675 research outputs found
Принципи реалізму і теорії націоналізму
Статтю присвячено порівняльному аналізові теорій націоналізму й теорії політичного реалізму. Здійснена спроба синтезу цих двох теоретичних формацій з метою вдосконалення пізнавального апарату політології міжнародних відносин. На підставі базових положень реалізму, розглянуто роль націоналізму, як глобальної соціальної сили в світовій політиці, а також реалістські теоретичні інтерпретації цієї сили. Особливу увагу надано витлумаченню націоналізму як фактору міжнародних конфліктів та наслідкам для систем міжнародних відносин національних державотворчих процесів.Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу теорий национализма и теории политического реализма. С целью усовершенствования познавательного аппарата политологии международных отношений, осуществлена попытка синтеза этих двух теоретических систем. На основании базовых положений реализма рассмотрена роль национализма в мировой политике, а также реалистские интерпретации этой определяющей силы современности. Особое внимание уделено интерпретации роли национализма в международных конфликтах и последствиям для международных систем процессов образования новых государств.The article deals with comparative analysis of the theories of nationalism and theory of political realism. This study aimed at methodological synthesis of these two groups of theories in order to improve a cognitive potential of political science in the sphere of its application to international relations. The role of nationalism as a global social factor and interpretation of this factor by realism is regarded. The special research attention is paid to the ways modern international conflicts and state1building processes are inspired by nationalism
BMI and Waist Circumference; Cross-Sectional and Prospective Associations with Blood Pressure and Cholesterol in 12-Year-Olds
Objective: Childhood and adolescent overweight, defined by body mass index (BMI) are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in later life. Abdominal adiposity may be more important in associations with cardiovascular diseases but waist circumference (WC) has been rarely studied in children. We studied associations between BMI and WC and blood pressure (BP) and cholesterol in 12-year-old children and prospectively changes in BMI or WC status between age 8 and 12 years and BP and cholesterol at age 12. Study Design: Weight, height, WC, BP and cholesterol concentrations were measured in 1432 children at age 12 years. Linear regression was used to study the associations between high BMI and large WC (>90th percentile) and BP and cholesterol. Results: Systolic BP was 4.9 mmHg higher (95% (CI 2.5, 7.2) in girls and 4.2 mmHg (95%CI 1.9, 6.5) in boys with a high BMI. Large WC was also associated with higher systolic BP in girls (3.7 mmHg (95%CI 1.3, 6.1)) and boys (3.5 mmHg (95%CI 1.2, 5.8)). Diastolic BP and cholesterol concentrations were significantly positively (HDL cholesterol negatively) associated with high BMI and large WC, too. Normal weight children with a history of overweight did not have higher blood pressure levels or adverse cholesterol concentrations than children that were normal weight at both ages. Conclusion: A high BMI and large WC were associated with higher BP levels and adverse cholesterol concentrations. WC should be taken into account when examining cardiovascular risk factors in children
A Massive Data Parallel Computational Framework for Petascale/Exascale Hybrid Computer Systems
large scale scientific applicatio
The association between indoor temperature and body mass index in children:the PIAMA birth cohort study
Background: Several experimental studies showed consistent evidence for decreased energy expenditure at higher ambient temperatures. Based on this, an association between thermal exposure and body weight may be expected. However, the effect of thermal exposure on body weight has hardly been studied. Therefore, this study investigated the association between indoor temperature and body mass index (BMI) in children in real life. Methods: This longitudinal observational study included 3 963 children from the Dutch Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort that started in 1996. These children were followed from birth until the age of 11 years. Winter indoor temperature (living room and bedroom) was reported at baseline and BMI z-scores were available at 10 consecutive ages. Missing data were multiply imputed. Associations between indoor temperature and BMI were analyzed using generalized estimating equations (GEE), adjusted for confounders and stratified by gender. In a subgroup of 104 children, bedroom temperature was also measured with data loggers. Results: Mean reported living room and bedroom temperature were 20.3 degrees C and 17.4 degrees C, respectively. Reported and measured bedroom temperatures were positively correlated (r = 0.42, p = 0.001). Neither reported living room temperature (-0.03 = 0.04) and bedroom temperature (-0.01 = 0.02) nor measured bedroom temperature (-0.04 = 0.05) were associated with BMI z-score between the age of 3 months and 11 years. Conclusions: This study in children did not support the hypothesized association between indoor temperature and BMI in a real life setting
Medical algorithm:Peri-operative management of mastocytosis patients
Mastocytosis is a clonal disorder characterized by the proliferation and accumulation of mast cells (MCs) in various tissue types, preferentially skinand bone marrow (BM). Mastocytosis consists of cutaneous and systemic forms in both pediatric and adult patients. Both the excess and increased propensity of MCs to release mediators leads to a higher frequency and severity ofimmediate hypersensitivity reactions.1-4
The pharmacokinetics of antibiotics in cystic fibrosis
Introduction Dosing of antibiotics in people with cystic fibrosis (CF) is challenging, due to altered pharmacokinetics, difficulty of lung tissue penetration, and increasing presence of antimicrobial resistance. Areas covered The purpose of this work is to critically review original data as well as previous reviews and guidelines on pharmacokinetics of systemic and inhaled antibiotics in CF, with the aim to propose strategies for optimization of antibacterial therapy in both children and adults with CF. Expert opinion For systemic antibiotics, absorption is comparable in CF patients and non-CF controls. The volume of distribution (Vd) of most antibiotics is similar between people with CF with normal body composition and healthy individuals. However, there are a few exceptions, like cefotiam and tobramycin. Many antibiotic class-dependent changes in drug metabolism and excretion are reported, with an increased total body clearance for ss-lactam antibiotics, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and trimethoprim. We, therefore, recommend following class-specific guidelines for CF, mostly resulting in higher dosages per kg bodyweight in CF compared to non-CF controls. Higher local antibiotic concentrations in the airways can be obtained by inhalation therapy, with which eradication of bacteria may be achieved while minimizing systemic exposure and risk of toxicity
Likely questionnaire-diagnosed food allergy in 78, 890 adults from the northern Netherlands
Background It is challenging to define likely food allergy (FA) in large populations which limited the number of large studies regarding risk factors for FA. Objective We studied the prevalence and characteristics of self-reported FA (s-rFA) in the large, population-based Dutch Lifelines cohort and identified associated risk factors. Methods Likely food allergic cases (LikelyFA) were classified based on questionnaire reported characteristics consistent with FA. Subjects with atypical characteristics were classified as Indeterminate. We investigated 13 potential risk factors for LikelyFA such as birth mode and living on a farm and addressed health-related quality of life (H-RQOL). Results Of the 78, 890 subjects, 12.1% had s-rFA of which 4.0% and 8.1% were classified as LikelyFA and Indeterminate, respectively. Younger age, female sex, asthma, eczema and nasal allergy increased the risk of LikelyFA (p-value range <1.00*10−250–1.29*10−7). Living in a small city/large village or suburb during childhood was associated with a higher risk of LikelyFA than living on a farm (p-value = 7.81*10−4 and p = 4.84*10−4, respectively). Subjects classified as Indeterminate more often reported depression and burn-out compared to those without FA (p-value = 1.46*10−4 and p = 8.39*10−13, respectively). No association was found with ethnicity, (duration of) breastfeeding, birth mode and reported eating disorder. Mental and physical component scores measuring H-RQOL were lower in both those classified as LikelyFA and Indeterminate compared to those without FA. Conclusion The prevalence of s-rFA among adults is considerable and one-third reports characteristics consistent with LikelyFA. Living on a farm decreased the risk of LikelyFA. The association of poorer H-RQOL as well as depression and burn-out with questionable self-perceived FA is striking and a priority for future study
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