163 research outputs found

    Особливості врегулювання міжнародно-торговельних спорів в окремих секторах міжнародної торгівлі на прикладі СОТ

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    Досліджено питання вирішення міжнародних торговельних спорів як в рамках міжнародних торговельних відносин взагалі, так і в окремих галузях міжнародної торгівлі. Ключові слова: СОТ, ГАТТ, світова торгівля, суперечка, режим найбільшого сприяння, національний режим.Исследовано вопросы разрешения международных торговых споров как в рамках международных торговых отношений в целом, так и в отдельных отраслях международной торговки. Ключевые слова: ВТО, ГАТТ, мировая торговля, спор, режим наибольшего благоприятствования.This article is displayed international trade dispute settlement, point as in framework international trade relations in general, and as in a separate sectors of international trade. Key words: WTO, GATT, foreign trade, dispute, MFN, national treatment

    "There is a chance for me" - Risk communication in advanced maternal age genetic counseling sessions in South Africa

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    Providing risk information is central to genetic counseling. Many studies have examined risk communication, but the focus has been on professional and patient perspectives. Less information is available on risk communication in interactions. This study aimed to examine genetic counselors' (GCs) risks communication in multicultural genetic counseling sessions with women of advanced maternal age (AMA). Six GCs (2–20 years' experience) conducted AMA sessions in English (women's second language). The sessions were video and voice recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using conversation analysis (CA). CA examines discourse as a topic, i.e. describing the turns, its functions and how these functions are accomplished. Analysis revealed that the GCs presented the risk of having a baby with a chromosome abnormality in several ways and that they invite the women to reflect on the risk information. This discussion was found to be a five step process and showed that the women responded to the invitation to reflect rather than the risk information itself by providing additional information. The counselors in the majority of the sessions responded to this additional information the women provided. It therefore seems that the way in which risks are presented are less important than the meaning of the risks for the women. The research showed the power of interactional research such as CA methodology to gain new insights into old problems. Importantly, the study revealed some on the nuances of risk communication in genetic counseling and has implications for practice

    Multilingualism in Interaction Research

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    In the study of language-and-social-interaction we can distinguish 3 approaches to multilingualism. The first and most basic version is to make the language explicit in which the studied interaction phenomenon was found. The second is to do a comparative study of an interaction phenomenon in different languages. The third is to study data in which different languages are spoken. At this moment the third approach is the least frequent, with the exception of conversation analysis for second language acquisition (CA-for-SLA)

    Conversational functions of ‘I know’, ‘you know’ and ‘we know’ in collaborative writing of primary school children

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    This paper discusses how primary school students, who are writing together in the context of inquiry learning, explicitly orient to knowing of oneself and others within the peer group. Using Conversation Analysis, we disclose the conversational functions of assertions holding ‘I know’, ‘you know’ and ‘we know’. First, students position themselves as knowledgeable, to (i) express a preannouncement of a proposal, (ii) respond to a request for information and (iii) reinforce an assertion with use of an evidential. Second, students claim equal epistemic access, as a response to an action that conveys epistemic authority of a peer. Third, students indicate shared knowledge with other participants, to (i) pursue agreement, (ii) check the epistemic status of a co-participant, (iii) reject a proposal for grounds of relevance and (iv) mark shared, newfound knowledge. The different practices are discussed in terms of epistemics in conversation and dialogic writing

    Expertise as a domain of epistemics in intensive care shift-handovers

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    This paper examines how expertise is treated as a separable domain of epistemics by looking at simulated intensive care shift-handovers between resident physicians. In these handovers, medical information about a patient is transferred from an outgoing physician (OP) to an incoming physician (IP). These handovers contain different interactional activities, such as discussing the patient identifiers, giving a clinical impression, and discussing tasks and focus points. We found that with respect to (factual) knowledge about the patient, the OPs display an orientation to a knowledge imbalance, but with respect to (clinical) procedures, reasoning, and activities, they display an orientation to a knowledge balance. We use 'expertise' to refer to this latter type of knowledge. 'Expertise' differs from, and adds to, how knowledge is often treated in epistemics in that it is concerned with professional competence or 'knowing how'. In terms of epistemics, the participants in the handovers orient to a steep epistemic or knowledge gradient when it concerns the patient, while simultaneously displaying an orientation to a horizontal expertise gradient

    Text formulations as practices of demonstrating understanding in dialogic reading

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    This paper examines text formulations in the interaction between peers in primary school during dialogic reading, in inquiry learning settings. In this context pupils collaboratively use information from texts to answer their research questions. The data analyzed include 25 excerpts of pupils demonstrating understanding of text. We used Conversation Analysis to analyze how pupils demonstrate their understanding by the use of text formulations, as a specific type of formulations, and how these formulations function as a bridge between the reading action and the discussion of text content. Parallel to the types of conversational formulations (gist and upshot), we found two practices of demonstrating understanding, namely (1) formulating the gist of relevant text to demonstrate literal understanding, and (2) formulating an upshot to demonstrate how the text contributes to the reading goal. Both types are used to establish shared understanding of text, but focus the discussion as well on what participants find relevant information in the text to further talk about. To reach shared understanding and to use it for next steps, both interactants need to have access to the text in some way. This study contributes to our understanding of how pupils collaboratively use text to build their knowledge

    Text selection proposals in dialogic reading in primary school

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    In dialogic reading during inquiry learning in primary school, pupils read, think and talk together about text fragments for answering their research questions. This paper demonstrates from a conversational analytic perspective, how the shared activity of text selection is constructed in a goal oriented conversation and how text selection proposals are used. Two main practices are identified depending on the situation: (1) when all participants are reading the text for the first time, a text selection proposal is constructed with reading-out-loud fragments, and (2) when only one of the participants is reading the text, a text selection proposal is constructed with an indexical text reference and indicative summary of the topic. In bothpractices, a separate utterance that functions as a proposal is required to accomplish the complete text selection proposal turn

    Sharing knowledge with peers:Epistemic displays in collaborative writing of primary school children

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    In focus for this study are epistemic displays in peer talk, throughout collaborative writing events in the context of inquiry learning. Conversational data was obtained from small groups of primary school students (aged 8-12 years). By means of Conversation Analysis, we found that epistemic displays are produced as (i) accounts, (ii) responses to a request for information, (iii) other-corrections, and with reference to the propositional content of a previous epistemic display, as (iv) disagreements, and (v) expansions. The occurrence of epistemic displays is related to specific aspects of the writing activity, concerning contexts that require accounting or evoke expansions, and features of the participation framework. Our research contributes to the understanding of how collaborative writing activities establish contexts for sharing and discussing knowledge in peer talk, and are worth taking into account for educational professionals, when designing collaborative writing activities for that purpose

    Pension helpdesk calls:A repair mechanism in the client communication of financial institutions

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    This paper analyzes the role of helpdesk calls in the client communication package of pension funds.Our audio-corpus of 77 helpdesk calls contained 104 client questions. These show that clients seem tocall the helpdesk in order to repair a comprehension problem, to find specific information they missed,to repair incorrect information or an administrative failure. In terms of Media Synchronicity Theory,helpdesk calls are most often used to repair unsuccessful conveyance processes by providing extra infor-mation, rectifying information or by addressing misunderstandings. Overall, the helpdesk is only usedfor straightforward inquiries and problems, not for financial advice