4,086 research outputs found

    Relativistic models of magnetars: Nonperturbative analytical approach

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    In the present paper we focus on building simple nonperturbative analytical relativistic models of magnetars. With this purpose in mind we first develop a method for generating exact interior solutions to the static and axisymmetric Einstein-Maxwell-hydrodynamic equations with anisotropic perfect fluid and with pure poloidal magnetic field. Then using an explicit exact solution we present a simple magnetar model and calculate some physically interesting quantities as the surface elipticity and the total energy of the magnetized star.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Elliptic algebra U_{q,p}(^sl_2): Drinfeld currents and vertex operators

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    We investigate the structure of the elliptic algebra U_{q,p}(^sl_2) introduced earlier by one of the authors. Our construction is based on a new set of generating series in the quantum affine algebra U_q(^sl_2), which are elliptic analogs of the Drinfeld currents. They enable us to identify U_{q,p}(^sl_2) with the tensor product of U_q(^sl_2) and a Heisenberg algebra generated by P,Q with [Q,P]=1. In terms of these currents, we construct an L operator satisfying the dynamical RLL relation in the presence of the central element c. The vertex operators of Lukyanov and Pugai arise as `intertwiners' of U_{q,p}(^sl_2) for level one representation, in the sense to be elaborated on in the text. We also present vertex operators with higher level/spin in the free field representation.Comment: 49 pages, (AMS-)LaTeX ; added an explanation of integration contours; added comments. To appear in Comm. Math. Phys. Numbering of equations is correcte

    Quantum Fluctuations of Black Hole Geometry

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    By using the minisuperspace model for the interior metric ofstatic black holes, we solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation to study quantum mechanics of the horizon geometry. Our basic idea is to introduce the gravitational mass and the expansions of null rays as quantum operators. Then, the exact wave function is found as a mass eigenstate, and the radius of the apparent horizon is quantum-mechanically defined. In the evolution of the metric variables, the wave function changes from a WKB solution giving the classical trajectories to a tunneling solution. By virtue of the quantum fluctuations of the metric evolution beyond the WKB approximation, we can observe a static black hole state with the apparent horizon separating from the event horizon.Comment: 18 pages, DPNU-93-3

    Spectrophotometric observations of comet P/Giacobini-Zinner

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    Spectroscopic observations of the Giacobini-Zinner comet were performed on March 20, June 20 and 21, September 11, and October 19, 1985. The September observations were performed at perihelion, exactly at the time of the International Cometary Explorer (ICE) encounter with the comet. The March and June observations were obtained with an intensified image dissector scanner (IIDS) on the 2.1-meter Kitt Peak telescope and the September and the October observations were obtained with a charge-coupled device (CCD) on the 4-meter Kitt Peak telescope. The nucleus spectra from these observations are presented

    Relativistic models of magnetars: structure and deformations

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    We find numerical solutions of the coupled system of Einstein-Maxwell's equations with a linear approach, in which the magnetic field acts as a perturbation of a spherical neutron star. In our study, magnetic fields having both poloidal and toroidal components are considered, and higher order multipoles are also included. We evaluate the deformations induced by different field configurations, paying special attention to those for which the star has a prolate shape. We also explore the dependence of the stellar deformation on the particular choice of the equation of state and on the mass of the star. Our results show that, for neutron stars with mass M = 1.4 Msun and surface magnetic fields of the order of 10^15 G, a quadrupole ellipticity of the order of 10^(-6) - 10^(-5) should be expected. Low mass neutron stars are in principle subject to larger deformations (quadrupole ellipticities up to 10^(-3) in the most extreme case). The effect of quadrupolar magnetic fields is comparable to that of dipolar components. A magnetic field permeating the whole star is normally needed to obtain negative quadrupole ellipticities, while fields confined to the crust typically produce positive quadrupole ellipticities.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Free Field Approach to the Dilute A_L Models

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    We construct a free field realization of vertex operators of the dilute A_L models along with the Felder complex. For L=3, we also study an E_8 structure in terms of the deformed Virasoro currents.Comment: (AMS-)LaTeX(2e), 43page

    Does a black hole rotate in Chern-Simons modified gravity?

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    Rotating black hole solutions in the (3+1)-dimensional Chern-Simons modified gravity theory are discussed by taking account of perturbation around the Schwarzschild solution. The zenith-angle dependence of a metric function related to the frame-dragging effect is determined from a constraint equation independently of a choice of the embedding coordinate. We find that at least within the framework of the first-order perturbation method, the black hole cannot rotate for finite black hole mass if the embedding coordinate is taken to be a timelike vector. However, the rotation can be permitted in the limit of M/r0M/r \to 0 (where MM is the black hole mass and rr is the radius). For a spacelike vector, the rotation can also be permitted for any value of the black hole mass.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Continuous-time quantum walk on integer lattices and homogeneous trees

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    This paper is concerned with the continuous-time quantum walk on Z, Z^d, and infinite homogeneous trees. By using the generating function method, we compute the limit of the average probability distribution for the general isotropic walk on Z, and for nearest-neighbor walks on Z^d and infinite homogeneous trees. In addition, we compute the asymptotic approximation for the probability of the return to zero at time t in all these cases.Comment: The journal version (save for formatting); 19 page