive effects and performance values should be considered in further studies

    Development of Cycle Length Models using Flower Pollination Algorithm for Isolated Signalized Intersections

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    Son zamanlarda nüfus ve ekonomideki büyüme karayollarında araç kullanımını arttırmakta, buna bağlı olarak da kavşakların kapasitesi yetersiz kalmaktadır. Kavşakların verimsiz çalışmasından dolayı gecikme, yakıt tüketimi, emisyon salınımı artarken sürücü davranışları da olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Kavşak geometrilerinin iyileştirilmesinin yanı sıra, optimum devre süresinin doğru tespiti ve sinyal sürelerinin düzenlenmesi ile de bu sorunların minimuma indirilebilmesi mümkün olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Çiçek Tozlaşma Algoritması (ÇTA) kullanılarak optimum devre süresi modelleri geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca en düşük gecikmeye sahip olan devre sürelerinin belirlenmesinde Diferansiyel Gelişim Algoritmasından (DGA) yararlanılmıştır. Kalibre edilen Webster modeline ilave olarak sabit eklenmiş Webster model formu ve üstel formda devre süresi modelleri geliştirilmiştir. VISSIM simülasyon programı ile elde edilen gecikme değerlerine göre geliştirilen bütün modeller Webster modeli ve VISTRO optimizasyon programı ile karşılaştırılmış ve önerilen modellerin istatistiksel olarak daha iyi performansa sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Bu modellerin özellikle yüksek trafik hacmine sahip trafik durumlarında yetersiz kalan Webster modelindeki eksiklikleri kapatarak alternatif bir devre süresi tahmin modeli olarak kullanılabileceği ön görülmektedir.Recently, the growth in population and economy has increased the use of vehicles on highways and accordingly the capacity of the intersections is insufficient. Delay, fuel consumption and emissions are increased due to the inefficient operation of intersections, and driver behavior is adversely affected. In addition to improving intersection geometry, by correct determination of optimum cycle length and arrangement of signal times, it is possible to minimize these problems. In this study, optimum cycle length models have been developed by using Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA). Additionally, Differential Evolution Algorithm has been used to determine the cycle length which has the minimum delay value for each traffic situation. In addition to the calibrated Webster model, Webster model with constant form and exponential form have been developed as cycle length models. All models developed according to the delay values obtained with the VISSIM simulation program were compared with the Webster model and the VISTRO optimization program and the proposed models were found to have statistically better performance. It has been seen that these models can be used as an alternative cycle length estimation model by defeating the deficiencies in Webster model which is insufficient especially in traffic situations with high traffic volume

    Effects of Propolis Extract Coating on Shelf Life and Quality Parameters of Eggs Obtained from Free-Range Hens

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    The study was carried out to demonstrate the effects of the use of water-extracted propolis (PE) as a coating material on shelf life, storage temperature, time, and egg quality parameters obtained from free-range laying hens. The idea of coating an egg with a product to preserve its freshness for a longer time has been the subject of research by researchers. For this purpose, there are studies using samples of propolis extracted using different alcohols. In this study, the effects of coating eggs obtained from free-range reared chickens with water extracted PE and keeping them in different storage conditions on the internal and external quality parameters of the eggs were investigated. For this purpose, 80 eggs were collected from 64-week-old Lohmann brown layers. Egg samples were divided into groups of 8 treatments [2 storage times (10 and 20 days) x 2 storage temperatures (4 degrees C and 22 degrees C) x propolis coating on the shell (coated/uncoated)] and arranged to contain 10 eggs per treatment. In the study, it was seen that PE caused positive effects on the shelf life and internal quality characteristics of eggs stored at room and refrigerator temperature, as it covers the pores on the shell. As a result of coating with propolis extract, specific gravity and egg yolk index values increased (P <0.05). In addition, the number of mesophilic bacteria has decreased. Due to these positive effects, propolis can be considered as a natural alternative product that can be used for eggshell coating. It was determined at the end of the research that coating with the water-derived extract of propolis, a by-product of beekeeping activities, might have positive effects on long-term storage

    Yapay zeka teknikleri kullanılarak sinyalize kavşaklarda gecikme modelleri

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi108722

    Optimization and control of traffic signal with artificial intelligence techniques at isolated signalized intersections

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    YÖK Tez ID: 596107optimizasyonuna dayalı Hibrid Trafik Kontrol Sistemi (HTKS) geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen sistemde Çiçek Tozlaşma Algoritması (ÇTA), Karga Arama Algoritması (KAA) ve Tip-2 Bulanık Mantık (Tip-2 BM) yaklaşımları kullanılmış olup, gecikmenin minimize edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. İki ana modülden oluşan sistemde, birinci modül ile ÇTA kullanılarak faz plan optimizasyonu yapılmakta, ikinci modülde ise KAA ile optimize edilen Tip-2 BM yaklaşımı ile süre optimizasyonu gerçekleştirilmektedir. Faz optimizasyonuna ilaveten faz seçimi de sağlanmış ve belirlenen faz düzeninde hangi faza öncelik verileceği tayin edilmiştir. Geliştirilen sistemlerin simülasyonları KU-Trsim mikroskobik simülasyon programında gerçekleştirilmiştir. KU-Trsim simülasyon programı kuyruk uzunluklarını ve araç sayılarını verecek şekilde revize edilmiş, ayrıca farklı trafik kontrol sistemleri ile uyumlu hale getirilmiştir. Simülasyon programının kullanım kolaylığı ve çıktı parametrelerinin görselliği için girdi ve çıktı ara yüzleri kontrol sistemlerine uygun olarak oluşturulmuştur. HTKS 4 farklı kavşak geometrisi ve 15 farklı trafik hacim senaryosuna göre farklı kontrol sistemleri ile karşılaştırılarak sistemin performansı ve uygulanabilirliği ortaya konulmuştur. Sabit zamanlı sistem, Diferansiyel Gelişim Algoritması (DGA) ile optimize edilen sabit zamanlı optimum devre süresi (DGA-ODS) sistemi, sadece faz optimizasyon modülünün kullanıldığı ÇTA-TKS sistemi ve Tip-1 BM-TKS sistemi performans karşılaştırılmasında kullanılan farklı kontrol sistemleridir. Kontrol sistemlerinden elde edilen gecikme değerlerine göre, HTKS'nın sabit zamanlı sisteme göre % 17 ile % 33 arasında, DGA-ODS sistemine göre % 9 ile % 19, ÇTA-TKS sistemine göre % 1,5 ile % 5 ve Tip-1 BM-TKS sistemine göre % 3 ile % 6 arasında iyileştirme sağladığı görülmüştür.In this study, a Hybrid Traffic Control System (HTCS) was developed for isolated signalized intersections based on the optimization of phase plan and signal timing. In the developed system, Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic (Type-2 FL) approaches were used and it was aimed to minimize the delay. In the system consisting of two main modules, phase plan optimization is performed using FPA in the first module, while in the second module, signal timing optimization is performed with CSA optimized the Type-2 FL approach. In addition to phase optimization, phase selection has also been achieved and it has been determined which phase will be given priority in the determined phase sequence. Simulations of the developed systems were performed in KU-Trsim microscopic simulation program. In the KU-Trsim simulation program, codes were revised to give queue lengths and the number of vehicles and were also made compatible with different traffic control systems. The input and output interfaces are built in accordance with the control systems in terms of the ease of use of the simulation program and the simple visibility of the output parameters decisively. The performance and applicability of the HTCS was demonstrated by comparing it with different control systems based on 4 different intersection geometry and 15 different traffic volume scenarios. The fixed time, the fixed time optimized via Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm (DE-OCL), the FPA-TCS where only phase optimization module is used and Type-1 FL-TCS were different control systems. According to the delay values obtained from control systems, the HTCS was able to improve between 17% and 33 % compared to the fixed-time system, between 9 % and 19 % compared to the DE-OCL system, between 1.5 % and 5 % compared to the FPA-TCS system and between 3 % and 6 % compared to the Type-1 FL-TCS system

    Delay models using artificial intelligence techniques at signalized intersections

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    YÖK Tez ID: 430039Yapay Zekâ Teknikleri Kullanılarak Sinyalize Kavşaklarda Gecikme Modelleri isimli yüksek lisans tezinde; Diferansiyel Gelişim Algoritması (DGA) ve Yapay Arı Kolonisi Algoritmasının (YAKA) ulaştırma mühendisliği problemlerinden birisi olan gecikme hesabı üzerinde uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, Corsim simülasyon programı üzerinde dört kollu bir kavşak oluşturulup, bu kavşağa ait farklı trafik durumları için 750 adet gecikme değerleri elde edilerek girdi parametre değerleri bulunmuştur. Gecikme üzerinde en çok etkili olan parametrelerden devre süresi (C), yeşil süre (g), hacim (v), doygunluk akımı (s) ve periyod (T) bu çalışmada kullanılmıştır. Dört farklı formda (doğrusal, yarı kuadratik, kuadratik ve kuvvet) gecikme modeli ortaya konup, bu modellerin optimizasyonu DGA ve YAKA'ya göre gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen modellerin performansları analitik yöntemlerden Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) ve Avustralya modelleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırma sonuçları grafiksel olarak bulgular ve değerlendirme bölümünde detaylı olarak verilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır.In this study, named as Delay Models Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques at Signalized Intersections; an application of Differential Evolution Algorithm (DEA) and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ABCA) on delay estimation which is one of the transportation problems was performed. For this purpose, a four-leg intersection was created on Corsim simulation program and 750 delay values for different traffic situations on this intersection were obtained as input parameters. The most influential parameters on delay which are the cycle time (C), the green time (g), volüme (v), saturation flow (s) and period (T) were used in this study. Four different forms for delay models (linear, semi quadratic, quadratic and power) were proposed and the optimization of these models were performed according to DEA and ABC. The performances of proposed models were compared with HCM and Australian analytical models. Comparison results are graphically presented in the findings and evaluation section. Results were interpreted also