170 research outputs found

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    Factors Limiting Women’s Involvement in Development: Lesson from Ithuseng, South Africa

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    This study investigates factors influencing limited involvement indevelopment process by women in South Africa’s semi and rural areas. Theinfluence of government development policy, education and cultural valueson rural women was also investigated. The results suggest that the majority of the women in rural areas are illiterate. These women have been involved in development related work without knowing it, because they lack initiatives, innovations, self-reliance attitudes and they are isolated, not exposed to information and are marginalized through the non-interactive government development policies. These symptoms reflect a lack of structured development strategy to create needed opportunities for women. All these are a result of high rate of illiteracy, unemployment, poverty andmalnutrition. In other words, the development approach itself has failed them by not being able to enhance their welfare

    Prospective Reform in Zairian Patent Law after the Enforcement of the TRIPs Agreement (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)

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    Trademark Protection under Congo's Industrial Property Act and TRIPs Agreement

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    The International Intellectual Property System and Developing Countries Before and After the TRIPs Agreement : A Critical Approach

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    Women in Poverty: Experience from Limpopo Province, South Africa

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    This study focuses on the extent of African women poverty level includingpoverty reduction strategies used in South Africa. The scope of the study wasbroadened to include poverty –related issues focusing on the current patternsof poverty and inequality affecting African women. African women relatedpoverty problems in the study area, was documented in a comprehensivemanner from thepoint of view of financial, human, institutional,administrative and resource constraints on the part of governmental andnon-governmental organizations. The findings suggested that past, currentand planned policies could serve as lessons in dealing with exacerbatedAfrican women overall poverty in the province.Key Words: Children poverty, poverty denial, high incidence ofunemployment, vulnerable people, poverty strategy

    Women and Informal Credit: Lessons From Moretele, South Africa

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    Informal credit plays an important role in the development of rural and urban areas in South Africa. It is about giving the disadvantaged poor people and women access to needed financial services to increase their earning opportunities, to meet their needs and to deal with emergencies. The findings suggest that informal credit impacts positively on the lives of the majority of women in the study area, to the extent of enabling them to become self-employed through self-chosen economic activities. It has also assisted them both in accumulating resources and protecting them from further lack of incomes in times of stress

    Has Affirmative Action Reached South African Women?

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    South Africa has unfortunately inherited a work environment based on an economic system characterised by deprivation, political instability, adversarial labour relations, cheap migrant labour, and massive income and wealth disparities. The world of work is also characterised by an appalling systematic discrimination against Blacks, women, and people with disabilities. Affirmative action has been the only policy instrument used by the Democratic South Africa to redress the past imbalances. In line with the Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 1998, the beneficiaries of this action are mainly African women (Blacks, Coloured, and Indians including disabled people). This has been justified by the fact that they were subjected to innumerable forms of discrimination and bias in the past. The policies of Affirmative Action are a system of political tools used to level the playing field. They focus on policies and strategies needed to redress past racial imbalances in the workplace, education, gender equality, and the like. This paper examines the strategy of Affirmative Action in South Africa harnessed to redress past wrongs and its effectiveness in so doing

    Contribution of Rural Schools to Socioeconomic Development in Swaziland’s Rural Areas

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    This paper examines the contribution of rural schools to economic development in Swaziland. The important linkage between rural schools and their communities is also outlined. The paper shows that successful socioeconomic development should focus on harnessing the resources already in the community to find solution to community problems. The paper is based on secondary information using document methods study. The results suggest that not only do rural schools educate learners, but they also perform a myriad of other functions within their communities from providing physical resources and facilities, involving community members in activities, sporting and cultural activities of the schools, encouraging learners and community members to work together to develop a greater understanding of their communities.Key words: rural schools, contribution, socioeconomic development, community leaders, rural areas, Swaziland

    Participation of Rural Women in Development: A Case Study of Tsheseng, Thintwa, and Makhalaneng Villages, South Africa

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    This study investigates factors which influence limited participation in the development process by women in South Africa’s rural areas. The influence of government development policy, education and cultural values on rural women was sought and investigated in this study. The results suggest that most women in rural areas are illiterate. They lack initiatives, innovations and self-reliance attitudes. Women in rural areas are isolated, confined and marginalized through the non-interactive government policies on rural areas. These symptoms reflect a lack of structured development strategy to create needed opportunities in these areas. As a result, there is a high rate of unemployment, because the present development policy clearly has failed to enhance the welfare of most rural women in the country
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