48 research outputs found

    Whole Exome Sequencing to Estimate Alloreactivity Potential Between Donors and Recipients in Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Whole exome sequencing was performed on HLA-matched stem cell donors and transplant recipients to measure sequence variation contributing to minor histocompatibility antigen differences between the two. A large number of nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in each of the nine unique donor-recipient pairs tested. This variation was greater in magnitude in unrelated donors as compared with matched related donors. Knowledge of the magnitude of exome variation between stem cell transplant recipients and donors may allow more accurate titration of immunosuppressive therapy following stem cell transplantation.Comment: 12 pages- main article, 29 pages total, 5 figures, 1 supplementary figur

    Genomic comparison of Trypanosoma conorhini and Trypanosoma rangeli to Trypanosoma cruzi strains of high and low virulence

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    Abstract Background Trypanosoma conorhini and Trypanosoma rangeli, like Trypanosoma cruzi, are kinetoplastid protist parasites of mammals displaying divergent hosts, geographic ranges and lifestyles. Largely nonpathogenic T. rangeli and T. conorhini represent clades that are phylogenetically closely related to the T. cruzi and T. cruzi-like taxa and provide insights into the evolution of pathogenicity in those parasites. T. rangeli, like T. cruzi is endemic in many Latin American countries, whereas T. conorhini is tropicopolitan. T. rangeli and T. conorhini are exclusively extracellular, while T. cruzi has an intracellular stage in the mammalian host. Results Here we provide the first comprehensive sequence analysis of T. rangeli AM80 and T. conorhini 025E, and provide a comparison of their genomes to those of T. cruzi G and T. cruzi CL, respectively members of T. cruzi lineages TcI and TcVI. We report de novo assembled genome sequences of the low-virulent T. cruzi G, T. rangeli AM80, and T. conorhini 025E ranging from ~ 21–25 Mbp, with ~ 10,000 to 13,000 genes, and for the highly virulent and hybrid T. cruzi CL we present a ~ 65 Mbp in-house assembled haplotyped genome with ~ 12,500 genes per haplotype. Single copy orthologs of the two T. cruzi strains exhibited ~ 97% amino acid identity, and ~ 78% identity to proteins of T. rangeli or T. conorhini. Proteins of the latter two organisms exhibited ~ 84% identity. T. cruzi CL exhibited the highest heterozygosity. T. rangeli and T. conorhini displayed greater metabolic capabilities for utilization of complex carbohydrates, and contained fewer retrotransposons and multigene family copies, i.e. trans-sialidases, mucins, DGF-1, and MASP, compared to T. cruzi. Conclusions Our analyses of the T. rangeli and T. conorhini genomes closely reflected their phylogenetic proximity to the T. cruzi clade, and were largely consistent with their divergent life cycles. Our results provide a greater context for understanding the life cycles, host range expansion, immunity evasion, and pathogenesis of these trypanosomatids

    Applying an Empirical Hydropathic Forcefield in Refinement May Improve Low-Resolution Protein X-Ray Crystal Structures

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    BACKGROUND: The quality of X-ray crystallographic models for biomacromolecules refined from data obtained at high-resolution is assured by the data itself. However, at low-resolution, >3.0 Å, additional information is supplied by a forcefield coupled with an associated refinement protocol. These resulting structures are often of lower quality and thus unsuitable for downstream activities like structure-based drug discovery. METHODOLOGY: An X-ray crystallography refinement protocol that enhances standard methodology by incorporating energy terms from the HINT (Hydropathic INTeractions) empirical forcefield is described. This protocol was tested by refining synthetic low-resolution structural data derived from 25 diverse high-resolution structures, and referencing the resulting models to these structures. The models were also evaluated with global structural quality metrics, e.g., Ramachandran score and MolProbity clashscore. Three additional structures, for which only low-resolution data are available, were also re-refined with this methodology. RESULTS: The enhanced refinement protocol is most beneficial for reflection data at resolutions of 3.0 Å or worse. At the low-resolution limit, ≥4.0 Å, the new protocol generated models with Cα positions that have RMSDs that are 0.18 Å more similar to the reference high-resolution structure, Ramachandran scores improved by 13%, and clashscores improved by 51%, all in comparison to models generated with the standard refinement protocol. The hydropathic forcefield terms are at least as effective as Coulombic electrostatic terms in maintaining polar interaction networks, and significantly more effective in maintaining hydrophobic networks, as synthetic resolution is decremented. Even at resolutions ≥4.0 Å, these latter networks are generally native-like, as measured with a hydropathic interactions scoring tool

    FIGURE 4 from Chromatin Accessibility Landscape of Human Triple-negative Breast Cancer Cell Lines Reveals Variation by Patient Donor Ancestry

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    Hypoxia exacerbates donor ancestry-related differences in TF activity in cultured TNBC cell lines. A, Chromosome map showing the distribution of DARs between EA and AA TNBC cells when subjected to hypoxic conditions (FC > 2, FDR B, Differential digital footprinting in EA- and AA-derived TNBC lines was performed using TOBIAS to identify open chromatin regions and their TF binding sites. Shown are the top AA- or EA-associated TFs whose predicted binding activity increased by a defined magnitude of >0.05 under hypoxia. PPI network of TFs with differential binding capacities (DBS > 22.5, FDR C) and AA (D) under hypoxia using the STRING database. Top 15 significantly enriched pathways (FDR < 0.01, Reactome-based) based on a TF network analysis.</p