1,778 research outputs found

    On the Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes at half halfing

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    In a single state of a quantum dot the Kondo effect arises due to the spin-degeneracy, which is present if the dot is occupied with one electron (N = 1). The eigenstates of a carbon nanotube quantum dot possess an additional orbital degeneracy leading to a four-fold shell pattern. This additional degeneracy increases the possibility for the Kondo effect to appear. We revisit the Kondo problem in metallic carbon nanotubes by linear and non-linear transport measurement in this regime, in which the four-fold pattern is present. We have analyzed the ground state of CNTs, which were grown by chemical vapor deposition, at filling N = 1, N = 2, and N = 3. Of particular interest is the half-filled shell, i.e. N = 2. In this case, the ground state is either a paired electron state or a state for which the singlet and triplet states are effectively degenerate, allowing in the latter case for the appearance of the Kondo effect. We deduce numbers for the effective missmatch d of the levels from perfect degeneracy and the exchange energy J. While d ~ 0.1 - 0.2 (in units of level spacing) is in agreement with previous work, the exchange term is found to be surprisingly small: J < 0.02. In addition we report on the observation of gaps, which in one case is seen at N = 3 and in another is present over an extended sequence of levels.Comment: full paper including figures at: http://www.unibas.ch/phys-meso/Research/Papers/2004/Kondo-4shell-SWNT.pd

    Stamping single wall nanotubes for circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    We report on a dry transfer technique for single wall carbon nanotube devices which allows to embed them in high finesse microwave cavity. We demonstrate the ground state charge readout and a quality factor of about 3000 down to the single photon regime. This technique allows to make devices such as double quantum dots which could be instrumental for achieving the strong spin photon coupling. It can easily be extended to generic carbon nanotube based microwave devices.Comment: Version similar to the one accepte

    Electrical Spin Injection in Multi-Wall carbon NanoTubes with transparent ferromagnetic contacts

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    We report on electrical spin injection measurements on MWNTs . We use a ferromagnetic alloy Pd1−x_{1-x}Nix_{x} with x ≈\approx 0.7 which allows to obtain devices with resistances as low as 5.6 kΩk\Omega at 300 KK. The yield of device resistances below 100 kΩk\Omega, at 300 KK, is around 50%. We measure at 2 KK a hysteretic magneto-resistance due to the magnetization reversal of the ferromagnetic leads. The relative difference between the resistance in the antiparallel (AP) orientation and the parallel (P) orientation is about 2%.Comment: submitted to APL version without figures version with figures available on http://www.unibas.ch/phys-meso

    Kondo resonance in a nanotube quantum dot coupled to a normal and a superconducting lead

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    We report on electrical transport measurements through a carbon nanotube quantum dot coupled to a normal and a superconducting lead. The ratio of Kondo temperature and superconducting gap TK/ΔT_{K}/\Delta is identified to govern the transport properties of the system. In the case of TK<ΔT_{K}<\Delta the conductance resonance splits into two resonances at ±Δ\pm \Delta. For the opposite scenario TK>ΔT_{K}>\Delta the conductance resonance persists, however the conductance is not enhanced compared to the normal state due to a relative asymmetry of the lead-dot couplings. Within this limit the data is in agreement with a simple model of a resonant SN-interface.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. submitted to the Proc. Rencontres de Moriond on Quantum Information and Decoherence in Nanosystems 200

    Ferromagnetic 0-pi Junctions as Classical Spins

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    The ground state of highly damped PdNi based 0-pi ferromagnetic Josephson junctions shows a spontaneous half quantum vortex, sustained by a supercurrent of undetermined sign. This supercurrent flows in the electrode of a Josephson junction used as a detector and produces a phi(0)/4 shift in its magnetic diffraction pattern. We have measured the statistics of the positive or negative sign shift occurring at the superconducting transition of such a junction. The randomness of the shift sign, the reproducibility of its magnitude and the possibility of achieving exact flux compensation upon field cooling: all these features show that 0-pi junctions behave as classical spins, just as magnetic nanoparticles with uniaxial anisotropy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Controlling spin in an electronic interferometer with spin-active interfaces

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    We consider electronic current transport through a ballistic one-dimensional quantum wire connected to two ferromagnetic leads. We study the effects of the spin-dependence of interfacial phase shifts (SDIPS) acquired by electrons upon scattering at the boundaries of the wire. The SDIPS produces a spin splitting of the wire resonant energies which is tunable with the gate voltage and the angle between the ferromagnetic polarizations. This property could be used for manipulating spins. In particular, it leads to a giant magnetoresistance effect with a sign tunable with the gate voltage and the magnetic field applied to the wire.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Shot noise in carbon nanotube based Fabry-Perot interferometers

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    We report on shot noise measurements in carbon nanotube based Fabry-Perot electronic interferometers. As a consequence of quantum interferences, the noise power spectral density oscillates as a function of the voltage applied to the gate electrode. The quantum shot noise theory accounts for the data quantitatively. It allows to confirm the existence of two nearly degenerate orbitals. At resonance, the transmission of the nanotube approaches unity, and the nanotube becomes noiseless, as observed in quantum point contacts. In this weak backscattering regime, the dependence of the noise on the backscattering current is found weaker than expected, pointing either to electron-electron interactions or to weak decoherence

    Photon mediated interaction between distant quantum dot circuits

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    Engineering the interaction between light and matter is an important goal in the emerging field of quantum opto-electronics. Thanks to the use of cavity quantum electrodynamics architectures, one can envision a fully hybrid multiplexing of quantum conductors. Here, we use such an architecture to couple two quantum dot circuits . Our quantum dots are separated by 200 times their own size, with no direct tunnel and electrostatic couplings between them. We demonstrate their interaction, mediated by the cavity photons. This could be used to scale up quantum bit architectures based on quantum dot circuits or simulate on-chip phonon-mediated interactions between strongly correlated electrons
