541 research outputs found

    Precision calculation of energy levels for four-valent Si I

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    We report results of the calculation of the low-lying levels of neutral Si using a combination of the configuration interaction and many-body perturbation theory (CI+MBPT method). We treat Si I as an atom with four valence electrons and use two different starting approximations, namely VN2V^{N-2} and VN4V^{N-4}. We conclude that both approximations provide comparable accuracy, on the level of 1%

    Тривимірна структура ґрунту в області порию сліпака (Spalax microphthalmus)

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    The pedoturbation activity of the soil-dwelling mammals results in the complicated spatial soil structure with combined mechanically stable dense soil and the soil mass of low density. Such organization of the soil body has useful combination of the soil properties. The prolonged effect of the mammals’ pedoturbation activity is positive for different constituents of an ecosystem: soil animals, microorganisms and plants. Педотурбационная активность почвенных млекопитающих приводит к формированию сложно организованной пространственной структуры почвы, в которой сочетаются механически устойчивые конструкции с промежутками, занятыми менее плотной почвенной массой. Такая организация почвенного тела обладает выгодным сочетанием свойств твердой и менее твердой почвенных масс. Важной особенностью такой организации является длительный положительный эффект от педотурбационной активности млекопитающих для других компонентов экосистемы (почвенных беспозвоночных, микроорганизмов и растений).Педотурбаційна активність ґрунтових ссавців зумовлює формування складно організованої просторової структури ґрунту, в якій сполучаються механічно стійкі конструкції, проміжки між якими зайняті менш щільною ґрунтовою масою. Така організація ґрунтового тіла має вигідне сполучення властивостей твердої та менш твердої ґрунтових мас. Важлива особливість такої організації – тривалий позитивний ефект від педотурбаційної активності ссавців ядл інших компонентів екосистеми (ґрунтових безхребетних, мікроорганізмів і рослин)


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    The features of effective implementation of contracts in the context of improving the wages in health care organizations. A review of the main problems identified during the implementation of effective contracts. Obtained conditions of applicability of the effective contracts relevant to healthcare organizations. Formulated guidelines for the justification of the performance indicators of staff


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    The features of effective implementation of contracts in the context of improving the wages in health care organizations. A review of the main problems identified during the implementation of effective contracts. Obtained conditions of applicability of the effective contracts relevant to healthcare organizations. Formulated guidelines for the justification of the performance indicators of staff

    The effect of cell pretreatment on cell surface topology studied via atomic force microscopy

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    Atomic force microscopy allows distinctively interpret the results of cell structure research together with another techniques using, at that, the same biological preparations. However, there are still discussion situation concerning application of atomic force microscopy with fixed cells. In this work, using spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy techniques, we investigated morphometric parameters of cells in conditions of fixation with various chemical preparations as well as at drying and staining. We calculated phenomenological parameters and obtained histograms of distribution of adhesion forces of the probe toward a surface of cell membranes. The minimal disturbing effects were detected in the cases of a simple cell drying without fixation and staining. © IDOSI Publications, 2012

    Письмові навички при вивченні англійської мови як іноземної. Теоретичні перспективи

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    Ця стаття присвячена проблемам, пов’язаним з навчанням навичкам письма. Основною метою статті є аспекти дискурсу, а також розглядається ефективність повідомлень, мовних стратегій і ресурсів. Крім того, запропоновано завдання і методи проведення занять, які можуть надати новизни практиці письмових класних занять і зробити свій внесок у розвиток і зміцнення індивідуальних і соціальних ідентичностей студентів через функціонально орієнтовані тексти. (This article is devoted to some problems referred to teaching writing skills. The objective of the article is to highlight the discourse dimension, the effectiveness of the message as a whole, the linguistic strategies and resources. Moreover, the tasks proposed may provide an invigorating effect on classroom writing practices and contribute to the development and reinforcement of the students’ individual and social identities through functionally oriented texts.

    MOOС: new model of e-learning in secondary vocational education

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    The article describes models of massive open online courses regarding secondary vocational educationВ статье рассматриваются модели массовых открытых онлайн-курсов относительно среднего профессионального образования и проблемы их реализаци

    Reading the Signs”: Aspects of Perception of a Game Polycode Text in Space of a Modern City

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    One of the new linguocreative practices of organizing the city space as a cultural text is analyzed. The game discourse of polycode texts is considered, which combine elements of different semiotic systems: signs of traffic rules, supplemented by visualized symbolic allusions and quotations, collectively referring to the motifs of famous works of art. The constructive principles of modeling the associative context of polycode posters placed in the Literary Quarter of Yekaterinburg are characterized. The universality of the generation of game texts of any semiotic nature on the basis of an operational technique that creates the effects of associative deducibility and associative integration is substantiated. The novelty of the study is related to the description of the algorithm for creating and deciphering a game polycode text of this type, identifying the factors and strategies for reading it by the addressee. The dynamic component of the semantic diversity of the analyzed texts is experimentally verified, taking into account the respondents’ recognition of the prototypes of the game transform, reflection on the connection between its visual and verbal components, and the ability to derive allusive implicatures. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of game transform decoding strategies in the light of the mechanisms of linguocreative thinking based on the switching of associative stereotypes in the language game register