1,129 research outputs found

    Learning Design: reflections on a snapshot of the current landscape

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    The mounting wealth of open and readily available information and the swift evolution of social, mobile and creative technologies warrant a re-conceptualisation of the role of educators: from providers of knowledge to designers of learning. This need is being addressed by a growing trend of research in Learning Design. Responding to this trend, the Art and Science of Learning Design workshop brought together leading voices in the field and provided a forum for discussing its key issues. It focused on three thematic axes: practices and methods, tools and resources, and theoretical frameworks. This paper reviews some definitions of Learning Design and then summarises the main contributions to the workshop. Drawing upon these, we identify three key challenges for Learning Design that suggest directions for future research


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    Incomplete approach to homoclinicity in a model with bent-slow manifold geometry

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    The dynamics of a model, originally proposed for a type of instability in plastic flow, has been investigated in detail. The bifurcation portrait of the system in two physically relevant parameters exhibits a rich variety of dynamical behaviour, including period bubbling and period adding or Farey sequences. The complex bifurcation sequences, characterized by Mixed Mode Oscillations, exhibit partial features of Shilnikov and Gavrilov-Shilnikov scenario. Utilizing the fact that the model has disparate time scales of dynamics, we explain the origin of the relaxation oscillations using the geometrical structure of the bent-slow manifold. Based on a local analysis, we calculate the maximum number of small amplitude oscillations, ss, in the periodic orbit of LsL^s type, for a given value of the control parameter. This further leads to a scaling relation for the small amplitude oscillations. The incomplete approach to homoclinicity is shown to be a result of the finite rate of `softening' of the eigen values of the saddle focus fixed point. The latter is a consequence of the physically relevant constraint of the system which translates into the occurrence of back-to-back Hopf bifurcation.Comment: 14 Figures(Postscript); To Appear in Physica D : Nonlinear Phenomen

    Aging dynamics of ferromagnetic and reentrant spin glass phases in stage-2 Cu0.80_{0.80}C0.20_{0.20}Cl2_{2} graphite intercalation compound

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    Aging dynamics of a reentrant ferromagnet stage-2 Cu0.8_{0.8}Co0.2_{0.2}Cl2_{2} graphite intercalation compound has been studied using DC magnetic susceptibility. This compound undergoes successive transitions at the transition temperatures TcT_{c} (8.7\approx 8.7 K) and TRSGT_{RSG} (3.3\approx 3.3 K). The relaxation rate SZFC(t)S_{ZFC}(t) exhibits a characteristic peak at tcrt_{cr} below TcT_{c}. The peak time tcrt_{cr} as a function of temperature TT shows a local maximum around 5.5 K, reflecting a frustrated nature of the ferromagnetic phase. It drastically increases with decreasing temperature below TRSGT_{RSG}. The spin configuration imprinted at the stop and wait process at a stop temperature TsT_{s} (<Tc<T_{c}) during the field-cooled aging protocol, becomes frozen on further cooling. On reheating, the memory of the aging at TsT_{s} is retrieved as an anomaly of the thermoremnant magnetization at TsT_{s}. These results indicate the occurrence of the aging phenomena in the ferromagnetic phase (TRSG<T<TcT_{RSG}<T<T_{c}) as well as in the reentrant spin glass phase (T<TRSGT<T_{RSG}).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; submitted to Physical Review

    Toward an Integrated Competence-based System Supporting Lifelong Learning and Employability: Concepts, Model, and Challenges

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    Miao, Y., Van der Klink, M., Boon, J., Sloep, P. B., & Koper, R. (2009). Toward an Integrated Competence-based System Supporting Lifelong Learning and Employability: Concepts, Model, and Challenges. In M. Spaniol, Q. Li, R. Klamma & R. W. H. Lau (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2009 (pp. 265-276). August, 19-21, 2009, Aachen, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5686; Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.Efficient and effective lifelong learning requires that people can make informed decisions about their continuous personal development in the different stages of their lives. In this paper we state that lifelong learners need to be characterized as decision-makers. In order to improve the quality of their decisions we propose the development of an integrated lifelong learning and employment support system, which traces learners’ competence development and provides a decision support environment. An abstract conceptual model has been developed and the main design ideas have been documented using Z notation. Moreover, we analyzed the main technical challenges for the realization of the target system: competence information fusion, decision analysis models, spatial indexing structures and browsing structures and visualization of competence related information objects.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Dynamics of diluted magnetic semiconductors from atomistic spin dynamics simulations: Mn doped GaAs as a case study

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    The dynamical behavior of the magnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) has been investigated by means of atomistic spin dynamics simulations. The conclusions drawn from the study are argued to be general for DMS systems in the low concentration limit, although all simulations are done for 5% Mn-doped GaAs with various concentrations of As antisite defects. The magnetization curve, M(T)M(T), and the Curie temperature TCT_C have been calculated, and are found to be in good correspondence to results from Monte Carlo simulations and experiments. Furthermore, equilibrium and non-equilibrium behavior of the magnetic pair correlation function have been extracted. The dynamics of DMS systems reveals a substantial short ranged magnetic order even at temperatures at or above the ordering temperature, with a non-vanishing pair correlation function extending up to several atomic shells. For the high As antisite concentrations the simulations show a short ranged anti-ferromagnetic coupling, and a weakened long ranged ferromagnetic coupling. For sufficiently large concentrations we do not observe any long ranged ferromagnetic correlation. A typical dynamical response shows that starting from a random orientation of moments, the spin-correlation develops very fast (\sim 1ps) extending up to 15 atomic shells. Above \sim 10 ps in the simulations, the pair correlation is observed to extend over some 40 atomic shells. The autocorrelation function has been calculated and compared with ferromagnets like bcc Fe and spin-glass materials. We find no evidence in our simulations for a spin-glass behaviour, for any concentration of As antisites. Instead the magnetic response is better described as slow dynamics, at least when compared to that of a regular ferromagnet like bcc Fe.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Determination of the basic timescale in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations by comparison with cyclic-voltammetry experiments

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    While kinetic Monte Carlo simulations can provide long-time simulations of the dynamics of physical and chemical systems, it is not yet possible in general to identify the inverse Monte Carlo attempt frequency with a physical timescale. Here we demonstrate such an identification by comparing simulations with experimental data. Using a dynamic lattice-gas model for the electrosorption of Br on Ag(100), we measure the scan-rate dependence of the separation between positive-and negative-going peaks in cyclic-voltammetry (CV) and compare simulated and experimental peak separations. By adjusting the Monte Carlo attempt frequency, good agreement between simulated and experimental peak separations is achieved. It is also found that the uniqueness of such a determination is dependent on the relative values of the adsorption/desorption and diffusion free-energy barriers.Comment: Accepted for publication in Surface Science Letters,8 pages, 4 figure

    Long Tailed Maps as a Representation of Mixed Mode Oscillatory Systems

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    Mixed mode oscillatory (MMO) systems are known to exhibit some generic features such as the reversal of period doubling sequences and crossover to period adding sequences as bifurcation parameters are varied. In addition, they exhibit a nearly one dimensional unimodal Poincare map with a longtail. We recover these common features from a general class of two parameter family of one dimensional maps with a unique critical point that satisfy a few general constraints that determine the nature of the map. We derive scaling laws that determine the parameter widths of the dominant windows of periodic orbits sandwiched between two successive states of RL^k sequence. An example of a two parameter map with a unique critical point is introduced to verify the analytical results.Comment: 13 pages and 8 figure

    Aging dynamics in reentrant ferromagnet: Cu0.2_{0.2}Co0.8_{0.8}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compound

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    Aging dynamics of a reentrant ferromagnet Cu0.2_{0.2}Co0.8_{0.8}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compound has been studied using AC and DC magnetic susceptibility. This compound undergoes successive transitions at the transition temperatures TcT_{c} (=9.7= 9.7 K) and TRSGT_{RSG} (=3.5= 3.5 K). The relaxation rate S(t)S(t) exhibits a characteristic peak at tcrt_{cr} close to a wait time twt_{w} below TcT_{c}, indicating that the aging phenomena occur in both the reentrant spin glass (RSG) phase below TRSGT_{RSG} and the ferromagnetic (FM) phase between TRSGT_{RSG} and TcT_{c}. The relaxation rate S(t)S(t) (=dχZFC(t)/dlnt=\text{d}\chi_{ZFC}(t)/\text{d}\ln t) in the FM phase exhibits two peaks around twt_{w} and a time much shorter than twt_{w} under the positive TT-shift aging, indicating a partial rejuvenation of domains. The aging state in the FM phase is fragile against a weak magnetic-field perturbation. The time (tt) dependence of χZFC(t)\chi_{ZFC}(t) around ttcrt \approx t_{cr} is well approximated by a stretched exponential relaxation: χZFC(t)exp[(t/τ)1n]\chi_{ZFC}(t) \approx \exp[-(t/\tau)^{1-n}]. The exponent nn depends on twt_{w}, TT, and HH. The relaxation time τ\tau (tcr\approx t_{cr}) exhibits a local maximum around 5 K, reflecting a chaotic nature of the FM phase. It drastically increases with decreasing temperature below TRSGT_{RSG}.Comment: 16 pages,16 figures, submitted to Physical Review