53 research outputs found

    Illumina reads

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    Forward and reverse Illumina reads for each bacterial line. The sensitive P.syringae DC3000 ancestral line is called DC3ANC and all other 3 letter codes at the start of the filename refer to each of the mutant lines generated in the experiment

    Costs of resistance CFU counts

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    P.syringae colony forming unit counts from homogenized tomato leaf samples. Each 'strain' relates to a selected phage-resistant genotype or the ancestral, phage-sensitive genotype

    Partial ITS1 sequence for Amara alpina

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    Example partial sequence of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) for Amara alpin

    Partial COI sequence for Amara alpina

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    Example partial sequence of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene for Amara alpin

    Contig data for museum-1

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    FASTA file of all contigs considered during the metagenomic analysis of sample museum-1. Use with 'BLAST assignment data for museum-1' in MEGAN v4.70

    BLAST assignment data for ancient-1

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    Unfiltered BLAST assignment file of contigs identified during the metagenomic analysis of sample ancient-1. Use with 'Contig data for ancient-1' in MEGAN v4.70. See attached readme file for column headers

    Partial 28S sequence for Amara alpina

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    Example partial sequence of the 28S ribosomal RNA (28S) gene for Amara alpin

    Contig data for museum-2

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    FASTA file of all contigs considered during the metagenomic analysis of sample museum-2. Use with 'BLAST assignment data for museum-2' in MEGAN v4.70

    BLAST assignment data for modern-2

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    Unfiltered BLAST assignment file of contigs identified during the metagenomic analysis of sample modern-2. Use with 'Contig data for modern-2' in MEGAN v4.70. See attached readme file for column headers

    BLAST assignment data for ancient-2

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    Unfiltered BLAST assignment file of contigs identified during the metagenomic analysis of sample ancient-2. Use with 'Contig data for ancient-2' in MEGAN v4.70. See attached readme file for column headers