554 research outputs found

    Ocean properties

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Results of testing the CP program indicate that the best results can be obtained in the near infrared water bands. The absorption due to water vapor and carbon dioxide in the thermal infrared band appeared to be less reliable in comparison to spacecraft-acquired data and band models. Comparisons of laboratory carbon dioxide transmission in the thermal infrared band show good agreement except in regions where lines are known to be missing. The comparison of ozone transmission at a wavelength of 9.6 micrometers to laboratory data showed unexceptedly large differences

    Method of and apparatus for measuring temperature and pressure

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    Laser beams are transmitted through gas to a reflecting target, which may be either a solid surface or particulate matter in gas or the gas molecules. The return beams are measured to determine the amount of energy absorbed by the gas. For temperature measurements, the laser beam has a wavelength at which the gas exhibits a relatively temperature sensitive and pressure insensitive absorption characteristic for pressure measurements, the laser beam has a wavelength at which the gas has a relatively pressure sensitive and temperature insensitive absorption characteristic. To reduce the effects of scattering on the absorption measurements a reference laser beam with a weak absorption characteristic is transmitted colinearly with the data beam having a strong absorption characteristic. The two signals are processed as a ratio to eliminate back scattering. Embodiments of transmitters and receivers described include a sequential laser pulse transmitter and receiver, a simultaneous laser pulse transmitter and receiver

    Engineering a laser remote sensor for atmospheric pressure and temperature

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    A system for the remote sensing of atmospheric pressure and temperature is described. Resonant lines in the 7600 Angstrom oxygen A band region are used and an organic dye laser beam is tuned to measure line absorption changes with temperature or pressure. A reference beam outside this band is also transmitted for calibration. Using lidar techniques, profiling of these parameters with altitude can be accomplished

    Measurements of the effect of horizontal variability of atmospheric backscatter on dial measurements

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    The horizontal variability of atmospheric backscatter may have a substantial effect on how Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) data must be taken and analyzed. To minimize errors, lidar pulse pairs are taken with time separations which are short compared to the time scales associated with variations in atmospheric backscatter. To assess the atmospheric variability for time scales which are long compared to the lidar pulse repetition rate, the variance of the lidar return signal in a given channel can be computed. The variances of the on-line, off-line, and ration of the on-line to off-line signals at given altitudes obtained with the dual solid-state Alexandrite laser system were calculated. These evaluations were made for both down-looking aircraft and up-looking ground-based lidar data. Data were taken with 200 microsecond separation between on-line and off-line laser pulses, 30 m altitude resolution, 5 Hz repetition rate, and the signal were normalized for outgoing laser energy

    Real-time atmospheric absorption spectra for in-flight tuning of an airborne dial system

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    Real-time measurements of atmospheric absorption spectra are displayed and used to precisely calibrate and fix the frequency of an Alexandrite laser to specific oxygen absorption features for airborne Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) measurements of atmospheric pressure and temperature. The DIAL system used contains two narrowband tunable Alexandrite lasers: one is electronically scanned to tune to oxygen absorption features for on-line signals while the second is used to obtain off-line (nonabsorbed) atmospheric return signals. The lidar operator may select the number of shots to be averaged, the altitude, and altitude interval over which the signals are averaged using single key stroke commands. The operator also determines exactly which oxygen absorption lines are scanned by comparing the line spacings and relative strengths with known line parameters, thus calibrating the laser wavelength readout. The system was used successfully to measure the atmospheric pressure profile on the first flights of this lidar, November 20, and December 9, 1985, aboard the NASA Wallops Electra aircraft

    Airborne Lidar measurements of the atmospheric pressure profile with tunable Alexandrite lasers

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    The first remote measurements of the atmospheric pressure profile made from an airborne platform are described. The measurements utilize a differential absorption lidar and tunable solid state Alexandrite lasers. The pressure measurement technique uses a high resolution oxygen A band where the absorption is highly pressure sensitive due to collision broadening. Absorption troughs and regions of minimum absorption were used between pairs of stongly absorption lines for these measurements. The trough technique allows the measurement to be greatly desensitized to the effects of laser frequency instabilities. The lidar system was set up to measure pressure with the on-line laser tuned to the absorption trough at 13147.3/cm and with the reference laser tuned to a nonabsorbing frequency near 13170.0/cm. The lidar signal returns were sampled with a 200 range gate (30 vertical resoltion) and averaged over 100 shots

    Atmospheric transmission computer program CP

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    A computer program is described which allows for calculation of the effects of carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, ozone, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxide on earth resources remote sensing techniques. A flow chart of the program and operating instructions are provided. Comparisons are made between the atmospheric transmission obtained from laboratory and spacecraft spectrometer data and that obtained from a computer prediction using a model atmosphere and radiosonde data. Limitations of the model atmosphere are discussed. The computer program listings, input card formats, and sample runs for both radiosonde data and laboratory data are included

    Edge technique lidar for high accuracy, high spatial resolution wind measurement in the Planetary Boundary Layer

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    The goal of the Army Research Office (ARO) Geosciences Program is to measure the three dimensional wind field in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) over a measurement volume with a 50 meter spatial resolution and with measurement accuracies of the order of 20 cm/sec. The objective of this work is to develop and evaluate a high vertical resolution lidar experiment using the edge technique for high accuracy measurement of the atmospheric wind field to meet the ARO requirements. This experiment allows the powerful capabilities of the edge technique to be quantitatively evaluated. In the edge technique, a laser is located on the steep slope of a high resolution spectral filter. This produces large changes in measured signal for small Doppler shifts. A differential frequency technique renders the Doppler shift measurement insensitive to both laser and filter frequency jitter and drift. The measurement is also relatively insensitive to the laser spectral width for widths less than the width of the edge filter. Thus, the goal is to develop a system which will yield a substantial improvement in the state of the art of wind profile measurement in terms of both vertical resolution and accuracy and which will provide a unique capability for atmospheric wind studies

    Real-time renormalization group and cutoff scales in nonequilibrium applied to an arbitrary quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime

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    We apply the real-time renormalization group (RG) in nonequilibrium to an arbitrary quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime. Within one-loop RG-equations, we include self-consistently the kernel governing the dynamics of the reduced density matrix of the dot. As a result, we find that relaxation and dephasing rates generically cut off the RG flow. In addition, we include all other cutoff scales defined by temperature, energy excitations, frequency, and voltage. We apply the formalism to transport through single molecular magnets, realized by the fully anisotropic Kondo model (with three different exchange couplings J_x, J_y, and J_z) in a magnetic field h_z. We calculate the differential conductance as function of bias voltage V and discuss a quantum phase transition which can be tuned by changing the sign of J_x J_y J_z via the anisotropy parameters. Finally, we calculate the noise S(Omega) at finite frequency Omega for the isotropic Kondo model and find that the dephasing rate determines the height of the shoulders in dS(\Omega)/d Omega near Omega=V.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Structural and Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms: 2001 Family Farm Report

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    Family farms vary widely in size and other characteristics, ranging from very small retirement and residential farms to establishments with sales in the millions of dollars. The farm typology developed by the Economic Research Service (ERS) categorizes farms into groups based primarily on occupation of the operator and sales class of the farm. The typology groups reflect operators' expectations from farming, position in the life cycle, and dependence on agriculture. The groups differ in their importance to the farm sector, product specialization, program participation, and dependence on farm income. These (and other) differences are discussed in this report.Agricultural Resource Management Study (ARMS), family farms, farm businesses, farm financial situation, farm operator household income, farm operators, farm structure, farm typology, female farm operators, government payments, spouses of farm operators, taxes, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management,