57 research outputs found

    Micro-scale geochemical and crystallographic analysis of Buccinum undatum statoliths supports an annual periodicity of growth ring deposition

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    The whelk Buccinum undatum is commercially important in the North Atlantic. However, monitoring the ontogenetic age and growth of populations has been problematic for fisheries scientists owing to the lack of a robust age determination method. We confirmed the annual periodicity of growth rings present in calcified statoliths located in the foot of field-collected and laboratory reared whelks using microscale measurements of trace element geochemistry. Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), annual trace element profiles were quantified at 2 μm resolution in statoliths removed from whelks collected alive from three locations spanning the length of the UK; the Shetland Isles (North), the Menai Strait, North Wales (Mid) and Jersey (South). Clear cycles in the Mg/Ca ratio were apparent with minimum values corresponding with the visible dark statolith rings and comparatively higher ratios displayed in the first year of growth. Statoliths from one and two-year-old laboratory reared whelks of known age and life history contained one and two Mg/Ca cycles respectively and demonstrated that the statolith growth ring is formed during winter (February and March). Cycles of Na/Ca were found to be anti-correlated to Mg/Ca cycles, whilst ratios of Sr/Ca were inconsistent and showed an apparent ontogenetic increase, suggesting strong physiological control. Variability in elemental data will likely limit the usefulness of these structures as environmental recorders. The results obtained using SIMS for trace element analysis of statoliths confirms the robustness of the statolith rings in estimating whelk age. μXRD at 2 μm spatial resolution demonstrated the statoliths were wholly aragonitic and thus trace element variation was not the result of possible differences in CaCO3 polymorph within the statolith. Changing XRD patterns along with SEM imaging also reveal an ‘hourglass’ microstructure within each statolith. The validation of the annual periodicity of statolith growth rings now provides a robust and novel age determination technique that will lead to improved management of B. undatum stocks

    In-situ synchrotron X-ray characterization of corrosion products in Zr artificial pits in simulated physiological solutions

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    Corrosion products generated in artificial pits of zirconium were characterized in-situ by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) in physiological saline, with and without addition of 4% albumin and/or 0.1% H2O2. Zr metal fragments and tetragonal ZrO2 particles were detected in aggregated black corrosion products away from the corrosion front. At the corrosion front, a ZrOCl2·8H2O salt layer of a few hundreds of microns thickness was formed. Coarsened ZrOCl2·8H2O crystallites were found farther out into the solution. The Zr solution species were confirmed to be in a tetravalent state by XANES. TEM imaging of the corrosion products revealed heterogeneity of the morphology of the Zr metal fragments and confirmed their size to be less than a few microns. The formation and speciation of Zr corrosion products were found not affected by the presence of H2O2 and/or albumin in physiological saline. Furthermore, bulk Zr electrochemistry identified that the presence of H2O2 and/or albumin did not affect passive current densities and pitting potentials of the bulk Zr surface. Therefore, it is concluded that the pitting susceptibility and pit chemistry of Zr in physiological saline were unaffected by the presence of H2O2, albumin or their combinations

    Correlating activity and defects in (photo)electrocatalysts using in-situ transient optical microscopy

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    (Photo)electrocatalysts capture sunlight and use it to drive chemical reactions such as water splitting to produce H2. A major factor limiting photocatalyst development is their large heterogeneity which spatially modulates reactivity and precludes establishing robust structure-function relationships. To make such links requires simultaneously probing of the electrochemical environment at microscopic length scales (nm to um) and broad timescales (ns to s). Here, we address this challenge by developing and applying in-situ steady-state and transient optical microscopies to directly map and correlate local electrochemical activity with hole lifetimes, oxygen vacancy concentration and the photoelectrodes crystal structure. Using this combined approach alongside spatially resolved X-Ray absorption measurements, we study microstructural and point defects in prototypical hematite (Fe2O3) photoanodes. We demonstrate that regions of Fe2O3, adjacent to microstructural cracks have a better photoelectrochemical response and reduced back electron recombination due to an optimal oxide vacancy concentration, with the film thickness and carbon impurities also dramatically influencing activity in a complex manner. Our work highlights the importance of microscopic mapping to understand activity and the impact of defects in even, seemingly, homogeneous solid-state metal oxide photoelectrodes

    Implications of X-ray beam profiles on qualitative and quantitative synchrotron micro-focus X-ray fluorescence microscopy

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    Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence microscopy is frequently used to investigate the spatial distribution of elements within a wide range of samples. Interrogation of heterogeneous samples that contain large concentration ranges has the potential to produce image artefacts due to the profile of the X-ray beam. The presence of these artefacts and the distribution of flux within the beam profile can significantly affect qualitative and quantitative analyses. Two distinct correction methods have been generated by referencing the beam profile itself or by employing an adaptive-thresholding procedure. Both methods significantly improve qualitative imaging by removing the artefacts without compromising the low-intensity features. The beam-profile correction method improves quantitative results but requires accurate two-dimensional characterization of the X-ray beam profile

    Iron from coal combustion particles dissolves much faster than mineral dust under simulated atmospheric acid conditions

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    Mineral dust is the largest source of aerosol iron (Fe) to the offshore global ocean, but acidic processing of coal fly ash (CFA) in the atmosphere may result in a disproportionally higher contribution of bioavailable Fe. Here, we determined the Fe speciation and dissolution kinetics of CFA from Aberthaw (United Kingdom), Krakow (Poland), and Shandong (China) in solutions which simulate atmospheric acidic processing. In CFA-PM10 fractions, 8 %–21.5 % of the total Fe was as hematite and goethite (dithionite extracted Fe), 2 %–6.5  % as amorphous Fe (ascorbate extracted Fe), while magnetite (oxalate extracted Fe) varied from 3 %–22 %. The remaining 50 %–87  % of Fe was associated with aluminosilicates. High concentration of ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4), often found in wet aerosols, increased Fe solubility of CFA up to 7 times at low pH (2–3). Our results showed a large variability in the effects of oxalate on the Fe dissolution rates at pH 2, from no impact in Shandong ash to doubled dissolution in Krakow ash. However, this enhancement was suppressed in the presence of high concentration of (NH4)2SO4. Dissolution of highly reactive Fe was insufficient to explain the high Fe solubility at low pH in CFA, and the modelled dissolution kinetics suggests that other Fe phases such as magnetite may also dissolve rapidly under acidic conditions. Overall, Fe in CFA dissolved up to 7 times faster than in Saharan dust samples at pH 2. Based on these laboratory data, we developed a new scheme for the proton- and oxalate- promoted Fe dissolution of CFA, which was implemented into the global atmospheric chemical transport model IMPACT. The revised model showed a better agreement with observations of surface concentration of dissolved Fe in aerosol particles over the Bay of Bengal, due to the rapid Fe release at the initial stage at highly acidic conditions. The improved model also enabled us to predict sensitivity to a more dynamic range of pH changes, particularly between anthropogenic combustion and biomass burning aerosols
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