2 research outputs found

    Klinička obilježja i preživljenje bolesnika s malignim mezoteliomom pleure – iskustvo jednog centra

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    Maligni pleuralni mezoteliom rijetka je i agresivna primarna novotvorina mezotelnih stanica pleure. Glavni rizični čimbenik je izloženost azbestu, najčešće uz latenciju od 30–50 godina. Unatoč terapiji medijan preživljenja je od 4 do 18 mjeseci, ovisno o izvoru. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti karakteristike bolesnika oboljelih od malignoga pleuralnog mezotelioma te ishode njihova liječenja na KBC Zagreb u razdoblju od 1999. do 2012. godine. Ispitane su karakteristike 101 bolesnika dijagnosticiranog i liječenog na KBC Zagreb u razdoblju od rujna 1999. do rujna 2012. Analizirali smo ukupno preživljenje (OS), preživljenje bez progresije bolesti (PFS) te preživljenje ovisno o histološkom podtipu tumora, dobi, kliničkom stadiju, pleurodezi talkom i modalitetu liječenja. Koristili smo Kaplan-Meierovu metodu za izradu krivulje preživljenja. 89 bolesnika bilo je muškog, 12 ženskog spola, a medijan dobi 62 godine. Prema TNM klasifikaciji stadij IV je utvrđen kod 69,3%, stadij III kod 26,73%, te stadij II kod samo 3,96% bolesnika. 73,26% bolesnika imalo je epiteloidni, 4,95% sarkomatoidni, 1% mješoviti te 20,79% NOS (nespecifirani) histološki podtip bolesti. Kirurški je liječeno 14,85% bolesnika, kemoterapijom 55,44%, dok je radioterapija primijenjena kod 9,9% bolesnika. Medijan OS iznosi 11 mjeseci, dok je PFS 10 mjeseci. Prema histološkom podtipu medijan OS iznosio je 11 mjeseci za epiteloidni, 12,5 za NOS te 5,5 za sarkomatoidni, a prema kliničkom stadiju 7 mjeseci za stadij II, 17,5 mjeseci za stadij III te 11 mjeseci za stadij IV. Medijan OS bio je dulji u skupini bolesnika mlađoj od 65 godina (12 naspram 8,5 mjeseci, p=0.28), skupini sa učinjenom pleurodezom (13 naspram 7,5 mjeseci, p=0.06) te u skupini liječenoj kemoterapijom (12,5 naspram 7,5 mjeseci, p=0.10). Očekivano preživljenje bolesnika oboljelih od malignoga pleuralnog mezotelioma u Republici Hrvatskoj u skladu je s podatcima iz literature. Ispitane metode liječenja relativno skromno utječu na preživljenje bolesnika

    Stable Gastric Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 as Useful Cytoprotective Peptide Therapy in the Heart Disturbances, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Failure, Pulmonary Hypertension, Arrhythmias, and Thrombosis Presentation

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    In heart disturbances, stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 especial therapy effects combine the therapy of myocardial infarction, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension arrhythmias, and thrombosis prevention and reversal. The shared therapy effect occurred as part of its even larger cytoprotection (cardioprotection) therapy effect (direct epithelial cell protection; direct endothelium cell protection) that BPC 157 exerts as a novel cytoprotection mediator, which is native and stable in human gastric juice, as well as easily applicable. Accordingly, there is interaction with many molecular pathways, combining maintained endothelium function and maintained thrombocytes function, which counteracted thrombocytopenia in rats that underwent major vessel occlusion and deep vein thrombosis and counteracted thrombosis in all vascular studies; the coagulation pathways were not affected. These appeared as having modulatory effects on NO-system (NO-release, NOS-inhibition, NO-over-stimulation all affected), controlling vasomotor tone and the activation of the Src-Caveolin-1-eNOS pathway and modulatory effects on the prostaglandins system (BPC 157 counteracted NSAIDs toxicity, counteracted bleeding, thrombocytopenia, and in particular, leaky gut syndrome). As an essential novelty noted in the vascular studies, there was the activation of the collateral pathways. This might be the upgrading of the minor vessel to take over the function of the disabled major vessel, competing with and counteracting the Virchow triad circumstances devastatingly present, making possible the recruitment of collateral blood vessels, compensating vessel occlusion and reestablishing the blood flow or bypassing the occluded or ruptured vessel. As a part of the counteraction of the severe vessel and multiorgan failure syndrome, counteracted were the brain, lung, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal lesions, and in particular, the counteraction of the heart arrhythmias and infarction