1,808 research outputs found

    Semileptonic Decays of Heavy Lambda Baryons in a Quark Model

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    The semileptonic decays of Lambda_c and Lambda_b are treated in the framework of a constituent quark model. Both nonrelativistic and semirelativistic Hamiltonians are used to obtain the baryon wave functions from a fit to the spectra, and the wave functions are expanded in both the harmonic oscillator and Sturmian bases. The latter basis leads to form factors in which the kinematic dependence on q^2 is in the form of multipoles, and the resulting form factors fall faster as a function of q^2 in the available kinematic ranges. As a result, decay rates obtained in the two models using the Sturmian basis are significantly smaller than those obtained using the harmonic oscillator basis. In the case of the Lambda_c, decay rates calculated using the Sturmian basis are closer to the experimentally reported rates. However, we find a semileptonic branching fraction for the Lambda_c to decay to excited Lambda* states of 11% to 19%, in contradiction with what is assumed in available experimental analyses. Our prediction for the Lambda_b semileptonic decays is that decays to the ground state Lambda_c provide a little less than 70% of the total semileptonic decay rate. For the decays Lambda_b to Lambda_c, the analytic form factors we obtain satisfy the relations expected from heavy-quark effective theory at the non-recoil point, at leading and next-to-leading orders in the heavy-quark expansion. In addition, some features of the heavy-quark limit are shown to naturally persist as the mass of the heavy quark in the daughter baryon is decreased.Comment: 51 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Resonance Production on Nuclei at High Energies: Nuclear-Medium Effects and Space-Time Picture

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    The influence of nuclear matter on the properties of coherently produced resonances is discussed. It is shown that, in general, the mass distribution of resonance decay products has a two-component structure corresponding to decay outside and inside the nucleus. The first (narrow) component of the amplitude has a Breit-Wigner form determined by the vacuum values of mass and width of the resonance. The second (broad) component corresponds to interactions of the resonance with the nuclear medium. It can be also described by a Breit-Wigner shape with parameters depending e.g. on the nuclear density and on the cross section of the resonance-nucleon interaction. The resonance production is examined both at intermediate energies, where interactions with the nucleus can be considered as a series of successive local rescatterings, and at high energies, E>EcritE>E_{crit}, where a change of interaction picture occurs. This change of mechanisms of the interactions with the nucleus is typical for the description within the Regge theory approach and is connected with the nonlocal nature of the reggeon interaction.Comment: 22 pages LaTeX, 1 Postscript file containing 7 figures; addition in beginning of Ch. 2; Nucl. Phys. A, to be publishe

    Production of a0a_0-mesons in pp and pn reactions

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    We investigate the cross section for the reaction NNNNa0NN \to NNa_0 near threshold and at medium energies. An effective Lagrangian approach with one-pion exchange is applied to analyze different contributions to the cross section for different isospin channels. The Reggeon exchange mechanism is also considered. The results are used to calculate the contribution of the a0a_0 meson to the cross sections and invariant KKˉK \bar K mass distributions of the reactions pppnK+Kˉ0pp\to pn K^+\bar K^0 and ppppK+Kpp\to pp K^+K^-. It is found that the experimental observation of a0+a_0^+ mesons in the reaction pppnK+Kˉ0pp\to pn K^+\bar K^0 is much more promising than the observation of a00a_0^0 mesons in the reaction ppppK+Kpp\to pp K^+K^-.Comment: 26 pages, including 11 eps figures, to be bublished in J. Phys.

    Violations of Lorentz Covariance in Light Front Quark Models

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    Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon from relativistic quark models are analyzed: results from null-plane projection of the Feynman triangle diagram are compared with a Bakamjian-Thomas model. The magnetic form factors of the models differ by about 15% at spacelike momentum transfer 0.5 GeV^2, while the charge form factors are much closer. Spurious contributions to electromagnetic form factors due to violations of rotational symmetry are eliminated from both models. One method changes magnetic form factors by about 10%, whereas the charge form factors stay nearly the same. Another one changes the charge form factor of the Bakamjian-Thomas model by more than 50%.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, Late

    The pd3HΛK+pd\to ^3H_\Lambda K^+ reaction cross section

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    The one- and two-step mechanisms of the pd3HΛK+pd\to ^3H_\Lambda K^+ reaction in the range of incident proton kinetic energy 1.13-3.0 GeV have been investigated. A remarkable peculiarity of the two-step mechanism which incorporates subprocesses ppdπ+pp\to d\pi ^+ and π+nK+Λ\pi^+n\to K^+\Lambda is the so called velocity matching providing the presence of all intermediate particles nearly to the on-mass-shell. The differential cross section has been calculated using a realistic model for the hypertritium 3HΛ^3H_\Lambda wave function. The maximum value of the cross section is estimated as \sim 1nb/sr. The contribution of the one-step mechanism with the elementary process pNNKΛpN\to NK\Lambda into the cross section has been found to be two - three orders of magnitude smaller in comparison with the two-step mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 3 Postscript figure

    Spatial structure of quark Cooper pairs in a color superconductor

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    Spatial structure of Cooper pairs with quantum numbers color 3^*, I=J=L=S=0 in ud 2 flavor quark matter is studied by solving the gap equation and calculating the coherence length in full momentum range without the weak coupling approximation. Although the gap at the Fermi surface and the coherence length depend on density weakly, the shape of the r-space pair wave function varies strongly with density. This result indicates that quark Cooper pairs become more bosonic at higher densities.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. The frequency dependence of the gap and the limitation on the type I/type II discussion are mentioned briefly. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Compton scattering on the nucleon at intermediate energies and polarizabilities in a microscopic model

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    A microscopic calculation of Compton scattering on the nucleon is presented which encompasses the lowest energies -- yielding nucleon polarizabilities -- and extends to energies of the order of 600 MeV. We have used the covariant "Dressed K-Matrix Model" obeying the symmetry properties which are appropriate in the different energy regimes. In particular, crossing symmetry, gauge invariance and unitarity are satisfied. The extent of violation of analyticity (causality) is used as an expansion parameter.Comment: 35 pages, 15 figures, using REVTeX. Modified version to be published in Phys. Rev. C, more extensive comparison with data for Compton scattering, all results unchange

    Pionic atoms probing pi-NN resonances

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    The pion optical potential generated by the hypothetical pi-NN-coupled NN-decoupled dibaryon resonance d'(2065) is calculated to the lowest order in nuclear matter density. The contribution to the pion optical potential is found to be within the empirical errors, so the d'(2065) existence currently does not contradict to the observed properties of the pi-nucleus bound states. Future progress in the pionic X-ray spectroscopy can reveal contributions of pi-NN resonances to energy levels and widths of the pionic atoms.Comment: 3 pages REVTEX, 1 ps figur


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    The article presents some information on therapeutic approaches to the management of women with an ectopic pregnancy before, during and after surgery, to improve the efficiency of recovery microbiocenosis lower genital tract that can contribute to improving in general reproductive health of this group of patients.В статье представлена информация про особенности ведения женщин с внематочной беременностью до, во время и после оперативного лечения для повышения эффективности восстановления микробиоценоза нижних отделов половых путей, что в последующем может способствовать улучшению репродуктивного здоровья этой группы пациентов. У статті представлена інформація про особливості ведення жінок з позаматковою вагітністю до, під час і після оперативного лікування для підвищення ефективності відновлення мікробіоценозу нижніх відділів статевих шляхів, що в подальшому може сприяти поліпшенню репродуктивного здоров'я цієї групи пацієнтів

    Measurement of the isospin-filtering dd -> 4He K+ K- reaction at Q=39 MeV

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    The total cross section for the dd -> 4He K+ K- reaction has been measured at a beam momentum of 3.7 GeV/c, corresponding to an excess energy of 39 MeV, which is the maximum possible at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-J\"{u}lich. A deuterium cluster-jet target and the ANKE forward magnetic spectrometer, placed inside the storage ring, have been employed in this investigation. We find a total cross section of sigma(tot) < 14 pb, which brings into question the viability of investigating the dd -> 4He a0(980) reaction as a means of studying isospin violation.Comment: Five pages with three eps figure