7 research outputs found

    Programming methodology for a general purpose automation controller

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    The General Purpose Automation Controller is a multi-processor architecture for automation programming. A methodology has been developed whose aim is to simplify the task of programming distributed real-time systems for users in research or manufacturing. Programs are built by configuring function blocks (low-level computations) into processes using data flow principles. These processes are activated through the verb mechanism. Verbs are divided into two classes: those which support devices, such as robot joint servos, and those which perform actions on devices, such as motion control. This programming methodology was developed in order to achieve the following goals: (1) specifications for real-time programs which are to a high degree independent of hardware considerations such as processor, bus, and interconnect technology; (2) a component approach to software, so that software required to support new devices and technologies can be integrated by reconfiguring existing building blocks; (3) resistance to error and ease of debugging; and (4) a powerful command language interface