446 research outputs found

    Precision calculation of energy levels for four-valent Si I

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    We report results of the calculation of the low-lying levels of neutral Si using a combination of the configuration interaction and many-body perturbation theory (CI+MBPT method). We treat Si I as an atom with four valence electrons and use two different starting approximations, namely VN2V^{N-2} and VN4V^{N-4}. We conclude that both approximations provide comparable accuracy, on the level of 1%

    Calculation of francium hyperfine anomaly

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    The Dirac-Hartree-Fock plus many-body perturbation theory (DHF+MBPT) method has been used to calculate hyperfine structure constants for Fr. Calculated hyperfine structure anomaly for hydrogen-like ion has been shown to be in good agreement with analytical expressions. It has been shown that the ratio of the anomalies for ss and p1/2p_{1/2} states is weakly dependent on the principal quantum number. Finally, we estimate Bohr--Weisskopf corrections for several Fr isotopes. Our results may be used to improve experimental accuracy for the nuclear gg factors of short-lived isotopes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 tables, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.1004

    The professional transspective of the students in the conflicting realities of the post-industrial society

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    The topicality of the issue under investigation is determined by the rising demand of the Russian society in the mastering and controlling conflicting realities that are capable of changing the integral notional structure of an individual, leading to the evolution or degradation of such individual’s social and professional life activity. The purpose of the article is to identify the professional positions and views of the modern students in conditions of affecting their internalities, motives, and values of the conflicting realities, defining methods of negotiation of the latter. The leading methods of the research of this problem are the art technology that consists of the representation of the personal professional path in future, the postpictural interview, the questionnaire method, qualitative data analysis, allowing to identify the features of the professional transspective of the students in the conflicting realities. The following results have been achieved: the analysis of the professional transspective of the students, whose self-realization occurs in the post-industrial society, was provided, the reasons (conflicting realities) of the obtained data were found, the methods to overcome the impact of the conflicting realities on the personality were proposed. The research materials may be useful for the psychologists of the professional education, the teachers of the vocational training in the organization of accompaniment and rendering assistance in the professional self-realization of young people in realities of the post-industrial society. © 2016 Zinnatova, Konovalova and Makarova

    Realization of potential of enterprise structure development as the criterion of ensuring the object-differentiated approach to rendering the state support : the Russian Federation

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    The objective of the research. Undertaken in the conditions of an economic crisis and sanctions restrictions the attempts of system optimization of business activity state regulation in Russia still don't contribute to increase in business sector efficiency and to full accomplishment of all assigned social and economic functions. In the article the author rationalizes the point, assuming that in the basis of state regulation system the implementation level of entrepreneurial structure capacity, as the most adequate criterion of rendering the state support of business activity, which besides shall carry an object-differentiated nature, shall be laid. Short description of methodology. In the article authors offer an original interpretation of the concept "potential of enterprise structure development" and a method to calculate an indicator "the realization level of potential of enterprise structure development" as key criterion at realizing an object-differentiated approach to rendering the state support of enterprise structures. Compilation of the most important research results and their significance. In the article based on the formed differentiation criteria of measures of the state support of entrepreneurial structures authors offer the measures system differentiated on the bases of the implementation level of potential of entrepreneurial structures development and the importance of this structure in strategic priorities system of territorial development on preferential creation of institutional conditions for an entrepreneurship development; on internal capacity development of entrepreneurial structures; on direct support of business activity.peer-reviewe

    Time management and professional identity of students of pedagogical universities

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    Topicality of the problem under research is stipulated by the necessity of personal characteristics consideration in the process of organization of educational and vocational activities of the future teachers in the conditions of educational medium, which sets high requirements to the students' time competence. The aim of the article is to study the influence of time management peculiarities on the components of students' professional identity. The primary research method applied was psychodiagnostic testing with further statistical data processing, enabling quantitative assessment of formedness of time competence and professional identity in students of a pedagogical university, as well as establishing the interaction character of the phenomena of interest. Research results: in the article peculiarities of students time management within different stages of professional identity are presented, and the interconnection between time competence and professional identity components is considered. Based on empirical data, there can be drawn a conclusion that time competence development will facilitate formation of professional identity for the future professionals. Received results can find practical implementation in development of programs for psychological follow-up of professional formation of student's identity in the system of university education. © 2016 Lebedeva et al