37 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Histological Impacts of Three Types of Orthodontic Fixed Retainers on Periodontium of Rabbits

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    Statement of the Problem: Fixed retainers were developed to maintain incisor alignments after orthodontic treatments. Although the effects of fixed retainers on periodontal health are clinically studied, no studies have still evaluated the histological changes in the periodontium after the placement of thefixed retainers. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of customised retainers on periodontium histologically. Materials and Method: Forty pairs of maxillary and mandibular central incisors of twenty rabbits were randomly divided into four equal groups: The first group was considered as the control and in the second group, Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC), in the third group, 0.014 inch stainless steel (SS) wire and in the fourth group, 0.175 inch multistrand stainless steel (MSS) wire were bonded on the labial surfaces of the incisors. After sixty days; animals' periodontium were evaluated histologically. Results: The number of bone resorption lacuna in the control group was significantly less than FRC and 0.014 SS groups. The periodontal vessel count and their diameter in the control group was significantly lower than the other groups. The pulp vessel count and their diameter in controls were significantly more than the 0.014 SS and the 0.175 MSS groups. Conclusion: Findings of this study suggest that FRC fixed retainer might cause detrimental effects on the periodontal ligaments and supporting bone and the 0.014- inch and 0.175- inch fixed retainers can cause hyalinization and possibly the necrosis of the pulp

    Comparison of the therapeutic effects of the dietary and topical forms of Zizyphus jujuba extract on oral mucositis induced by 5-fluorouracil: a golden hamster model

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    Background: Oral mucositis (OM) is a common inflammatory complication among cancerous patients as an ad verse effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects and identify the appropriate route of administration of extract of Zizyphus jujuba in 5-flurouracile induced OM induction in golden hamster. Materials and Methods: In a prospective randomized double blind animal study, OM was induced in 56 male golden hamsters by 5-FU (60 mg/kg) on days 0, 5, and 10 of the study. The cheek pouch was scratched with a sterile needle on once daily on days 3 and 4. On days 14-17, 300 mg/kg dietary and 20% Z. jujuba gel and gel base groups were treated and then compared with a control group. Microscopic scores and pouch content of malondialdehyde (MDA), plus activities of superoxide dismutase and myeloperoxidase in pouch tissue were evaluated. Results: Histopathology scores of mucositis were lower in the systemic and 20% Z. jujuba gel groups than the gel base and control groups ( P <0.05). Also, lower MDA level and higher activities of MPO and SOD were detected in the systemic and 20% Z. jujuba gel groups in comparison to the gel base and control groups ( P <0.001). Conclusions: The use of Z. jujuba hydroalcoholic extract in systemic and topical forms may be associated with reduced intensity of OM, diminished concentration of MDA, and increased activity of MPO and SOD on induced OM in golden hamster undergoing 5-FU consumptio

    Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells Cultured in Alginate Scaffold for Spinal Cord Injury in Rats

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    Study DesignThis study investigated the effects of transplantation of alginate encapsulated neural stem cells (NSCs) on spinal cord injury in Sprague-Dawley male rats. The neurological functions were assessed for 6 weeks after transplantation along with a histological study and measurement of caspase-3 levels.PurposeThe aim of this study was to discover whether NSCs cultured in alginate transplantation improve recovery from spinal cord injury.Overview of LiteratureSpinal cord injury is one of the leading causes of disability and it has no effective treatment. Spinal cord injury can also cause sensory impairment. With an impetus on using stem cells therapy in various central nervous system settings, there is an interest in using stem cells for addressing spinal cord injury. Neural stem cell is one type of stem cells that is able to differentiate to all three neural lineages and it shows promise in spinal injury treatment. Furthermore, a number of studies have shown that culturing NSCs in three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds like alginate could enhance neural differentiation.MethodsThe NSCs were isolated from 14-day-old rat embryos. The isolated NSCs were cultured in growth media containing basic fibroblast growth factor and endothelial growth factor. The cells were characterized by differentiating to three neural lineages and they were cultured in an alginate scaffold. After 7 days the cells were encapsulated and transplanted in a rat model of spinal cord injury.ResultsOur data showed that culturing in an alginate 3D scaffold and transplantation of the NSCs could improve neurological outcome in a rat model of spinal cord injury. The inflammation scores and lesion sizes and also the activity of caspase-3 (for apoptosis evaluation) were less in encapsulated neural stem cell transplantation cases.ConclusionsTransplantation of NSCs that were cultured in an alginate scaffold led to a better clinical and histological outcome for recovery from spinal cord injury in a rat model

    Histomorphometric Evaluation of Superovulation Effect on Follicular Development after Autologous Ovarian Transplantation in Mice

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    The effect of superovulation by pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) on autologous transplanted ovaries in the lumbar muscles of mice was histomorphometrically evaluated using the indices of number and volume of different kind of follicles and volume of corpora lutea, ovary, and stroma. Angiogenesis was observed after mouse ovarian transplantation on days 14 and 21 after ovarian grafting. After transplantation, the total number and volume of primary and secondary follicles reduced, while PMSG superovulation increased the total number and total volume of tertiary follicles and also the ovarian volume after transplantation. Transplantation increased the average size of primary, secondary, and tertiary follicles. Therefore, primary and secondary follicles can survive after autologous transplantation but their reservations diminished by increasing the time of transplantation. However, number of tertiary follicles and their response to superovulation increased over time after transplantation

    Effects of the Hydroalcoholic Extract of the Psidium guajava Fruit on Osteoporosis Prevention in Ovariectomized Rats

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    Background: Several plants have been shown to possess antioxidant and estrogenic properties that can be useful in postmenopausal bone-loss prevention. The present study aimed to investigate the anti-osteoporotic effects of the hydroalcoholic extract of the Psidium guajava (PG) fruit in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Methods: Sixty female Sprague–Dawley rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: a control positive group, a sham-operated group, an OVX group given normal saline (OVX-only group), and 3 treatment groups comprising 2 OVX groups treated orally with 500 and 1000 mg/kg/d of the hydroalcoholic extract of the PG fruit respectively and an OVX group treated with an injection of 0.15 mg/kg of estradiol. The study was conducted over a 12-week period. Samples from the animals’ blood, femoral bones, and uteri were collected for stereological and biochemical analyses. The data were analyzed using SPSS, version 19. A P value equal to or less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The results revealed a significant decrease in the levels of calcium, total antioxidant capacity, and phosphorus as well as uterus weight, femoral ash density, femoral volume and weight, and numbers of osteocytes and osteoblasts. Moreover, there was an increase in the levels of alkaline phosphatase and urine deoxypyridinoline together with a rise in the number of osteoclasts in the OVX-only group compared to the control and treatment groups (P≤0.05). The hydroalcoholic extract of the PG fruit increased femoral weight and volume, femoral ash density, numbers of osteocytes and osteoblasts, and trabecular volume of the bones in comparison with the OVX-only group in a dose-dependent manner. No significant difference was observed between the groups in the levels of malondialdehyde and interleukin-6. Conclusion: The hydroalcoholic extract of the PG fruit prevented OVX-induced bone loss in the rats, with no proliferative effect on atrophic uteri; it should, therefore, be considered for treatment purposes

    Evaluation of Histological Impacts of Three Types of Orthodontic Fixed Retainers on Periodontium of Rabbits

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    ABSTRACT Statement of the Problem: Fixed retainers were developed to maintain incisor alignments after orthodontic treatments. Although the effects of fixed retainers on periodontal health are clinically studied, no studies have still evaluated the histological changes in the periodontium after the placement of thefixed retainers. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of customised retainers on periodontium histologically. Materials and Method: Forty pairs of maxillary and mandibular central incisors of twenty rabbits were randomly divided into four equal groups: The first group was considered as the control and in the second group, Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC), in the third group, 0.014 inch stainless steel (SS) wire and in the fourth group, 0.175 inch multistrand stainless steel (MSS) wire were bonded on the labial surfaces of the incisors. After sixty days; animals&apos; periodontium were evaluated histologically. Results: The number of bone resorption lacuna in the control group was significantly less than FRC and 0.014 SS groups. The periodontal vessel count and their diameter in the control group was significantly lower than the other groups. The pulp vessel count and their diameter in controls were significantly more than the 0.014 SS and the 0.175 MSS groups. Conclusion: Findings of this study suggest that FRC fixed retainer might cause detrimental effects on the periodontal ligaments and supporting bone and the 0.014-inch and 0.175-inch fixed retainers can cause hyalinization and possibly the necrosis of the pulp

    Promjene u RF-amidu srodnom peptidu-3 hipotalamusa i ekspresijama gena Kiss1 tijekom spermatogeneze kod štakora u uvjetima kroničnog stresa.

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    The effects were evaluated of chronic stress and the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist (RU486) on mRNA expressions of RF-amide related peptide-3 (RFRP-3) in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH) and Kiss1 in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of male rats. Twenty-four male rats were allocated to four equal sized groups: the stress, RU486, stress/RU486, and control groups. In the stress group the rats were restrained 1 hour/day for 12 days. In the RU486 group, the rats were injected with RU486 for 12 days. In the stress/RU486 group, the rats were injected with RU486 1 hour before the stress process for 12 days. Relative expressions of RFRP-3 and Kiss1 mRNAs were determined using real-time PCR. The relative expression of RFRP-3 mRNA in the stress group was higher than that in the RU486 and control rats. The relative expression of RFRP-3 mRNA did not differ between the stress group and the stress/RU486 rats. Furthermore, the relative expressions of Kiss1 mRNA in the stress, RU486, and stress/RU486 groups were less than that of the control rats. The relative expression of Kiss1 mRNA did not differ between the stress, RU486, and stress/RU486 groups. In conclusion, dysfunction in male rat fertility caused by the chronic stress may be the result of the increase in REFP-3 and the decrease in Kiss1 mRNA expression.Istražen je učinak kroničnog stresa i antagonista glukokortikoidnog receptora (RU486) na ekspresiju mRNA RF-amidu srodnog peptida-3 (RFRP-3) u dorzomedijalnoj jezgri hipotalamusa (DMH), te na ekspresije gena Kiss1 u arkuatnom nukleusu (ARC) štakora. Dvadeset i četiri štakora bila su raspodijeljena u četiri jednake skupine: stresna skupina, RU486 skupina, stresna/RU486 skupina i kontrolna skupina. U stresnoj skupini štakori su 12 dana bili obuzdani tijekom jednog sata dnevno. U skupini RU486, štakorima je tijekom 12 dana bio primijenjivan RU486. U skupini stres/RU486, štakorima je tijekom 12 dana apliciran RU486 jedan sat prije postupka obuzdavanja. Relativne ekspresije RFRP-3 i Kiss1 mRNA određene su lančanom reakcijom polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu. Relativna ekspresija RFRP-3 mRNA u stresnoj skupini bila je veća nego u skupini RU486 i kontrolnoj skupini. Relativna ekspresija RFRP-3 mRNA nije bila različita između stresne skupine i stres/RU486 skupine. Nadalje, relativne ekspresije Kiss1 mRNA u stresnoj skupini, skupini RU486, i stresnoj skupini/RU486 bile su manje u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Relativna ekspresija Kiss1 mRNA nije se razlikovala između stresne skupine, skupineRU486 i stresne skupine/RU486. Zaključno, disfunkcija plodnosti kod štakora izloženih kroničnom stresu može biti uzrokovana putem povećane ekspresije RFRP-3 i smanjene ekspresije Kiss1 mRNA

    Induced third-degree burn in rat: healing by Melilotus officinalis extract as medicinal plant

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    Introduction: burn wounds are common happenings which cause many people have irreversible defects and to be death around the world every year.  In this study, we evaluated the effects of Melilotus officinalis and Alpha ointment in the healing of burn wounds and compare their findings with silver sulfadiazine (SSD).Methods: Seventy-five male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups, and similar burn ulcers were produced on the back of rats. The first group of rats received no treatment, base gel was used topically to group II, in groups III-V, Alpha, SSD and Melilotus officinalis preparations were applied, respectively. Wound healing, contraction and histopathological examination were evaluated at the end of 7, 14, and 21 days.Results: Alpha ointment was equally effective as Melilotus officinalis gel, while its efficacy was better compared to SSD for all parameters of wound healing on days 7, 14 and 21. Alpha and Melilotus officinalis preparations as less expensive medications which significantly improve the quality of wound healing and scar formation and also are more appropriate treatment choices than SSD.Conclusion: Alpha and Melilotus officinalis are recommended as alternative to SSD, especially in patients with low economical backgrounds or in those who show adverse reactions to SSD.</p

    Wound Healing Activity of a New Formulation from Platelet Lysate

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an attractive preparation in regenerative medicine due to its potential role on the healing process in different experimental models. This study was designed to investigate the wound healing activity of a new formulation of PRP. Different gel-based formulations of PRP were prepared. Open excision wounds were made on the back of male Sprague-Dawley rats, and PRP gel was administered topically once daily until the wounds healed completely (12 days). The results revealed that the tested PRP formulation significantly accelerated the wound healing process by increasing the wound contracting, tissue granulization, vascularization, and collagen regeneration. Interestingly, we found that there were no significant differences between PRP formulation and its gel base in all above mentioned parameters. Although this investigation showed that PRP formulation had significant wound healing effects, but the PRP gel base also had significant wound healing properties. This might indicate the wound healing properties of the PRP gel ingredients in the current investigation.</p

    The Therapeutic Effect of Shark Liver Oil in a Rat Model of Acetic Acid-Induced Ulcerative Colitis

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is one of the most well-known types of inflammatory bowel disease that manifests as recurrent inflammation of rectum and colon. The goal of this study is to evaluate the protective effects of shark liver oil (SLO) on acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis in rats. Eighty induced UC rats were randomly divided into ten equal groups and received the following treatments for seven days: 1 ml of normal saline rectally, 1 ml of gel base (carboxymethyl cellulose) rectally, 10 mg/kg of Asacol rectally, 10 mg/kg of mesalazine orally, 5% gel form of SLO rectally, 10% gel form of SLO rectally, 200 mg of SLO orally, and 400 mg of SLO orally. We examined the oxidative stress indices, histopathological features, and body weight changes, as well as the function of the liver and kidneys at the end of treatment. Administration of 10% rectal and 400 mg oral SLO resulted in a significant weight gain. Also, glutathione peroxidase activity was significantly higher in 5% and 10% SLO-treated groups, and elevated superoxide dismutase activity in rats that received 5% SLO was observed compared to negative control and Asacol groups. While no significant changes were observed in most of the kidney and liver function markers, higher levels of aspartate aminotransferase were detected in the group that received 400 mg SLO orally compared to negative control and Asacol groups. Many histopathological signs of improvement were observed in mesalazine, Asacol, and SLO groups. There were no significant changes detected in the mean rank among different groups. Our data indicate that SLO supplementation could improve the amelioration of acetic acid-induced UC in rats due to its antioxidant effects