18 research outputs found

    Islands and destination image: the case of Ios

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    This study was conducted to identify the image of Ios as a tourist destination as perceived by the visitors, in order to contribute to the formation of an effective marketing plan. The strengths and weaknesses of the image of Ios were measured and presented, accompanied with a number of recommendations. The findings revealed that Ios has a very strong destination image as a party island, with the majority of the visitors being international young students coming to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere and the party mood of the island. As a result, Ios needs to strengthen its image compared to other islands or destinations which offer the same product, by promoting its competitive advantages, such as; the nightlife, the relatively low prices, the relaxing atmosphere and the friendliness of the locals

    Improving service quality to local communities via satisfaction measurament in Greece: The MUSA approach

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a model that improves service quality to local communities via citizen satisfaction measurement. The main argument arises is that citizen satisfaction represents a modern approach for service quality in local communities and serves the development of a truly citizen-focused management and culture. Measuring citizen satisfaction offers an immediate, meaningful and objective feedback about citizens’ preferences and expectations. In this way, service performance may be evaluated in relation to a set of satisfaction dimensions that indicate the strong and the weak points of a Municipality. The study based on primary data collected through questionnaires from 456 respondents- citizens’ users of the municipality services of Skopelos Island in Greece. The main satisfaction criteria were: C.S.C (Citizen's Service Centre), Municipal Roll-Registry Office, Cleanliness -Lighting, Municipal Works, Home Assistance. These criteria are aggregated through an additive value function which is inferred from a set of satisfaction judgments with the use of the MUSA multi-criteria methodology and software. According to the findings of this research, the citizens of the Municipality of Skopelos seem to be satisfied to a large extent, either fully or partly, with the total of the provided services. However, there appeared some fields that need further improvements, such as Cleanliness - Lighting and Municipality works. The findings of the study are also related to particular policy implications regarding the role and the capacity of local authorities and decision makers to provide efficient and operational services to local communities. It’s very important to relate the findings and the case of Skopelos as pilot guide with the degree of organising capacity of local / regional authorities in larger and different municipalities in Greece. For this reason the proposed MUSA approach, we support that offers the framework to extent our analysis and to evaluate local/ regional authorities role and capacity regarding community development issues

    Improving service quality to local communities via satisfaction measurament in Greece: The MUSA approach

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a model that improves service quality to local communities via citizen satisfaction measurement. The main argument arises is that citizen satisfaction represents a modern approach for service quality in local communities and serves the development of a truly citizen-focused management and culture. Measuring citizen satisfaction offers an immediate, meaningful and objective feedback about citizens’ preferences and expectations. In this way, service performance may be evaluated in relation to a set of satisfaction dimensions that indicate the strong and the weak points of a Municipality. The study based on primary data collected through questionnaires from 456 respondents- citizens’ users of the municipality services of Skopelos Island in Greece. The main satisfaction criteria were: C.S.C (Citizen's Service Centre), Municipal Roll-Registry Office, Cleanliness -Lighting, Municipal Works, Home Assistance. These criteria are aggregated through an additive value function which is inferred from a set of satisfaction judgments with the use of the MUSA multi-criteria methodology and software. According to the findings of this research, the citizens of the Municipality of Skopelos seem to be satisfied to a large extent, either fully or partly, with the total of the provided services. However, there appeared some fields that need further improvements, such as Cleanliness - Lighting and Municipality works. The findings of the study are also related to particular policy implications regarding the role and the capacity of local authorities and decision makers to provide efficient and operational services to local communities. It’s very important to relate the findings and the case of Skopelos as pilot guide with the degree of organising capacity of local / regional authorities in larger and different municipalities in Greece. For this reason the proposed MUSA approach, we support that offers the framework to extent our analysis and to evaluate local/ regional authorities role and capacity regarding community development issues

    The effect of obesity and dietary habits on oxidative stress in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

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    Objective: Increased oxidative stress has been described in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether high oxidative stress is further influenced by obesity and dietary habits in euthyroid women with HT. Methods: Two hundred eighteen consecutive euthyroid women with HT were studied and separated in two groups; 102 with thyroxine replacement and 114 without. For the evaluation of oxidative stress, total lipid peroxide levels in serum (TOS) were measured and recoded as ‘high TOS’ vs ‘medium/low TOS’. The type of food and consumption frequency were recorded. Two binary variables were considered; normal vs low fruit consumption and daily vs sporadic vegetable consumption. Results: ‘High TOS’ was more frequent in women under thyroxine replacement (31.4% vs 14.7%, OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.4–5.2). The prevalence of ‘high TOS’ was higher among overweight/obese women compared to women with normal BMI (30.4% vs 12.5%, OR = 3.1, 95% CI: 1.5–6.4). Low fruit consumption was associated with increased ‘high TOS’ prevalence (30.6% vs 12.9%, OR = 3.0, 95% CI: 1.4–6.2). Sporadic vegetable consumption was associated with increased ‘high TOS’ prevalence compared to daily consumption (29.9% vs 13.5%, OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.3–5.7). The examined risk factors were independent and additive in their effect on TOS. At least three risk factors had to be concomitantly present for the likelihood of ‘high TOS’ to be significantly elevated. Conclusions: Oxidative stress is increased in women with HT under thyroxine replacement. Nevertheless, normal BMI, daily fruit and vegetable consumption, all contribute in maintaining oxidative stress at low levels

    Dysfunction of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis in HIV infection and disease

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    Abnormalities of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis have been documented in HIV patients in the early as well as late stages of the infection and range from subtle subclinical disturbances to frank adrenal insufficiency. Potential etiologies of these disorders include opportunistic infections, neoplasms, drugs administered to treat infections, cytokine abnormalities associated with the HIV disease process and acquired alterations in tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids. In this article, we present a concise review of HPA abnormalities in HIV infection and disease with regard to their etiology with emphasis on syndromes of hypersensitivity/resistance to glucocorticoids associated with antiviral medications and/or the HIV infection itself