156 research outputs found

    Modelo de cadena de valor agraria sostenible: La cadena de valor de la República Dominicana

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    The aim of this paper is to develop a model of sustainable added value chain (SAVC). The model i) considers consumers expectations, ii) analyses the determinant producers´ factors to perform the SAVC and iii) ranks the agricultural subsectors according the SAVC. The value chain methodology was used to assess the sustainability of the agricultural value chain and develop the model. The model was tested in the Dominican Republic’s agricultural value chain. The results showed i) producers´ access to SAVC depends on the subsector, location and resources, ii) organic banana and avocado are the subsectors with the best potential SAVC while sweet potatoes and rice have the lowest potential and iii) producers are in an early stage to adopt the consumers´ expectations endangering SAVC. Using mixed methods to investigate the SAVC this paper provides an approach that reflects the complex and iterative nature of a real supply chains and can be used by researchers, policymakers and practitioners to better understand and describe decision making and to develop informed policies and interventions beyond SAVC. This research challenges the innate complexity of local supply chains and the presence of barriers for SAVC.Este artículo tiene por objeto el desarrollo de un modelo de cadena de valor agraria sostenible (CVS). El modelo tiene en cuenta, i) la demanda de los consumidores, ii) los factores determinantes para que los productores accedan a la CVS y iii) ordena los sectores en la CVS. En el desarrollo se empleó la metodología de la cadena de valor y el modelo fue validado en la cadena de valor agraria de la República Dominicana. Los resultados muestran que, i) el acceso a la CVS por los productores dominicanos depende del sector, la localización y los medios disponibles, ii) sectores como el plátano orgánico y el aguacate están mejor posicionados en la CVS y los sectores del arroz y la batata están peor situados y iii) los productores consideran poco la demanda de los consumidores alejándose de la CVS. Este trabajo ayudará a investigadores, políticos y gestores en la toma de decisiones para alcanzar la CVS.Fil: Gómez-Luciano, Cristino Alberto. Instituto Especializado de Estudios Superiores Loyola (República Dominicana)Fil: De Koning, Wim . HAS University of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Business Administration & Agribusiness (Holanda)Fil: Vriesekoop, Frank. Harper Adams University College (Inglaterra)Fil: Urbano, Beatriz. Universidad de Valladolid (España

    A model of agricultural sustainable added value chain: The case of the Dominican Republic value chain

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    The aim of this paper is to develop a model of sustainable added value chain (SAVC). The model i) considers consumers expectations, ii) analyses the determinant producers´ factors to perform the SAVC and iii) ranks the agricultural subsectors according the SAVC. The value chain methodology was used to assess the sustainability of the agricultural value chain and develop the model. The model was tested in the Dominican Republic’s agricultural value chain. The results showed i) producers´ access to SAVC depends on the subsector, location and resources, ii) organic banana and avocado are the subsectors with the best potential SAVC while sweet potatoes and rice have the lowest potential and iii) producers are in an early stage to adopt the consumers´ expectations endangering SAVC. Using mixed methods to investigate the SAVC this paper provides an approach that reflects the complex and iterative nature of a real supply chains and can be used by researchers, policymakers and practitioners to better understand and describe decision making and to develop informed policies and interventions beyond SAVC. This research challenges the innate complexity of local supply chains and the presence of barriers for SAVC.The aim of this paper is to develop a model of sustainable added value chain (SAVC). The model i) considers consumers expectations, ii) analyses the determinant producers´ factors to perform the SAVC and iii) ranks the agricultural subsectors according the SAVC. The value chain methodology was used to assess the sustainability of the agricultural value chain and develop the model. The model was tested in the Dominican Republic’s agricultural value chain. The results showed i) producers´ access to SAVC depends on the subsector, location and resources, ii) organic banana and avocado are the subsectors with the best potential SAVC while sweet potatoes and rice have the lowest potential and iii) producers are in an early stage to adopt the consumers´ expectations endangering SAVC. Using mixed methods to investigate the SAVC this paper provides an approach that reflects the complex and iterative nature of a real supply chains and can be used by researchers, policymakers and practitioners to better understand and describe decision making and to develop informed policies and interventions beyond SAVC. This research challenges the innate complexity of local supply chains and the presence of barriers for SAVC

    Medication strategies in first episode psychosis patients:A survey among psychiatrists

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    Aim There is an ongoing debate regarding the optimal timing of discontinuation of antipsychotic drugs for patients with first episode psychosis. Although most guidelines recommend maintenance therapy for at least 1 or 2 years after reaching remission, study results indicate that early discontinuation may be beneficial for at least a subsample of patients. To date, little is known about which medication strategies are applied in patients recovering from a first psychotic episode. In this study, we examined the beliefs and practices of clinicians on medication discontinuation. Methods We performed a survey among 50 experienced Dutch psychiatrists to assess how often specific treatment strategies have been applied in the past 12 months, as well as their knowledge and expectations with respect to medication discontinuation. Results Psychiatrists estimated that, after remission, they continued medication at the same dose for at least 12 months in 51.2% of cases, continued in a reduced dose in 33.8% of cases and discontinued medication in 9.1% of cases after 4.4 months of remission on average. Although the medication is discontinued in only a relatively small proportion of patients, almost half of all clinicians (45.9%) used this strategy at least once in the past 12 months. Conclusions There is substantial practice variation in antipsychotic medication strategies after remission from a first psychotic episode. Future research on long-term effects of early medication discontinuation can guide clinicians in making evidence-based decisions when treating first-episode patients

    Does gesture strengthen sensorimotor knowledge of objects? The case of the size-weight illusion

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    Co-speech gestures have been proposed to strengthen sensorimotor knowledge related to objects’ weight and manipulability. This pre-registered study (https://www.osf.io/9uh6q/) was designed to explore how gestures affect memory for sensorimotor information through the application of the visual-haptic size-weight illusion (i.e., objects weigh the same, but are experienced as different in weight). With this paradigm, a discrepancy can be induced between participants’ conscious illusory perception of objects’ weight and their implicit sensorimotor knowledge (i.e., veridical motor coordination). Depending on whether gestures reflect and strengthen either of these types of knowledge, gestures may respectively decrease or increase the magnitude of the size-weight illusion. Participants (N = 159) practiced a problem-solving task with small and large objects that were designed to induce a size-weight illusion, and then explained the task with or without co-speech gesture or completed a control task. Afterwards, participants judged the heaviness of objects from memory and then while holding them. Confirmatory analyses revealed an inverted size-weight illusion based on heaviness judgments from memory and we found gesturing did not affect judgments. However, exploratory analyses showed reliable correlations between participants’ heaviness judgments from memory and (a) the number of gestures produced that simulated actions, and (b) the kinematics of the lifting phases of those gestures. These findings suggest that gestures emerge as sensorimotor imaginings that are governed by the agent’s conscious renderings about the actions they describe, rather than implicit motor routines

    Peptides from the variable region of specific antibodies are shared among lung cancer patients

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    Late diagnosis of lung cancer is still the main reason for high mortality rates in lung cancer. Lung cancer is a heterogeneous disease which induces an immune response to different tumor antigens. Several methods for searching autoantibodies have been described that are based on known purified antigen panels. The aim of our study is to find evidence that parts of the antigen-binding-domain of antibodies are shared among lung cancer patients. This was investigated by a novel approach based on sequencing antigen-binding- fragments (Fab) of immunoglobulins using proteomic techniques without the need of previously known antigen panels. From serum of 93 participants of the NELSON trial IgG was isolated and subsequently digested into Fab and Fc. Fab was purified from the digested mixture by SDS-PAGE. The Fab containing gel-bands were excised, tryptic digested and measured on a nano-LC-Orbitrap-Mass- spectrometry system. Multivariate analysis of the mass spectrometry data by linear canonical discriminant analysis combined with stepwise logistic regression resulted in a 12-antibody-peptide model which was able to distinguish lung cancer patients from controls in a high risk population with a sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 90%. With our Fab-purification combined Orbitrap-mass-spectrometry approach, we found peptides from the variable-parts of antibodies which are shared among lung cancer patients

    Trabalho infantil : uma análise das tentativas de sua erradicação no Brasil

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    Orientadora: Profª Drª Silvia Maria P. AraújoDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Sociologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 22/12/2003Inclui bibliografiaResumo: Esta dissertação pretende analisar a problemática da erradicação do trabalho infantil a partir dos discursos que se produziram ao longo da história moderna, relativos às descrições de infância e dos contextos que separam o mundo adulto do mundo infantil, ou, ao retrato da construção social do que representa a infância: o mundo do trabalho como retrato do universo adulto e a educação formal (escola) como síntese da vida em formação. Os pressupostos da educação formal e do trabalho norteiam as discussões que embasam os discursos a partir dos quais, a reprodução de valores inerentes ao sistema capitalista e suas contradições, evidenciam a necessidade de se elaborar um problema social, o qual necessita de descrição, avaliação e intervenção. Ao trazer a problemática da construção do trabalho infantil como problema social, esta pesquisa pretende analisar o processo histórico da construção da problemática do trabalho infantil retratado como um problema que deve ser exterminado, segundo os discursos, tendo como base categorias trabalho e infância. Pretende ainda, compreender o contexto histórico e socioeconômico no qual o trabalho infantil passou a ser combatido como um problema social, mais precisamente no Brasil, por meio de políticas públicas, bem como, identificar no processo do que se denomina de erradicação, a garantia do controle da formação de mão-de-obra, através dos programas voltados aos jovens e às crianças pobres e vulneráveis. Por fim, esta pesquisa lança uma reflexão sobre a necessidade de participação das crianças na elaboração de documentos ou iniciativas, que garantam os direitos da infância e da adolescência e que as mesmas possam escolher dentro de suas respectivas realidades, como traçar seus destinos. A pesquisa tem como base a coleta de dados documentais que evidenciam o pressuposto de trabalho infantil como um problema social, bem como, as contradições no discurso da erradicação, contemplando documentos do PETI (Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil), do Fórum Nacional de Prevenção e Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil e do ECA (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), além de participações nas reuniões do Fórum, em Curitiba, na Procuradoria Regional do Trabalho, durante o ano de 2002