861 research outputs found

    Method of and apparatus for measuring temperature and pressure

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    Laser beams are transmitted through gas to a reflecting target, which may be either a solid surface or particulate matter in gas or the gas molecules. The return beams are measured to determine the amount of energy absorbed by the gas. For temperature measurements, the laser beam has a wavelength at which the gas exhibits a relatively temperature sensitive and pressure insensitive absorption characteristic for pressure measurements, the laser beam has a wavelength at which the gas has a relatively pressure sensitive and temperature insensitive absorption characteristic. To reduce the effects of scattering on the absorption measurements a reference laser beam with a weak absorption characteristic is transmitted colinearly with the data beam having a strong absorption characteristic. The two signals are processed as a ratio to eliminate back scattering. Embodiments of transmitters and receivers described include a sequential laser pulse transmitter and receiver, a simultaneous laser pulse transmitter and receiver

    An investigation of messy genetic algorithms

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    Genetic algorithms (GAs) are search procedures based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. They combine the use of string codings or artificial chromosomes and populations with the selective and juxtapositional power of reproduction and recombination to motivate a surprisingly powerful search heuristic in many problems. Despite their empirical success, there has been a long standing objection to the use of GAs in arbitrarily difficult problems. A new approach was launched. Results to a 30-bit, order-three-deception problem were obtained using a new type of genetic algorithm called a messy genetic algorithm (mGAs). Messy genetic algorithms combine the use of variable-length strings, a two-phase selection scheme, and messy genetic operators to effect a solution to the fixed-coding problem of standard simple GAs. The results of the study of mGAs in problems with nonuniform subfunction scale and size are presented. The mGA approach is summarized, both its operation and the theory of its use. Experiments on problems of varying scale, varying building-block size, and combined varying scale and size are presented

    Engineering a laser remote sensor for atmospheric pressure and temperature

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    A system for the remote sensing of atmospheric pressure and temperature is described. Resonant lines in the 7600 Angstrom oxygen A band region are used and an organic dye laser beam is tuned to measure line absorption changes with temperature or pressure. A reference beam outside this band is also transmitted for calibration. Using lidar techniques, profiling of these parameters with altitude can be accomplished

    Million-Dollar Farms in the New Century

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    Million-dollar farms—those with annual sales of at least $1 million—accounted for about half of U.S. farm sales in 2002, up from a fourth in 1982 (with sales measured in constant 2002 dollars). By 2006, million-dollar farms, accounting for 2 percent of all U.S. farms, dominated U.S. production of high-value crops, milk, hogs, poultry, and beef. The shift to million-dollar farms is likely to continue because they tend to be more profitable than smaller farms, giving them a competitive advantage. Most million-dollar farms (84 percent) are family farms, that is, the farm operator and relatives of the operator own the business. The million-dollar farms organized as nonfamily corporations tend to have no more than 10 stockholders.Contracting, family farms, farm businesses, farm financial performance, farm-operator household income, farm operators, farm structure, farm type, million-dollar farms, Farm Management,

    A Case History of Titanium Stress Corrosion in Nitrogen Tetroxide

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    An investigation of the incompatibility of titanium in certain grades of nitrogen tetroxide will be discussed as a case history. The methodology used in its resolution will point out some of the dangers associate with compatibility testing. The methodology also will present some of the difficulties associated with coordinating an investigation involving many contractors and U. S. Government agencies. The techniques employed in this investigation are described in considerable detail for the benefit of investigators with similar problems

    Atmospheric transmission computer program CP

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    A computer program is described which allows for calculation of the effects of carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, ozone, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxide on earth resources remote sensing techniques. A flow chart of the program and operating instructions are provided. Comparisons are made between the atmospheric transmission obtained from laboratory and spacecraft spectrometer data and that obtained from a computer prediction using a model atmosphere and radiosonde data. Limitations of the model atmosphere are discussed. The computer program listings, input card formats, and sample runs for both radiosonde data and laboratory data are included

    Guiding protein-ligand docking with different experimental NMR-data

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    Today's scoring functions are one of the main reasons that state-of-the-art protein-ligand dockings fail in about 20 % to 40 % of the targets due to the sometimes severe approximations they make. However these approximations are necessary for performance reasons. One possibility to overcome these problems is the inclusion of additional, preferably experimental information in the docking process. Especially ligand-based NMR experiments that are far less demanding than the solution of the whole complex structure are helpful.Here we present the inclusion of three different types of NMR-data into the ChemPLP scoring function of our docking tool PLANTS. First, STD and intra-ligand trNOE spectra were used to obtain distant constraints between ligand and protein atoms. This approach proved beneficial for the docking of larger peptide ligands i. e. the epitope of MUC-1 glycoprotein to the SM3 antibody.In the second part the usefulness of INPHARMA data is shown by combinig a score, evaluating the agreement between simulated and measured INPHARMA spectra, with the PLANTS ChemPLP scoring function. First results from rescoring after local optimization of the poses and full docking experiments are shown

    Structural and Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms: 2001 Family Farm Report

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    Family farms vary widely in size and other characteristics, ranging from very small retirement and residential farms to establishments with sales in the millions of dollars. The farm typology developed by the Economic Research Service (ERS) categorizes farms into groups based primarily on occupation of the operator and sales class of the farm. The typology groups reflect operators' expectations from farming, position in the life cycle, and dependence on agriculture. The groups differ in their importance to the farm sector, product specialization, program participation, and dependence on farm income. These (and other) differences are discussed in this report.Agricultural Resource Management Study (ARMS), family farms, farm businesses, farm financial situation, farm operator household income, farm operators, farm structure, farm typology, female farm operators, government payments, spouses of farm operators, taxes, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management,