206 research outputs found

    Straw biomass - potential raw material for ethanol production

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    Barley straw was found to be suitable raw material for ethanol production. Straw could be easily pre-treated with steam explosion, hydrolysed to monosaccharides and fermented to ethanol. The optimum harvesting times for bio-ethanol raw material are at grain maturity for barley straw. Potential raw material, barley harvested at full ear emergence, when straw is rich in soluble sugars, need further research

    Tarso-syysvehnä ja Fidelio-ruisvehnä uutuuslajikkeita

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    Syysvehnäsadosta suurin osa käytetään leipävehnäksi, osa tärkkelystuotantoon ja osa rehuvehnänä. Tärkkelys- ja rehuvehnän leivontalaadulla ei ole väliä. Vuonna 2000 Tiken tilaston mukaan syysvehnää viljeltiin maassamme paljon, 40 000 hehtaarin alalla. Syksyn 2000 syysvehnäkylvöt jäivät 30 800 hehtaariin. Ruisvehnää, syyskylvöistä rehuviljaa, viljeltiin viime vuonna 2 300 hehtaarilla.vokKV

    Mallasohran reagointi typpilannoitukseen

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    Typpilannoituksen vaikutus ohralajikkeiden mallastuvuuteen

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    Undersown catch crops as a source of biomass for energy

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    Italian ryegrass would need an additional nitrogen fertilizer application after cereal harvest to achieve its full yield potential. Use of legumes as undersown crops might be better in energy balance point of view. Yield of catch crops would produce suitable biomass for biogas refineries adding substantial amount to animal manure which might be the main biomass source for biogas production

    Kylvötiheyden vaikutus lehtityypiltään erlaisten herneiden sadon muodostumiseen

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    Ohravalikoima täydentyi viidellä lajikkeella

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    Lajikelistan 29 ohralajikkeesta yli puolet on kaksitahoisia. Niistä myöhäisimmät menestyvät vain kahdella eteläisimmällä vyöhykkeellä. Nämä lajikkeet tuleentuvat noin kaksi viikkoa myöhemmin kuin aikaisimmat monitahoiset Arra, Artturi ja Rolfi.vokKV

    Potential of straw as bio-energy raw material in northern European countries

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    In this study, the current bioenergy potential of straw yield was estimated for North European countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden) by using information about seed yield, seed dry matter (DM) content, harvest index and harvest losses

    Fidelio on satoisin ruisvehnä

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    Ruisvehnä on ihmisen kehittämä viljelykasvilaji, joka on rukiin ja vehnän risteytys. Ruisvehnän kansainvälinen nimi on triticale. Suomessa ruisvehnä on syyskylvöistä rehuviljaa, jonka viljelyala on pieni. Ennen viljelyn aloittamista on varmistettava sadon menekki ja hinta. Ruisvehnä soveltuu omalle karjalle, tilojen väliseen kauppaan ja ajoittain myös viljaliikkeille. Ruisvehnä joutuu kilpailemaan syysvehnän kanssa, jota voidaan käyttää leipäviljana monipuolisemmin.vokKV

    Contents of trichothecenes in oats during official variety, organic cultivation and nitrogen fertilization trials in Finland

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    Natural toxins, such as mycotoxins, have emerged as a significant factor affecting the safety image of cereal grains as a raw material for the food and feed industry. The aim of the present study was to investigate the contents of trichothecenes in representative samples of oats during official variety, nitrogen fertilization and organic farming trials in Finland, 1997–1999. Further objectives were to promote industry and commerce by selection of high-quality oat varieties for various applications. The official variety trials conducted at 8–10 locations were managed following standard protocol. There were 2 types of agronomy trial, the first included comparison of oat cultivars grown in conventional and organic farming systems at 6 locations, and the second used 5 nitrogen rates (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg N ha-1) at 2 locations. Regardless of wet cold summer occurring in Finland during 1998, the concentrations of Fusarium toxins were lowest during this 3 year monitoring period. More mycotoxins were produced during the warm, dry summers of 1997 and 1999 than in 1998. In all, 55% of the oat samples in the official variety trials contained deoxynivalenol (DON) within the range of 50– 896 µ g kg-1. The differences in DON concentrations between organic and conventional cultivation were small. The results showed also that the use of various nitrogen fertilization levels only slightly affected the trichothecene concentrations. The contents of trichothecenes in Finnish grains appeared to be similar to or lower than those reported earlier in the Northern Hemisphere