5 research outputs found

    Measuring of Traction and Speed Characteristics as Well as of Fuel Economy of a Car in Road Conditions

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    This article is devoted to the identification of traction and speed characteristics as well as of fuel economy of motor vehicles in road conditions. Among common variants of measuring of the above stated values, the preference was given to the immediate gaining of factors by means of a computer-aided measuring system. There is a theoretical justification given to the suggested approach as well as methods and results allowing to provide a practically sufficient solution accuracy of the problem

    Research of the pre-launch powered lubrication device of major parts of the engine D-240

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    In the publication, the issues have been considered concerning combustion engine start wear of mobile machines in case of outside storage in the conditions of low environmental temperature. Based on the analysis of existing methods and constructions of powered lubrication devices for contact surfaces of engines, a design of a combined device has been suggested which unites the functions of hydraulic and heat accumulators. On the basis of the elaborated design, preparatory tests have been conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-start oil circulation in the engine D-240, as well as the effectiveness rate of thermoinsulation and the heating device of the hydraulic accumulator. The findings of the survey have shown that the pre-start powered lubrication device for major parts of the engine is effective

    Hierarchical Model of Assessing and Selecting Experts

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    Revealing experts' competences is a multi-objective issue. Authors of the paper deal with competence assessing methods of experts seen as objects, and criteria of qualities. An analytic hierarchy process of assessing and ranking experts is offered, which is based on paired comparison matrices and scores, quality parameters are taken into account as well. Calculation and assessment of experts is given as an example

    Computer Simulation of Replaceable Many Sider Plates (RMSP) with Enhanced Chip-Breaking Characteristics

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    Out of all common chip curling methods, a special tool face form has become the most widespread which is developed either by means of grinding or by means of profile pressing in the production process of RMSP. Currently, over 15 large tool manufacturers produce tools using instrument materials of over 500 brands. To this, we must add a large variety of tool face geometries, which purpose includes the control over form and dimensions of the chip. Taking into account all the many processed materials, specific tasks of the process planner, requirements to the quality of manufactured products, all this makes the choice of a proper tool which can perform the processing in the most effective way significantly harder. Over recent years, the nomenclature of RMSP for lathe tools with mechanical mounting has been considerably broadened by means of diversification of their faces

    Development of a Metal Cutting Tool Fase in Order to Create the Conditions of Ringed Chips Wrapping

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    When processing ductile metals with high cutting speed, there is a need to take additional measures for a comfortable and safe formation and removal of chips. In the conditions of large-scale manufacture, it is recommended to produce flow chips in the form of short fragments, while in the conditions of small-lot and single-piece manufacture, it is reasonable to wrap the chips spirally with a rather small turn radius. Such way of chips formation reduces the time of its removal from the working area as well as facilitates its transportation and processing. In order to solve the problem of chip wrapping and breakage, almost all modern manufacturers of tools with replaceable many-sided plates (RMSP) followed the way of complication of tool faces and determination of the areas of effective chip breaking. On the one hand, the suggested solution turns out to be effective; however, as showed the analysis of recommended cutting modes for complex forms of RMSP made by leading manufacturers, they all correspond to the definite cross section of the cut-layer S/t=0.1