21 research outputs found

    Tracing a standard language in Austria using methodological microvariations of Verbal and Matched Guise Technique

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    Based on the key hypothesis, that there are heterogeneous conceptualizations of “standardness” within the German speaking countries, this paper both methodologically and empirically tangles main aspects on “standard in Austria” from the perspective of perceptual variationist linguistics. Two series of comprehensive listener judgment tests based on 536 informants, considering different sociolinguistic parameters and assumptions on model speakers, indicate shiftings away from competing (country-specific) conceptualizations towards heterogeneous dimensions of “standard in Austria” with complex evaluative patterns

    Wo Wien anderst ist und wo nicht. Kontrastierung von Spracheinstellungsdaten aus Wien und ruralen Regionen Österreichs

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt Konzeptualisierungen von Sprachlagen des individuellen Spektrums linguistischer ungeschulter Personen dar und vergleicht dabei erstmalig attitudinale Daten aus Wien und ruralen Regionen Österreichs. Im Fokus der Pilotstudie stehen dabei insbesondere Konzepte zu ‚Dialekt‘, ‚Hochdeutsch‘ sowie ‚Wienerisch‘, die sich in einem mehrstufigen Analyseverfahren als Ă€ußerst heterogen erweisen. Ihre HeterogenitĂ€t speist sich aus einem komplexen Zusammenspiel soziodemografischer, regionaler, situativer sowie dynamischer Parameter, die kontrastiv diskutiert werden und auf distinkte Sprachlagenkonzepte hindeuten.This paper discusses speech repertoires of the individual linguistic spectrum as conceptualized by non-linguists. For the first time, attitudinal data from Vienna is contrasted with data obtained from rural regions of Austria. This pilot study applies a multi-level analytical process, focusing on conceptualizations of ‘dialect’ (‚Dialekt‘), ‘High German’ (‚Hochdeutsch‘), as well as ‘Viennese’ (‚Wienerisch‘). Results indicate heterogeneity within the research focus of this paper and reveals that a complex interaction of socio-demographic, regional, situational, as well as dynamic parameters is responsible for rather distinct lay conceptualizations of aforementioned speech registers

    Die österreichische Presselandschaft digital: Das Austrian Media Corpus (amc) und sein Potenzial fĂŒr die Linguistik

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    Das Austrian Media Corpus (amc) ist mit derzeit rund 11 Mrd. Token eines der grĂ¶ĂŸten deutschsprachigen Korpora journalistischer Prosa. Es bietet damit weitreichende Analysemöglichkeiten fĂŒr eine Vielzahl sprachwissenschaftlicher Aspekte, wie z. B. die Analyse grammatischer, orthographischer und lexikalischer Variation oder die Erforschung diskurslinguistischer wie attitudinal-perzeptiver Fragestellungen. In diesem Beitrag geben wir Einblicke in Beispielanalysen zu Standard(schrift)sprache auf Basis des amc sowie deren Bedeutung fĂŒr die Erforschung von Sprachvariation in Österreich, um das enorme Potenzial des Korpus fĂŒr sprachwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen zu illustrieren

    Temporal association between COVID-19 vaccination and Raynaud’s phenomenon: A case series

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    COVID-19 vaccine–related adverse events are mostly minor to moderate, and serious events are rare. Single cases of Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP) in temporal proximity to COVID-19 vaccination have been reported. Demographic data, medical history, and detailed information regarding vaccination status and RP characteristics were obtained from patients with confirmed RP after COVID-19 vaccination. Fifteen participants reported the initial manifestation of RP, which occurred in 40% after the first, in 33% after the second, and in 27% after the third vaccination. RP development and occurrence of episodes were not linked to any specific vaccine type. New onset of disease was observed in 40% of the vaccinees after BNT162b2, in 33% after mRNA-1273, and in 27% after ChAdOx1 vaccination. Three out of four participants with preexisting RP prior to COVID-19 vaccination reported aggravation in frequency and intensity after immunization. Although COVID-19 vaccination is pivotal in controlling the pandemic, the observed temporal association between vaccine administration and RP occurrence warrants global activities to support pharmacovigilance for the detection of adverse reactions, one of which may include RP

    Associations between nailfold capillary aberrations and autoantibodies in children and adults with Raynaud’s phenomenon

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    Objective To characterise associations between individual nailfold capillary aberrations with autoantibodies in a cross-sectional study on children and adults with Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP).Methods Consecutive children and adults with RP and without previously known connective tissue disease (CTD) systemically underwent nailfold capillaroscopy and laboratory tests for the presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA). The prevalence of individual nailfold capillary aberrations and ANA was assessed, and the associations between individual nailfold capillary aberrations and ANA were analysed separately in children and adolescents.Results In total, 113 children (median age 15 years) and 2858 adults (median age 48 years) with RP and without previously known CTD were assessed. At least one nailfold capillary aberration was detected in 72 (64%) of included children and in 2154 (75%) of included adults with RP (children vs adults p<0.05). An ANA titre ≄1:80, ≄1:160 or≄1:320 was observed in 29%, 21% or 16% of included children, and in 37%, 27% or 24% of screened adults, respectively. While the occurrence of individual nailfold capillary aberrations was related to the presence of an ANA titre of ≄1:80 in adults (reduced capillary density, avascular fields, haemorrhages, oedema, ramifications, dilations and giant capillaries: each p<0.001), no comparable association between nailfold capillary aberrations and ANA was observed in children with RP without previously known CTD.Conclusion In contrast to adults, the association between nailfold capillary aberrations and ANA might be less pronounced in children. Further studies are warranted to validate these observations in children with RP