6 research outputs found

    Multifeature Quantification of Nuclear Properties from Images of H&E-Stained Biopsy Material for Investigating Changes in Nuclear Structure with Advancing CIN Grade

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    Background. Cervical dysplasia is a precancerous condition, and if left untreated, it may lead to cervical cancer, which is the second most common cancer in women. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in nuclear properties of the H&E-stained biopsy material between low CIN and high CIN cases and associate those properties with the CIN grade. Methods. The clinical material comprised hematoxylin and eosin- (H&E-) stained biopsy specimens from lesions of 44 patients diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Four or five nonoverlapping microscopy images were digitized from each patient’s H&E specimens, from regions indicated by the expert physician. Sixty-three textural and morphological nuclear features were generated for each patient’s images. The Wilcoxon statistical test and the point biserial correlation were used to estimate each feature’s discriminatory power between low CIN and high CIN cases and its correlation with the advancing CIN grade, respectively. Results. Statistical analysis showed 19 features that quantify nuclear shape, size, and texture and sustain statistically significant differences between low CIN and high CIN cases. These findings revealed that nuclei in high CIN cases, as compared to nuclei in low CIN cases, have more irregular shape, are larger in size, are coarser in texture, contain higher edges, have higher local contrast, are more inhomogeneous, and comprise structures of different intensities. Conclusion. A systematic statistical analysis of nucleus features, quantified from the H&E-stained biopsy material, showed that there are significant differences in the shape, size, and texture of nuclei between low CIN and high CIN cases


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    Malignant melanoma represents the most dangerous type of skin cancer. In this study we present an ensemble classification scheme, employing the mutual information, the cross-correlation and the clustering based on proximity of image features methods, for early stage assessment of melanomas on plain photography images. The proposed scheme performs two main operations. First, it retrieves the most similar, to the unknown case, image samples from an available image database with verified benign moles and malignant melanoma cases. Second, it provides an automated estimation regarding the nature of the unknown image sample based on the majority of the most similar images retrieved from the available database. Clinical material comprised 75 melanoma and 75 benign plain photography images collected from publicly available dermatological atlases. Results showed that the ensemble scheme outperformed all other methods tested in terms of accuracy with 94.9±1.5%, following an external cross-validation evaluation methodology. The proposed scheme may benefit patients by providing a second opinion consultation during the self-skin examination process and the physician by providing a second opinion estimation regarding the nature of suspicious moles that may assist towards decision making especially for ambiguous cases, safeguarding, in this way from potential diagnostic misinterpretations

    Traitement systémique des métastases cérébrales de mélanome

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    International audienceMelanomas have a high rate of brain metastases. Both the functional prognosis and the overall survival are poor in these patients. Until now, surgery and radiotherapy represented the two main modalities of treatment. Nevertheless, due to the improvement in the management of the extracerebral melanoma, the systemic treatment may be an option in patients with brain metastases. Immunotherapy with anti-CTLA4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4) - ipilimumab - or BRAF (serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf) inhibitors - vemurafenib, dabrafenib - has shown efficacy in the management of brain metastases in a- or pauci-symptomatic patients. Studies are ongoing with anti-PD1 (programmed cell death 1) and combinations of targeted therapies associating anti-RAF (raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase) and anti-MEK (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase)