39 research outputs found

    In Vivo muscle force-length behavior during steady-speed hopping in tammar wallabies

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    漏 The Company of BiologistsModerate to large macropodids can increase their speed while hopping with little or no increase in energy expenditure. This has been interpreted by some workers as resulting from elastic energy savings in their hindlimb tendons. For this to occur, the muscle fibers must transmit force to their tendons with little or no length change. To test whether this is the case, we made in vivo measurements of muscle fiber length change and tendon force in the lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and plantaris (PL) muscles of tammar wallabies Macropus eugenii as they hopped at different speeds on a treadmill. Muscle fiber length changes were less than +/-0.5 mm in the plantaris and +/-2.2 mm in the lateral gastrocnemius, representing less than 2 % of total fiber length in the plantaris and less than 6 % in the lateral gastrocnemius, with respect to resting length. The length changes of the plantaris fibers suggest that this occurred by means of elastic extension of attached cross-bridges. Much of the length change in the lateral gastrocnemius fibers occurred at low force early in the stance phase, with generally isometric behavior at higher forces. Fiber length changes did not vary significantly with increased hopping speed in either muscle (P>0.05), despite a 1. 6-fold increase in muscle-tendon force between speeds of 2.5 and 6.0 m s-1. Length changes of the PL fibers were only 7+/-4 % and of the LG fibers 34+/-12 % (mean +/- S.D., N=170) of the stretch calculated for their tendons, resulting in little net work by either muscle (plantaris 0.01+/-0.03 J; gastrocnemius -0.04+/-0.30 J; mean +/- s.d. ). In contrast, elastic strain energy stored in the tendons increased with increasing speed and averaged 20-fold greater than the shortening work performed by the two muscles. These results show that an increasing amount of strain energy stored within the hindlimb tendons is usefully recovered at faster steady hopping speeds, without being dissipated by increased stretch of the muscles' fibers. This finding supports the view that tendon elastic saving of energy is an important mechanism by which this species is able to hop at faster speeds with little or no increase in metabolic energy expenditure.Andrew A. Biewener, David D. Konieczynski and Russell V. Baudinett

    Trace elements in medicinal plants traditionally used in the treatment of diabetes鈥攄o they have a role in the claimed therapeutic effect?

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    Medicinal plants are often used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, although knowledge about their mode of action and the substances responsible for their antidiabetic potential is limited. It is well known that some trace elements play a role in glucose metabolism and insulin action. Thus, a particular trace elements profile could be associated with the antidiabetic properties observed for some medicinal plants. Methods: Infusions (n = 102) prepared from commercial herbal products (n = 34) containing medicinal plants indicated for the treatment of diabetes (n = 16 different plant species) and infusions (n = 60) prepared from commercial herbal products (n = 20) containing medicinal plants without such an indication (n = 7 different plant species) were analyzed by ICP-MS for their trace elements content. In both groups, results varied significantly between different medicinal plants and also between different origins (brands) of the same medicinal plant. Significant differences (p < 0.05) between the two groups were found for nine elements, including four trace elements related to glucose metabolism (Mn, B, V, and Se), but with lower median contents in the group of medicinal plants for diabetes. Except for some particular species (e.g., Myrtilli folium) in which the trace element Mn may play a role in its antidiabetic effect, globally, a direct association between the claimed antidiabetic properties and a specific trace element profile of the studied medicinal plants was not evident.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Herbal supplements in the print media: communicating benefits and risks

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    Background The rise in use of food supplements based on botanical ingredients (herbal supplements) is depicted as part of a trend empowering consumers to manage their day-to-day health needs, which presupposes access to clear and accurate information to make effective choices. Evidence regarding herbal supplement efficacy is extremely variable so recent regulations eliminating unsubstantiated claims about potential effects leave producers able to provide very little information about their products. Medical practitioners are rarely educated about herbal supplements and most users learn about them via word-of-mouth, allowing dangerous misconceptions to thrive, chief among them the assumption that natural products are inherently safe. Print media is prolific among the information channels still able to freely discuss herbal supplements. Method This study thematically analyses how 76 newspaper/magazine articles from the UK, Romania and Italy portray the potential risks and benefits of herbal supplements. Results Most articles referenced both risks and benefits and were factually accurate but often lacked context and impartiality. More telling was how the risks and benefits were framed in service of a chosen narrative, the paucity of authoritative information allowing journalists leeway to recontextualise herbal supplements in ways that serviced the goals and values of their specific publications and readerships. Conclusion Providing sufficient information to empower consumers should not be the responsibility of print media, instead an accessible source of objective information is required.</p

    Relacje pomiedzy wybranymi pierwiastkami niezb臋dnymi w ro艣linnych surowcach leczniczych a ich formami ekstrahowanymi wod膮

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    In the study, the relationships were investigated among N, P, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu, in medicinal plant raw materials (herbal bags) and their water-soluble chemical forms in infuses. 42 independent samples of plant materials were chosen, represented by different morphological plant parts as herbs, leaves, flowers and fruits. The elements were determined by UV/Vis spectrometry (non-metals), and FAAS (metallic elements) after previous mineralization of plant samples (total concentrations), and directly in herbal teas (water-extractable forms). Most frequently the correlations between non-metals and Zn and Mn occurred, both between their total contents the water-extractable forms. Statistically significant correlations were also found in pairs: Zn-Mn, Fe-Zn, Mn-Fe, and Cu-Zn. Application of multivariate analysis revealed that cluster analysis grouped the studied samples into clusters with similar levels of the analyzed elements, and principal component analysis allowed the identification of water-extractable Zn, P-PO4 and water-extractable Cu as the most crucial factors determining the differentiation of the studied plant samples.W trakcie bada艅 okre艣lono relacje pomi臋dzy N, P, Fe, Zn, Mn i Cu w ro艣linnych surowcach leczniczych (torebkach) a ich rozpuszczalnymi w wodzie formami chemicznymi w naparach. Wybrano 42 niezale偶ne pr贸bki surowc贸w ro艣linnych, reprezentowanych przez takie r贸偶ne cz臋艣ci morfologiczne ro艣lin jak ziela, li艣cie, kwiaty i owoce. Pierwiastki oznaczono spektrofotometrycznie w zakresie widzialnym (niemetale) i metod膮 FAAS (pierwiastki metaliczne) po uprzedniej mineralizacji pr贸bek ro艣linnych (ca艂kowita zawarto艣膰) oraz bezpo艣rednio w naparach (formy ekstrahowane wod膮). Najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋powa艂y korelacje pomi臋dzy niemetalami a Zn i Mn, zar贸wno mi臋dzy ca艂kowit膮 ich zawarto艣ci膮, jak i formami rozpuszczalnymi w wodzie. Statystycznie istotne korelacje stwierdzono r贸wnie偶 mi臋dzy parami: Zn-Mn, Fe-Zn, Mn-Fe i Cu-Zn. Zastosowanie analizy wieloparametrowej dostarczy艂o informacji o tym, 偶e analiza skupie艅 pogrupowa艂a badane pr贸bki w klastery o zbli偶onym poziomie analizowanych pierwiastk贸w, natomiast analiza g艂贸wnych sk艂adowych pozwoli艂a na identyfikacj臋 Zn ekstrahowanego wod膮, P-PO4 oraz Cu ekstrahowanej wod膮, jako najbardziej istotnych czynnik贸w wp艂ywaj膮cych na zr贸偶nicowanie badanych pr贸bek ro艣linnych

    An Approach Based on HPLC-Fingerprint and Chemometrics to Quality Consistency Evaluation of Matricaria chamomilla L. Commercial Samples

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    Chamomile has been used as an herbal medication since ancient times and is still popular because it contains various bioactive phytochemicals that could provide therapeutic effects. In this study, a simple and reliable HPLC method was developed to evaluate the quality consistency of nineteen chamomile samples through establishing a chromatographic fingerprint, quantification of phenolic compounds and determination of antioxidant activity. For fingerprint analysis, 12 peaks were selected as the common peaks to evaluate the similarities of commercial samples of chamomile obtained from different manufacturers. A similarity analysis was performed to assess the similarity/dissimilarity of chamomile samples where values varied from 0.868 to 0.990 what indicating that samples from different manufacturers were consistent. Additionally, simultaneous quantification of five phenolic acids (gallic, caffeic, syringic, p-coumaric, ferulic) and four flavonoids (rutin, myricetin, quercetin and keampferol) was performed to interpret the quality consistency. In quantitative analysis, the nine individual phenolic compounds showed good regression (r > 0.9975). Inter- and intra-day precisions for all analysed compounds expressed as relative standard deviation (CV) ranged from 0.05% to 3.12%. Since flavonoids and other polyphenols are commonly recognised as natural antioxidants, the antioxidant activity of chamomile samples was evaluated using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) assay. Correlation analysis was used to assess the relationship between antioxidant activity and phenolic composition, and multivariate analysis (PCA and HCA) were applied to distinguish chamomile samples. Results shown in the study indicate high similarity of chamomile samples among them, widely spread in the market and commonly used by people as infusions or teas, as well as that there were no statistically significant differences among them, which in turn is a proof of high quality of commercially available samples of chamomile. The study indicated that the combination of chromatographic fingerprint and quantitative analysis can be readily utilised as a quality consistency method for chamomile and related medicinal preparations. Moreover, the applied strategy seems to be the most promising for the assessment of the investigated plant material

    Quality assessment of Coffea arabica commercial samples

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    A simple and reliable HPLC method was developed and validated for the quality consistency evaluation of Coffea arabica commercial samples through establishing chromatographic fingerprint and simultaneous determination of bioactive constituents. In the HPLC fingerprint, thirteen common peaks were selected to assess the similarities of coffee samples of different geographical origin. A similarity analysis showed values from 0.434 to 0.950 for the analyzed samples, while quantitation of selected bioactive compounds revealed the highest content of caffeine and the lowest of p-coumaric acid and theobromine in coffee samples. Since phenolic compounds and alkaloids are commonly recognized as natural antioxidants, the antioxidant activity of coffee extracts was also evaluated. The correlation analysis and principal component analysis indicated that the combination of HPLC fingerprint and quantitative analysis can be readily utilized as a quality assessment tool for coffee and other plant products

    Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Anti-Enzymatic Activity of Golden Root (<i>Rhodiola rosea</i> L.) Commercial Samples

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    The aim of the study was to compare the chemical composition of the water and hydromethanolic extracts of R. rosea commercial samples in relation to their biological activity. For this purpose, the HPLC method was used for the determination of eleven phenolic compounds and AAS/AES was used for determination of five essential elements. Moreover, the contents of total phenolic, total flavonoid, total phenolic acids, and L(+)-ascorbic acid were determined. The antioxidant activity was assessed by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and ABTS radical scavenging activity, ferric-reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP), and cupric-reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) assays, while the inhibitory activity against AChE and BChE enzymes was determined using Ellman鈥檚 method. The results showed that the hydromethanolic extracts of R. rosea were richer in phenolic compounds and showed higher antioxidant and neurobiological activity than the water extracts. However, the water extracts gave higher contents of determined elements. Among the individual phenolic compounds gallic acid (2.33 mg/g DW) and sinapic acid (386.44 碌g/g DW) had the highest concentrations in the hydromethanolic and water extracts, respectively. Moreover, the most extracts were observed to be more efficient on BChE. Moreover, the correlation analysis indicated a high positive relationship between chemical composition and biological activity in both extracts of R. rosea