33 research outputs found

    Algoritem postopkov pri PIL-NS

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    Difuzni peritonitis, povzročen z verniksom – prikaz primera in pregled literature

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    Difuzni peritonitis, povročen z verniksom (DPV), je redek zaplet po carskem rezu ali še redkejši po vaginalnem porodu, pri katerem pride do burnega vnetnega odziva zaradi iztekanja amnijske tekočine z verniksom ali mekonija v trebušno votlino porodnice. Kaže se s klinično sliko akutnega abdomna z izrazito povišanimi vnetnimi parametri nekaj dni po porodu. Sam patofiziološki mehanizem vnetnega procesa še ni v celoti pojasnjen. Članek predstavi 22-letno porodnico, ki je razvila difuzni peritonitis z burnim vnetnim odzivom zaradi prisotne amnijske tekočine z verniksom v trebušni votlini 5. dan po opravljenem urgentnem carskem rezu v 40. tednu nosečnosti. V svetovni literaturi je doslej objavljenih zgolj 30 takšnih primerov, v Sloveniji pa o takšnem primeru še niso poročali

    Novel organization of mitochondrial minicircles and guide RNAs in the zoonotic pathogen Trypanosoma lewisi

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    Abstract Kinetoplastid flagellates are known for several unusual features, one of which is their complex mitochondrial genome, known as kinetoplast (k) DNA, composed of mutually catenated maxi- and minicircles. Trypanosoma lewisi is a member of the Stercorarian group of trypanosomes which is, based on human infections and experimental data, now considered a zoonotic pathogen. By assembling a total of 58 minicircle classes, which fall into two distinct categories, we describe a novel type of kDNA organization in T. lewisi. RNA-seq approaches allowed us to map the details of uridine insertion and deletion editing events upon the kDNA transcriptome. Moreover, sequencing of small RNA molecules enabled the identification of 169 unique guide (g) RNA genes, with two differently organized minicircle categories both encoding essential gRNAs. The unprecedented organization of minicircles and gRNAs in T. lewisi broadens our knowledge of the structure and expression of the mitochondrial genomes of these human and animal pathogens. Finally, a scenario describing the evolution of minicircles is presented

    Primary aldosteronism in pregnancy: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges

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    Metabolic Profiling of Interspecies Interactions During Sessile Bacterial Cultivation Reveals Growth and Sporulation Induction in <i>Paenibacillus amylolyticus</i> in Response to <i>Xanthomonas retroflexus</i>

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    The toolbox available for microbiologists to study interspecies interactions is rapidly growing, and with continuously more advanced instruments, we are able to expand our knowledge on establishment and function of microbial communities. However, unravelling molecular interspecies interactions in complex biological systems remains a challenge, and interactions are therefore often studied in simplified communities. Here we perform an in-depth characterization of an observed interspecies interaction between two co-isolated bacteria, Xanthomonas retroflexus and Paenibacillus amylolyticus. Using microsensor measurements for mapping the chemical environment, we show how X. retroflexus promoted an alkalization of its local environment through degradation of amino acids and release of ammonia. When the two species were grown in proximity, the modified local environment induced a morphological change and growth of P. amylolyticus followed by sporulation. 2D spatial metabolomics enabled visualization and mapping of the degradation of oligopeptide structures by X. retroflexus and morphological changes of P. amylolyticus through e.g. the release of membrane-associated metabolites. Proteome analysis and microscopy were used to validate the shift from vegetative growth towards sporulation. In summary, we demonstrate how environmental profiling by combined application of microsensor, microscopy, metabolomics and proteomics approaches can reveal growth and sporulation promoting effects resulting from interspecies interactions