36 research outputs found
„Jesteśmy takim zjawiskiem constans” – analiza obrazu kampanii wyborczych w serialu „Świat według Kiepskich”
The series “Świat według Kiepskich” accompanied polish viewers for more than20 years. The creators of the popular sitcom took up various themes, including politicalones. Therefore, the author of the text decided to check what was the image of election campaigns presented in the indicated series. For this purpose, selectedepisodes of the production were analyzed. It was checked – who took part in which elections, whether the candidates were successful, as well as what methods they used. The result of the analysis was also to identify in which narrative framework – according to those proposed by Liesbet van Zoonen – the image of politics in the analyzed episodes of the series can be inscribed.Serial „Świat według Kiepskich” przez ponad 20 lat towarzyszył polskim widzom. Twórcy popularnego sitcomu podejmowali najróżniejsze wątki, w tym polityczne. W związku z tym autorka tekstu postanowiła sprawdzić, jaki był obraz kampanii wyborczych prezentowanych we wskazanym serialu. W tym celu dokonano analizy wybranych odcinków produkcji. Sprawdzono – kto i w jakich wyborach brał udział, czy kandydujący odnieśli sukces, a także jakie metody stosowali. Efektem analizy było również ustalenie, w jakie ramy narracyjne – zgodnie z tymi zaproponowanymi przez Liesbet van Zoonen – wpisać można analizowane odcinki serialu
Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke – Five years of experience in Poland
Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is not reimbursed by the Polish public health system. We present a description of 5 years of experience with MT in acute stroke in Comprehensive Stroke Centers (CSCs) in Poland.
Methods and results
We retrospectively analyzed the results of a structured questionnaire from 23 out of 25 identified CSCs and 22 data sets that include 61 clinical, radiological and outcome measures.
Most of the CSCs (74%) were founded at University Hospitals and most (65.2%) work round the clock. In 78.3% of them, the working teams are composed of neurologists and neuro-radiologists. All CSCs perform CT and angio-CT before MT. In total 586 patients were subjected to MT and data from 531 of them were analyzed. Mean time laps from stroke onset to groin puncture was 250±99min. 90.3% of the studied patients had MT within 6h from stroke onset; 59.3% of them were treated with IV rt-PA prior to MT; 15.1% had IA rt-PA during MT and 4.7% – emergent stenting of a large vessel. M1 of MCA was occluded in 47.8% of cases. The Solitaire device was used in 53% of cases. Successful recanalization (TICI2b–TICI3) was achieved in 64.6% of cases and 53.4% of patients did not experience hemorrhagic transformation. Clinical improvement on discharge was noticed in 53.7% of cases, futile recanalization – in 30.7%, mRS of 0–2 – in 31.4% and mRS of 6 in 22% of cases.
Our results can help harmonize standards for MT in Poland according to international guidelines
Spektrum medialnego zaangażowania jako wyzwanie dla polskiego medioznawstwa
The phenomenon of media engagement is almost untouched by Polish media studies. Due to its complexity, however, it requires intensive description and investigation. This text aims to furnish a overview of the most significant and intriguing theories pertaining to the phenomenon of media engagement. It discusses both the work of researchers from the 20th century (such as Horton and Wohl or Rubin and Perse) and the most recent concepts related to this issue (such as Annette Hill, John Corner, or Elizabeth Evans). The text concludes by highlighting the general challenges for Polish media studies related to the study of this phenomenon.Zjawisko medialnego zaangażowania to zagadnienie, które jest niemalże niepodejmowane w polskiej literaturze medioznawczej. Z uwagi na swoją złożoność wymaga jednak głębokiego opisania oraz zbadania. W związku z tym celem niniejszego tekstu był przegląd najważniejszych i najciekawszych teorii związanych ze wspominanym zjawiskiem. Wskazany został zarówno dorobek badaczy pracujących jeszcze w XX wieku (na przykład Donalda Hortona i Richarda Wohla lub Alana M. Rubina i Elizabeth M. Perse), jak i najnowsze koncepcje dotyczące tego zagadnienia (na przykład Annette Hill, Johna Cornera lub Elizabeth Evans). Podsumowaniem tekstu jest wskazanie na ogólne wyzwania dla polskiego medioznawstwa związane z badaniem medialnego zaangażowania
Kryteria programu lekowego B.9. dotyczące postępowania z pacjentką w I linii leczenia z nieresekcyjnym hormonozależnym HER2 ujemnym guzem piersi w 3. stopniu zaawansowania
Rak piersi hormonozależny HER2-ujemny w stadium uogólnienia leczony jest przede wszystkim sekwencyjną hormonoterapią, która może przyczyniać się do rozwoju hormonooporności. Najnowszym standardem postępowania jest dołączenie do terapii hormonalnej inhibitorów CDK 4 i 6, co przyczyniło się do znaczącej poprawy uzyskiwanych wyników leczenia u pacjentów z zaawansowanym ER-dodatnim rakiem piersi, którego komórki nie wykazują nadekspresji receptora HER2. Pomimo powszechnego stosowania iCDK4/6 w powyższym rozpoznaniu, to dane dotyczące choroby miejscowo zaawansowanej, nieoperacyjnej czy oligometastycznej są wciąż niewystarczające. W niniejszym artykule omówiono leczenie I linii rybocyklibem w skojarzeniu z letrozolem pacjentki z miejscowo zaawansowanym nieoperacyjnym rakiem piersi. Przedstawiono korzystny profil bezpieczeństwa stosowanej terapii oraz jej skuteczność wyrażoną uzyskaną odpowiedzią kliniczną oraz radiologiczną
EVS - European Values Study 1999 - Poland
Moral, religious, societal, political, work, and family values of Europeans. Topics: Leisure time: importance of areas of life; feeling of happiness; memberships and honorary activities in clubs, parties, organizations, citizens´ initiatives and occupation organizations; interactions in leisure time; tolerance regarding minorities, those of other beliefs and foreigners; inter-human trust; self-effectiveness (scale); general contentment with life (scale). Work: importance of selected characteristics of occupational work (scale); personal employment; general work satisfaction (scale); self-determination at work (scale); work ethic (scale); attitude to achievement-based pay and following work instructions without criticism; priority of nationals over foreigners as well as men over women with shortage of jobs; assumed priority of individual or social reasons for the situation of economic need of individuals; freedom of the unemployed to reject a job offer (scale). Politics: party preference; attitude to foreign workers in one´s country; fear of the future; assimilation and integration of immigrants; concept of a just society (more welfare state or liberalism, scale); interest in political news in the media; individualism and thinking of the community; interest in politics; political participation; self-assessment on a left-right continuum (scale); self-responsibility or governmental provision (scale); attitude to competition freedom and entrepreneur freedom (scale); satisfaction with democracy; attitude to the current political system of the country and judgment on the political system of the country ten years ago (scale); preference for a democratic political system or for strong leadership of an individual politician (scale); attitude to democracy (scale); loss of national characteristics through unification of Europe. Religion: individual or general standard for good and evil; current and perhaps earlier religious denomination; current frequency of church attendance and at the age of 12; importance of religious celebration at birth, marriage and funeral; self-assessment of religiousness; ability of the religious community in moral questions, with problems in family life, spiritual needs and current social problems of the country; belief in God, life after death, hell, heaven, sin, telepathy and reincarnation; belief in God or nihilism (scale); importance of God in one´s own life (scale); comfort and strength through belief; prayer and meditation; frequency of prayer; possession and belief in lucky charms or talisman (scale); reading and observing horoscopes; attitude to separation of church (religion) and state (scale). Family and marriage: important criteria for a successful marriage (scale); attitude to marriage and the traditional family structure (scale); attitude to one´s own children (scale); attitude to traditional understanding of one´s role of man and woman in occupation and family (scale); attitude to a traditional or liberal parent-child relation; importance of educational goals; attitude to abortion. Society: preference for individual freedom or social equality; post-materialism (scale); preferred social development (scale); attitude to technical progress; trust in institutions; observing individual human rights in the country; attitude to environmental protection (scale); closeness to family, the neighborhood, people in the region, countrymen, Europeans and humanity; closeness to older people, the unemployed, foreigners and handicapped well as readiness to make an effort for these groups; personal reasons for assistance with older people as well as foreigners; identification with the city, the region, the nation, Europe and the world; national pride. morals and sexuality: moral attitudes (tax evasion, theft, use of drugs, lying, bribe money, corruption, euthanasia, suicide, environmental pollution, alcohol at the wheel; scale); moral attitudes to partnership and sexuality (homosexuality, abortion, divorce, promiscuity; scale); assumed spreading of immoral behavior in the population of the country (scale); attitude to punishment dependent on the situation of the culprit or the victim (scale). Demography: sex; year of birth; marital status and living together with a partner; number of children; school education; age at termination of school training; employment; superior function and span of control; company size; occupation (ISCO88) and occupational position; length of unemployment; size of household; ages of children in household; head of household; characteristics of head of household; household income. Additional country specific questions included. Interviewer rating: willingness of respondent to cooperate. Also coded: date of interview; length of interview.Moralische, religiöse, gesellschaftliche, politische, ökonomische und soziale Wertvorstellungen der Europäer. Themen: Freizeit: Wichtigkeit der Lebensbereiche; Glücksgefühl; Mitgliedschaften und ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten in Vereinen, Parteien, Organisationen, Bürgerinitiativen und Berufsorganisationen; Verkehrskreise in der Freizeit; Toleranz gegenüber Minderheiten, Andersgläubige und Ausländer; zwischenmenschliches Vertrauen; Selbstwirksamkeit (Skalometer); allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit (Skalometer). Arbeitswelt: Wichtigkeit ausgewählter Merkmale beruflicher Arbeit (Skala); eigene Erwerbstätigkeit; allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit (Skalometer); Selbstbestimmung in der Arbeit (Skalometer); Arbeitsethos (Skala); Einstellung zu einer leistungsorientierten Bezahlung und zum kritiklosen Befolgen von Arbeitsanweisungen; Priorität von Inländern gegenüber Ausländern sowie Männern gegenüber Frauen bei Arbeitsplatzknappheit; vermuteter Vorrang individueller oder gesellschaftlicher Ursachen für die wirtschaftliche Notlage Einzelner; Entscheidungsfreiheit von Arbeitslosen zur Ablehnung eines Arbeitsangebots (Skalometer). Politik: Parteipräferenz; Einstellung zu ausländischen Arbeitnehmern im eigenen Land; Zukunftsangst; Assimilation und Integration von Immigranten; Vorstellung von einer gerechten Gesellschaft (mehr Wohlfahrtsstaat oder Liberalismus, Skala); Interesse an politischen Nachrichten in den Medien; Individualismus und Gemeinschaftsdenken; Politikinteresse; politische Partizipation; Selbsteinschätzung auf einem Links-Rechts-Kontinuum (Skalometer); Selbstverantwortlichkeit oder staatliche Vorsorge (Skalometer); Einstellung zur Wettbewerbsfreiheit und Unternehmerfreiheit (Skalometer); Demokratiezufriedenheit; Einstellung zum derzeitigen politischen System des Landes und Beurteilung des politischen Systems des Landes vor zehn Jahren (Skalometer); Präferenz für ein demokratisches politisches System oder für eine starke Führerschaft eines einzelnen Politikers (Skala); Einstellung zur Demokratie (Skala); Verlust nationaler Charakteristika durch die Vereinigung Europas. Religion: individueller oder genereller Maßstab für Gut und Böse; derzeitige und gegebenenfalls frühere Konfession; derzeitige Kirchgangshäufigkeit und im Alter von 12 Jahren; Wichtigkeit religiöser Feiern bei Geburt, Hochzeit und Beerdigung; Selbsteinschätzung der Religiosität; Kompetenz der Religionsgemeinschaft in moralischen Fragen, bei Problemen im Familienleben, bei geistigen Bedürfnissen und aktuellen sozialen Problemen des Landes; Glaube an Gott, an ein Leben nach dem Tod, an die Hölle, den Himmel, die Sünde, an Telepathie und an Wiedergeburt; Gottgläubigkeit oder Nihilismus (Skala); Wichtigkeit von Gott im eigenen Leben (Skalometer); Trost und Kraft durch den Glauben; Beten und Meditation; Gebetshäufigkeit; Besitz und Glauben an Glücksbringer oder Talisman (Skalometer); Lesen und Berücksichtigen von Horoskopen; Einstellung zur Trennung von Kirche (Religion) und Staat (Skala). Familie und Ehe: wichtigste Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Ehe (Skala); Einstellung zur Ehe und zur traditionellen Familienstruktur (Skala); Einstellung zu eigenen Kindern (Skala); Einstellung zum traditionellen Rollenverständnis von Mann und Frau in Beruf und Familie (Skala); Einstellung zu einer traditionellen oder liberalen Eltern-Kind-Beziehung; Wichtigkeit von Erziehungszielen; Einstellung zur Abtreibung. Gesellschaft: Präferenz für individuelle Freiheit oder soziale Gleichheit; Postmaterialismus (Skala); präferierte gesellschaftliche Entwicklung (Skala); Einstellung zum technischen Fortschritt; Vertrauen in Institutionen; Beachtung der individuellen Menschenrechte im Lande; Einstellung zum Umweltschutz (Skala); Nähe zur Familie, zur Nachbarschaft, den Menschen in der Region, zu den Landsleuten, den Europäern und der Menschheit; Nähe zu älteren Menschen, zu Arbeitslosen, Ausländern und Behinderten sowie Bereitschaft sich für diese Gruppen einzusetzen; persönliche Gründe für Hilfeleistungen bei älteren Menschen sowie bei Ausländern; Identifikation mit dem Ort, der Region, der Nation, Europa und der Welt; Nationalstolz. Moral und Sexualität: moralische Einstellungen (Steuerhinterziehung, Diebstahl, Drogengebrauch, Lügen, Schmiergelder, Korruption, Euthanasie, Selbstmord, Umweltverschmutzung, Alkohol am Steuer; Skala); moralische Einstellungen zu Partnerschaft und Sexualität (Homosexualität, Abtreibung, Scheidung, Promiskuität; Skala); vermutete Verbreitung unmoralischer Verhaltensweisen in der Bevölkerung des Landes (Skala); Einstellung zu einer Bestrafung in Abhängigkeit von der Situation des Täters bzw. des Geschädigten (Skala). Demographie: Geschlecht; Geburtsjahr; Familienstand und Zusammenleben mit einem Partner; Kinderzahl; Schulbildung; Alter bei Beendigung der Schulausbildung; Berufstätigkeit; Vorgesetztenfunktion und Kontrollspanne; Betriebsgröße; Beruf (ISCO88) und berufliche Stellung; Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit; Haushaltsgröße; Alter der Kinder im Haushalt; Haushaltsvorstand; Charakteristika des Haushaltsvorstands; Haushaltseinkommen. Der Fragebogen enthält weitere länderspezifische Fragen. Interviewerrating: Kooperationsbereitschaft des Befragten. Zusätzlich kodiert: Datum des Interviews; Dauer des Interviews
Quantitative estimation of lysosomal storage in mucopolysaccharidoses by electron microscopy analysis
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are severe inherited metabolic disorders caused by storage of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The level of accumulated GAGs is an important parameter in assessment of the severity of the disease and the efficacy of treatment; unfortunately, biochemical methods are often unreliable and only semi-quantitative. Therefore, finding other methods for estimation of GAG levels and/or assessment of the efficacy of applied therapy is very important. Although monitoring of GAG levels during therapy is crucial, in this work it is proposed that analysis of the ultrastructure of MPS cells by electron microscopic techniques can be considered as an alternative and reliable method for assessment of lysosomal storage. The number of complex lysosomal structures was found to be significantly higher in MPS cells relative to controls, while it decreased significantly in response to either enzyme replacement therapy or substrate reduction therapy. Thus, this parameter, easily assessed by electron microscopy, appears to correspond to the physiological state of MPS cells
A Novel Two-Step Liquid-Liquid Extraction Procedure Combined with Stationary Phase Immobilized Human Serum Albumin for the Chiral Separation of Cetirizine Enantiomers along with M and P Parabens
The research into the separation of drug enantiomers is closely related to the safety and efficiency of the drugs. The aim of this study was to develop a simple and validated HPLC method to analyze cetirizine enantiomers. In the case of liquid dosage forms, besides the active substance in large amounts there are usually also inactive ingredients such as methyl- and propylparaben. Unfortunately, these compounds can interfere with the analyte, inter alia during chiral separation of the analyte enantiomers. The proposed innovative two-step liquid-liquid extraction procedure allowed for the determination of cetirizine enantiomers (along with M and P parabens) also in liquid dosage forms. The main focus of this study was the chromatographic activity of cetirizine dihydrochloride on the proteinate-based chiral stationary phase. The chromatographic separation of cetirizine enantiomers was performed on an immobilized human serum albumin (HSA) column for the first time. Measurements were performed at a wavelength of 227 nm. Under optimal conditions, baseline separation of two enantiomers was obtained with 1.43 enantioseparation factor (α) and 1.82 resolution (Rs). Finally, the proposed method was successfully applied to the selected pharmaceutical formulations
Żywność puszkowana jako źródło ekspozycji na bisfenol A (BPA) – oszacowanie spożycia wśród młodych mieszkanek Gdańska
Introduction: Bisphenol A (BPA) is an organic endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) that modifies the activity of hormones, leading to adverse health effects. BPA is a stabilizer of polyvinyl chloride – one of the most common synthetic plastic polymers, used in the production of common products, including packaging materials, plastic bottles, toys, and thermal paper; it is also used to synthetize the epoxy resins, a component of food cans. Hence, consumption of canned products – the source of BPA exposure – increases BPA concentration in human body and may increase the risk of several lifestyle diseases and hormonal, metabolic, and fertility disorders. Objectives: To evaluate the regularity of consumption of canned products among young women living in the city of Gdansk (Poland). Patients and methods: 277 women filled a food frequency questionnaire to determine consumption of alimentary products which, according to published research, may be contaminated with BPA Results: Products with high BPA content (>100 ng/g) were consumed at least once a week by 7% of respondents, while these with moderate (10-100 ng/g) and low (100 ng/g) były konsumowane co najmniej raz w tygodniu przez 7% respodentów, podczas gdy te o umiarkowanym (10–100 ng/g) oraz niskim stężeniu (<10 ng/g), były spożywane z tą samą częstością przez odpowiednio 33% oraz 60%. Wnioski: Młode kobiety regularnie spożywają produkty puszkowane, głównie o niskim oraz umiarkowanym stężeniu BPA. Jednakże, długotrwała ekspozycja, nawet na niewielkie dawki, może wywoływać niekorzystne dla zdrowia skutki. Kluczowym jest przeprowadzenie dalszych badań celem określenia efektów ekspozycji człowieka na ten związek oraz ponowne rozważenie tolerowanego dziennego spożycia oraz tego czy istnieje bezpieczna dawka narażenia na BPA. Jednocześnie wskazane jest znalezienie materiałów do opakowań produktów spożywczych, które będą pozbawione EDC